28 March 2014

Running 28-Mar-2014

Must have been doing something wrong today. First time I have felt skin splint style pain in decades.
Could be because of a bad start. The app I use to track my running decided to update itself without bringing my settings with it, so I was stood out in the cold tapping things to say just do what I set up in the first place. Not impressed.

5.37 miles in 42:15 pace 7.6mph

27 March 2014

Running 27-March-2014

Wet, cold and relatively still today. Run wasn't to bad, nice to see average pace moving in the back right direction on average.

5.37 in 42:32 pace 7.58mph

25 March 2014

Interval 25-Mar-2014

That was great. Really felt like I was ready to drop a few times. Pace of sprints and recovery were nice and consistent.

Think I might be holding a funeral for my legs later, I am pretty sure they are dead.

3.61 miles in 33:25 average pace 6.49mph

These figures really are totally meaningless, on intervals. Only really able to get an idea from feeling and this felt great.

24 March 2014

Squat Circuit 24-Mar-2014

I got my 5 sets, feel thoroughly dead now. 10 reps a set, forgot to time myself.

Squats 100kg
Calf raises 100kg
Kettlebell goblet squats on bosu 32kg
Touch ground tuck jumps

Running 24-Mar-2014

Feeling like hard work but at least the pace is improving. Temperature was back down to just over freezing, which is nice, but there was major fog this morning and some humidity in the air making breathing harder than it should be. Cold and humid, weird combination.

5.38 miles in 42:13 pace 7.65mph

21 March 2014

Dog Run 21-Mar-2014

Last one with dog. She can't cope with it and is winding me up.
Pace will be quicker than lunch runs on this in future because it's downhill overall.

4.74 miles in 39:53 pace 7.12mph

Running 21-Mar-2014

I knew this one was not going to be quick. My body feels severely abused from the weeks training, and I have the dog run later today.
Getting a bit fed up of 7.5mph running but I will get back to better pace, though I don't see 8 in my future.

5.37 miles in 42:54 pace 7.51mph

20 March 2014

Deadlift Circuit 20-Mar-2014

Today was 4 circuits in around 15 minutes
10 reps a set

Deadlift 100kg
Pull ups on suspension trainer
Kettle bell swings to shoulder height 32kg
Bicep curls on low pulley 20kg

Running 20-Mar-2014

Mixed feelings today. The run felt good, was windy but I was breathing comfortably and expected this to be back to pretty good pace. Felt like my proper plod pace where I could happily have gone on indefinitely so back to full health for sure.
Reality checked in when I noticed my pace was only just over minimum. This pointed out that the funny walking from squats meant the legs were not wanting to play and of course I should remember that I am still catching up after a few weeks and should be happy to have done this well.

5.39 miles in 42:52 pace 7.54mph

19 March 2014

Bench Circuit 19-Mar-2014

Improvement 6 sets in around 13.5 minutes. Pretty sure 7 was out of reach, feel somewhat dead.

10 reps a set
Bench press 50kg
Suspension trainer flyes
Shoulder raises 5kg plate in either hand
Tricep push down on high pulley 20kg

18 March 2014

Squat Circuit 18-Mar-2014

Still 4 sets 10 reps a set, about 12 minutes again but complete, no having to put kettle down

Squats 100kg
Calf raises 100kg
Kettlebell goblet squats on bosu 32kg
Touch ground tuck jumps

Interval 18-Mar-2014

This week was better by a long way, hard to be worse in fairness. Felt hard as hell and I know my lungs will be forcing out junk after being opened so much, just what I want.

3.67 miles in 33:25 average pace 6.59mph

17 March 2014

Running 17-Mar-2014

Getting back into it. Feeling hard but I am not feeling like I couldn't run any further at the end now so happy enough. Just want my pace back now.

5.39 mile in 43:07 pace 7.5mph

16 March 2014

Dog run 14-mar-2014

Lunch run ended up less than 3/4 mile when the phone app on my GPS tracker rang at me.

Dog is a genuinely useless running partner. Took a few toilet breaks en route but wasn't bad.

4.78 miles in 41:18 pace 6.95mph

13 March 2014

Running 13-Mar-2014

I don't get this whole GPS tracking system. I do the same run at lunch times and it gives me varying distances.
Well at least this time I finished my run and even managed to stay above my minimum acceptable pace, not far but above is above. Deadlifts this evening will make tomorrow's run tougher but for today I will try being happy. In fairness getting back to this level so soon after being ill is good going, but I will always more.

5.44 miles in 43:06 pace 7.57mph

11 March 2014

Bench Circuit 11-Mar-2014

Improvement 5 sets in just under 12 minutes

10 reps a set
Bench press 50kg
Suspension trainer flyes
Shoulder raises 5kg plate in either hand
Tricep push down on high pulley 20kg

Intervals 11-March-2014

For reasons unbeknown to myself I decided that having done a dreadful run yesterday and squat circuits until I went light headed and beyond yesterday that it was a good idea to go ahead with my intervals.
Basic system I am supposed to use is 20 seconds fast 2 minutes recovery for 10 lots with warm up and cool down. This was more akin to 5 minutes making my body move while it complained followed by 10 lots of 20 seconds frustratingly trying to make my body move at a respectable pace, 2 minutes practically dying as I tried in vain to recover then a grateful amble back after the cool down call.
I know I will get back into it but I didn't enjoy this one at all. I like training at my weaknesses but this was annoying because I realise I lost a lot due to something as pathetic as a virus.

Stats that mean little.
3.55 miles in 32:47 average pace 6.49mph

10 March 2014

Squat Circuit 10-Mar-2014

Got very close to no rest this time, felt like I was going to die, and had to put kettlebell down last set as was getting light headed on the bosu.
Still 4 sets 10 reps a set, will take a lot to add another, took about 12 minutes.

Squats 100kg
Calf raises 100kg
Kettlebell goblet squats on bosu 32kg
Touch ground tuck jumps

Running 10-March-2014

In the broadest sense of the term running.
3 weeks off running took it's toll, as did not feeling fully recovered from the weeks worth of weight training crammed into 2 days. Even still this was abysmal, I didn't even finish the run.

4.46 miles in 37:59 pace 7.04mph. Really not happy.

7 March 2014

Squat Circuit 07- Mar-2014

Full week of weights, though due to me talking to a few people at the commercial gym this session was in, it wasn't even close to no rest.
Still 4 sets 10 reps a set, and I was shattered due to doing a weeks worth in 2 days

Squats 100kg
Calf raises 100kg
Kettlebell goblet squats on bosu 32kg
Touch ground tuck jumps

Bench Circuit 07-Mar-2014

Can tell bench is not as intense. Barely had to stop at all

4 sets in just over 11 minutes. Will need 7 or 8 to go over 20 minutes.

10 reps a set
Bench press 50kg
Suspension trainer flyes
Shoulder raises 5kg plate in either hand
Tricep push down on high pulley 20kg

6 March 2014

Deadlift circuit 06-Mar-2014

Decided to do some no rest circuits as I often advise. No rest unless body totally shattered at least.
Aim is to be doing strength sessions with endurance from duration, want 20 minutes per session, will take a bit.

Session will be the same for 8 weeks only number of circuits and time will change. Today was 4 circuits in 13.5 minutes

10 reps a set

Deadlift 100kg
Pull ups, started on pull-up bar but had to drop to suspension trainer, won't use bar again
Kettle bell swings to shoulder height 32kg
Bicep curls on low pulley 20kg