15 January 2016

Update On Training Or Lack Thereof

Well last years targets were to get pistols squats nailed, I managed that and lose less than 4 weeks to illness, something my epilepsy meds make very difficult and I have failed quite spectacularly on that one.
For most of December I was ill and unable to train. So being what I thought was sensible I came back into the new year with just some running, reduced distance and new trainers following gait analysis. First run I strained my achilles, not much and certainly not enough that I gave it any time to recover. Some of my slowest runs in years later I have decided I have to rest it up properly because walking hurts enough without trying anything more.
I want to get back to doing some heavy work though so I am going to get back to upper body training as of next week and maybe try static leg rowing instead of running for a while.

During this time of rest and relaxation I did however transport most of the furniture, etc. and my gym around the house to enable my wife to effectively live in a first floor flat while living in a 2 floor house. Functional fitness at it's very best, actually using my strength and ability to do something useful.
Not a great start to 2016 but that's life.

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