30 April 2013

Squats 30-Apr-2013

The plan here is to increase intensity and get some 1RMs in when I am ready. At the same time I want to add in a bit of endurance and co-ordination work.
The solution, I hope is a pyramid set on the key movement, followed by pair of exercises with no rest at all from start to finish. Not sure how bright this is, but today felt good.
The theory is I will be able to add to the pyramid as I get into it and go all the way to 1 rep, and if I need more endurance add an extra set on.
Also changing training days, mornings now Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, meaning evenings and weekends are family time.

70kg x 10 (need to do more reps or weight next time.)
110kg x 10
140kg x 6
160kg x 3
110kg x 6
70kg x 10

Jump squats 70kg and goblet squat 32kg
10 + 8
8 + 6
5 + 5

Legs felt like jelly at the end, but the goblets started to feel solid on the last set reps 3 and 4, then I barely made it back up on 5.

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