12 April 2013

Bench 11-Apr-2013, lame but back

Following Ryan's guidance, almost I cut back to just over half what I would like to do and went for 3 sets of 10. Short rests made this a quick session but getting back to it.
Be prepared to be uninspired for a couple of weeks while I lame it up.

Bench 60kg
One arm kettlebell shoulder press 12kg
Alternate push throughs (press up style) on suspension trainer.

Weight training has been non-existant for about 3 weeks, longest absense in a good while, and I am still tired, but I know that this is going to be the case for a while.

I am a boring old man and not used to late nights and very used to enjoyable routine.

Last few weeks I have arranged and attended a stag do, attended a wedding and got a new job which I will be starting soon.
The combination of this and being ill meant training would have been stupid or dangerous, so I didn't do it.
I will have lost weight and strength, but I will get it back by being safe.


  1. "training would have been stupid or dangerous, so I didn't do it." That sounds uncharacteristically sensible of you :P

    I'm chuffed to have had some kind of influence on your return to lifting, and I'm curious about the new job. Have fun rebuilding your strength.

  2. New job is something totally sad and boring and I am thoroughly looking forward to it because so am I.
    Hoping the break was short enough to have made little difference.
