25 June 2013

Squats 25-Jun-2013

Not running as not working, at least not at desk anyway.
Squats 10 with 70kg, 10 with 100, 5 with 120
Goblet squats 3 x 10, first with 24 other 2 with 32
Stopped there, supposed to be on holiday and son will want to play.

20 June 2013

Deadlift 20-Jun-2013

Quite pleased with this. Shows definate recovery.

Deadlift 10 with 70kg, 10 with 80kg, 6 with 100kg, felt like there were 1 or 2 more in the tank but glad I stopped. This is how I got the injuryy in the first place.
High pulls 10 with 30kg, 10 with 40kg, 2 with 50kg, no pain but a feeling that said stop now.
Wide grip chins 2 sets of 7

19 June 2013

Interval 19-Jun-2013

Managed the full 30 minutes and felt like I had died at the end.
Humid weather meant breathing was not pleasant but I stayed on pace throughout virtually all the fast sections, two moments being told to speed up one to slow down, and over half the slow ones, not too bothered about slow bits, I needed to recover so I was under pace on occasions.

Distance 3.45 time 30:05 avg pace 6.88mph.

App gives me a nice little graph showing my pace over time. Shows me starting strong then gradually slowing on average, no surprise there. Doesn't show how I felt at the end but you can likely guess.

17 June 2013

Running 17-Jun-2013

Moving blocks, slabs and a shed at the weekend meant that I pushed my back as far as was safe and woke up today in no doubt that squats would be stupid. Hopefully pick that up tomorrow and maybe a few deadlifts too.

Run wasn't too bad considering the clip holding my phone snapped and I lost between 5 and 10 seconds going back to get it. Glad of the case it's in but the clip is part of it so ironic that one part made up for a failure in the other.

Distance 5.28 time 40:44 pace 7.77mph

Obviously want better but I will live with that for today.

14 June 2013

Running 14-Jun-2013

After the interval session on Wednesday and getting up too late to deadlift this morning this should have been a good run. It wasn't a bad one but not great.

Distance 5.26 time 40:57 pace 7.71mph

Work to be done.

12 June 2013

Interval training 12-Jun-2013

I ran too low on phone battery so the session was cut short after 15 minutes of actual intervals, could easily say saved by the bell, I found this one hard.
Not including warm up and cool down the dtails are below. Obviously on intervals they mean nothing at all.
Distance 1.81 miles, time 15:07 average pace 7.19mph

The session was one minute fast one slow repeated until phone said charge me, I'm not doing any more. Which was at the end of the 8th fast section.
Aim is to do 15 of each and that will leave me somewhat shattered. See how I go next week.

Bench 12-Jun-2013

Bench with 70kg reps 10, 7, 9 would love to blame bad back or similar, but truth is that wasn't the issue I didn't have it in me from lack of heavy work lately.
Single arm standing kettle shoulder press 12kg 3 x 10 on both arms.
Push ups with lift off 1 x 10, that was pushing it and the next 2 sets were with hands staying on the ground. Amazing how much impact an inch of lift adds.

Intervals at lunch time. The way to make yourself feel dead after less distance.

10 June 2013

Running 10-Jun-2013

Distance 5.26 time 40:43 pace 7.75mph smack in the middle of minimum and target pace.

Squats 10-Jun-2013

Weekends activities meant waking up with little bit of a sore back so squats was sensible. No problems at all but could feel why I needed to avoid stupidity.

Squats 1 set 10 with bar 3 x 10 70kg
Goblet squats 3 x 10 12 kg kettlebell
Overhead squats single hand with 4kg kettlebell 10, 10, 14

Recovery is rarely ever linear and this wasn't a bad day, just not a good one.

7 June 2013

Running 07-Jun-2013

I am faily sure this one didin't pick up when I started but even if it had was still 20 secconds slower, no escaping that one.

Distance 5.26 miles time 40:17 pace 7.83mph

Much as I know I should be happy with that I am not. That's just me.

Deadlift 07-Jun-2013

Really am on the mend now, yay!

Deadlift 3 x 12 60kg
High pulls 3 x 10 20kg, yes that is just the bar, but high pulls after hurting my back is good regardless.
Wide grip chins set of 6 straight after high pulls and a set of 10 after a rest.

Not the slightest hint of discomfort in the whole session, not fully back but well on my way, insanity will be back sooner than I deserve.

5 June 2013

Running 05-Jun-2013

Today is a good day. Wedding anniversary, bench session without issue and I got my run below 40 minutes.

5.27 miles, time 39:57 pace 7.91mph, making 8mph look seriously close.

Training wise I will celebrate by adding another exercise next week, running wise by changing Wednesdays run for intervals instead of straight running all of the time, if you are expecting any further details of celebration, I'm not sorry to disappoint you.

Bench 05-Jun-2013

Could feel that my back is not 100% but considering what I was able to do it is well and truly on the mend. This one felt like a respectable workout, not intense but respectable.

Bench press 3 x 10 with 60kg
Alternate side push ups on suspension trainer. 3 sets reps unknown, was concentrating more on form than counting.

3 June 2013

The Bodies Priorities

As much as possible I try no to let being epileptic affect my life. Rather difficult with something so unpredictable that can be so serious you have to consider it continuously.

We have priorities and so does the body. My family are paramount in my life, which is why I take the medication for this disorder even though I hate the side effects. My training is second in my mind but unfortunately comes below work in reality because that is how I provide for my family.

There is the expression never question your spouse's judgement, look who they married, and my wife will point out where she was right and I wasn't, normally happily, but where epilepsy is concerned not so happily. She did state, and in fairness I agreed that having a seizure should be followed by a week of no training, or at least very light easy stuff.

Being me I forgot about this last week, genuinely, not conveniently. Seizure on Sunday night, squat session on Tuesday morning, no major deal session very light and didn't really notice much. Then I went for a run at lunch time, took it out of me a bit but didn't think much about it.

This is where the bodies priority list hit me hard. Epilepsy starts in the brain, the bodies number one priority, you may not think it to see some people but even if they don't prioritise their brain their body will be doing so. Following a seizure, most of the bodies resources will go into repairing the damage from this, a fact I know and knew before I even found out I had it.
I have recently injured myself, and minor as this may be recovering from it will still be relatively high on the bodies priority list.
So with all this going on in the background I gave the body something else to recover from, the net result was a run that I would have felt the effects of for a few hours was still affecting me a few days later, and I did end up taking a week off weights though not out of choice, purely because I didn't have it in me to train.

I hate being epileptic more than virtually anything else in the world and the daily reminder alarm to take my meds serves to remind me of this loathsome part of my life.
Unfortunately hating it and ignoring it will not make it go away and I have to accept that when seizures happen I have to accept it and allow my body to recover before pushing on. I am more fortunate than many, seizures that I notice the affect from are infrequent and most people can't imagine me having something like this, somehow being fit and capable stops others believing anything could possibly be wrong with me.

To those out there who have it or know people who do, it is worth remembering the effects of the build-up and recovery. I got snappy with my wife and son before and was less patient than I should have been after. It wasn't deliberate or intended to harm but it will have hurt their feelings when I did it. I apologised after and they accepted this with very good grace.
If you are the epileptic and are wondering why everyone is on your back after a seizure, it's because you'll have been on theirs for a while, be decent, apologise you couldn't help it but it was still you doing it. If you know someone who is and they are having a spate when they are unusually snappy, point it out to them, it's not nasty or picky, it could be good to bring to their attention in case it is a warning sign of impending seizure. If they are worth knowing they will thank you, though maybe after the event.

Running 03-Jun-2013

Not a lot of training last week, post about that under epilepsy.

Back to it this week, running 5.28 miles 41 minutes dead, 7.73mph

Considering I suffer in the heat and summer is starting up here I am not too unhappy with this. Want better obviously but I always do.