14 November 2013

Squats 13-Nov-2013

Well I got fed up with waiting to get well and started training anyway.
Not awe inspiring and cut short due to feeling below par but I couldn't wait any longer.

YThe more observant will notice a slight irony here, my squat session has no standard squats in it. Yes it is deliberate, I fancied doing something different.

Sessions are supersets 3 x 10 + 10 so quite endurance biased. Trying to throw in movements I haven't done in a long time too for fun.

Front squats with uncrossed arms + touch floor tuck jumps
I am pretty sure I am doing the front squats wrong, the idea as I remember is to have elbows high when doing these, mine were beside me.
Sets 1 & 2 tried 70kg on front squats and didn't get it right dropped to 50kg on set 3 and a lot better but will look into technique, or rely on someone telling me I am doing it wrong.

Goblet squats, full range depth, on bosu + single leg squats (not pistol) on bosu
32kg kettle on goblets, bodweigth only on singles.

Jump squats + overhead squats holding plate
Jump squats 70kg, overhead 25kg plate

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