30 January 2014

Running 30-Jan-2014

Nice chill to the air today, meant I got back with a slightly stinging red area on my stomach from where sweat had chilled as I ran.

5.37 miles in 41:22 pace 7.79mph

29 January 2014

Deadlift 29-Jan-2014

Still slow movement, in fact slowing rather than increasing weight for intensity. Good but impossible to trace.

Deadlift 3 x 8 x 70kg half of each set with fat gripz, and still managed slow movement.
Bent over rowing 3 x 8 x 50kg
Upright row 3 x 8 x 30kg
Twist curls with plates3 x 8 x 10kg a side

28 January 2014

Interval 28-Jan-2014

Another week, more intervals. Quite unspectacular, but tiring so good.

3.61 miles in 33:28 average pace 6.47mph

27 January 2014

Running 27-Jan-2014

Weird run. Felt hard in places easier in others, and overall was nice pace.

5.37 miles in 41:32 pace 7.76mph

24 January 2014

Bench 24-Jan-2014

First time in memory I've been glad for moderation.

All slow movement. Finding super slow, us realistically hard with pathetic weight, so yes I'm enjoying it.

Flat back bench 3 x 8 x 30kg
High Side raises with plates held by handle to put maximal weight furthest from body 3 x 8 x 5kg a side
Tricep push downs with single rope 3 x 8 x 10kg

Running 24-Jan-2014

And today's award for blatant stupidity goes to me!
Been tired all week and successfully ignoring it most of the time. Today on my run I started to feel the effect and an intelligent person would have slowed down a bit to ensure I finished. For reasons I still don't understand I decided to pick the pace up a bit and burned myself out to the point where I was unable to maintain a straight line for a bit before stopping.
My reward for being so stupid, walking nearly a mile back to the office in sweaty shorts and vest in mid winter with temperature barely above freezing. Serves me right of course.

4.63 miles in 36:03 pace 7.7mph

23 January 2014

Running 23-Jan-2014

I am sure the tracker didn't stop when I told it but considering this would have made 2 seconds difference at most, no big deal.
Feeling like hard work which is fine. Obviously would like it to be faster, but it wasn't.

5.38 miles in 42:20 pace 7.62mph

Deadlift 22-Jan-2014

Still slow movement and using a bit of moderation due to the time off, but this was better than I expected. Not good but better than expected.

Deadlift 3 x 8 x 70kg half of each set with fat gripz, and still managed slow movement.
Bent over rowing 3 x 8 x 50kg
Upright row 3 x 8x 30kg

21 January 2014

Intervals 21-Jan-2014

Well that felt like hard work. Definitely in a good way, so I am happy with it. Speed graph shows good consistency in the sprints which is what I wanted.
Temperature just above freezing, perfect for giving it beans. By the end of the cool down sweat on my legs was starting to really chill. Everything to show a good session.

3.62 miles in 33:18 average pace 6.53mph

20 January 2014

Squats 20-Jan-2014

Hurray, finally got some weight training done. I had to be realistic and go moderate after nearly a month, but it beats nothing.

All slow movements so felt hard even with the moderate weights.

Squats 1 x 10 x 50kg, 3 x 8 x 70kg
High bar drop lunges 3 x 8 x 50kg. Felt hard, never been good with lunges let alone slow ones.

Running 20-Jan-2014

Genuinely happily surprised today. Frost on the ground so not enough to get benefit from using snow trax but enough to make footing 'interesting' at times.
Recipe for a bad time then but it was respectable as I was happy to learn.

5.38 miles in 41:43 pace 7.74mph

16 January 2014

Running 15-Jan-2014

Well this week is not really going to plan. No weight training yet and an unscheduled run through city stench, but decided to log it anyway.

4.74 miles in 36:57 pace 7.7mph

Now want to squeeze weight training into next 3 days, joy!

14 January 2014

Intervals 14-Jan-2014

First of the year. Felt hard, which is obviously good.

3.51 miles in 32:42 average pace 6.43mph

13 January 2014

10 January 2014

Training week 1 of 2014

Well disappointing would barely come close.
I ran and did 1 set of warm up squats and 3 actual on Monday, ached so badly not run since until today.

Bench on Wednesday was equally as pathetic just the core movement, nothing else.

Today I got in a respectable run, am feeling less ill but intend to simple do just deadlifts this evening and plan a proper routine over the weekend.

I know the sessions will be centred around 3 sets of 8 reps slow movement. I haven't done slow movement in years and the weights are pathetic, 50kg bench 100 on squats and deadlift, but that is OK because slower movement puts more strain on the muscle and theoretically this means better hypertrophy. Might also try doing some arm work, If I'm trying to be leaner and bigger might as well get pretty arms to go with it.

Run summary.

5.39 miles in 42:08 pace 7.67mph

6 January 2014

Running 06-Jan-2014

First exercise since Christmas. Still not fully well but I needed to do something.
Run was below minimum accepted pace, but being fair I still have last bit of a cold and there has been 2 weeks of inactivity and eating junk, so this was to be expected.
Work to do.

5.38 miles in 43:31 pace 7.42mph