22 January 2013

January 2013 Concept

The first few of these are historic as I am copying and pasting them from a forum I was using.
The below was what I planned to do in my gym at home. This is to accompany my commuting which consists of at least one day a week running in and back and the others usually cycling. The commute is roughly 5 miles. I keep thinking I will start timing it properly and never do.

OK I have decided to go for 555s after the Christmas break. A few reasons, one not done them in years, another being that going to 1RM after two weeks of relatively little training which will be me over Christmas and new year, would be more than a little silly.
Proper 555s and why I won't be doing them quite right. 5 exercises, 5 sets, 5 reps per set, though 4 is acceptable on a very few. Raw power work, great conditioning for powerlifters and other pure strength athletes. Sets are short rests are long, sessions are epic. Last time I did them was pre wife and son and the average time per session was well over two hours not including warm up and cool down. the idea is that you should return to the bar fresh every set so the last set on last exercise should be with your body feeling far more fresh than the session would with short rests, a real physical challenge from start to finish. If I did this now I would get serious and deserved grief from my wife and son, so I won't.
Real terms I have around an hour per session, so on the latter 2 exercises I will be tired out and have to accept below par performance in the name of getting the session done. 60 minutes / 5 = 12 minutes per exercise, possible 2 minutes each for set up, leaves 2 minutes per set with rest, under half what serious trainers doing this take. The sessions will be harder mentally this way than standard because of motivating myself to get up and go again when I know I should be resting.

The sessions
Deadlift session
Single arm deadlift using cable and short bar
Stiff leg deadlift on bosu
Upright row Wide grip chins with weight

Bench press session
Bench press
Alternate kettle clean and jerk
Incline press 45 degree
Weighted dips on suspension trainer with pin
Drop through press ups on suspension trainer without pin possibly weighted

Squat session
Front Squats
Step forward lunges holding weights
Pistol goblet squats, will try these while on holiday
Squat jumps

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