25 December 2013

Squats 25-Dec-2013

Yes it's Christmas and my gym is open. Advantage of training at home.

Supersets 3 x 10 + 10

Warm up front squats 10 x 40kg

Front squats with uncrossed arms 90kg + touch floor tuck jumps
Depth on front squats not ideal, work on that.

Goblet squats, full range depth, on bosu 32kg + single leg squats (not pistol) on bosu

Jump squats 90kg + overhead squats holding plates 30kg may try 40kg next time. Not today it's Christmas and I will need my energy for my son.

24 December 2013

Intervals 24-Dec-2013

Today felt unrealistically hard. Was windy which made warming up harder but it still didn't feel fast enough to have felt that strenuous.
Lungs had a serious workout so that's good. The above is pure PRE and graph looks OK for the session but I'm never totally happy.

3.56 in 32:30 average pace 6.56mph

23 December 2013

Running 23-Dec-2013

Wet, windy, not the most encouraging weather to get out running in, but as always well worth it.

5.39 miles in 41:57 pace 7.7mph

Christmas is coming, I will eat myself fat.
Looking forward to it.

22 December 2013

Bench 22-Dec-2013

Supersets 3 x 10 + 10 on first 2 pairs

Incline bench 65kg + alternate kettle shoulder press 20kg

Alternate push throughs on suspension trainer (moved straps down to increase intensity) + standing overhead extensions 25kg

Press ups totally clean and strict 3 x 20

20 December 2013

Running 20-Dec-2013

It's nice to see that my average pace trend is on the increase.

5.38 miles in 41:09 pace 7.85mph

19 December 2013

Intervals 19-Dec-2013

This week there will be no deadlifts, and I decided that I would challenge my lungs more than my body by doing intervals today. Couldn't do anything on Tuesday as I needed to let my knee recover.
I do a soft office job, nothing physical at all. Except yesterday when my ability to lift and shift was put to good use for a number of hours. In the UK we have a legal maximum weight an employer can ask you to lift, 25kg. Health and safety rep. was not in yesterday and if I had stuck to that weight limit, we wouldn't have got finished.
Was a day where I was basically doing a lot of farmers walk style carrying, my back and legs are tired and doing deadlifts after that would be stupid.

Todays intervals were hard. Body really did not want to play but I forced it anyway.
Summary says very little. I was happy to have got it done.

3.59 miles in 33:23 average pace 6.44mph

16 December 2013

Squats 16-Dec-2013

Supersets 3 x 10 + 10

Front squats with uncrossed arms 80kg + touch floor tuck jumps

Goblet squats, full range depth, on bosu 32kg + single leg squats (not pistol) on bosu
2 sets, pain in knee session over.

Running 16-Dec-2013

Christmas is nearly here, followed by the new year. Really not looking like I am going to be getting 8mph in my stocking this year. Still happy enough though.

5.38 miles in 41:49 pace 7.72mph

14 December 2013

Deadlift 14-Dec-2013

This week has not been good for my weight training. Other priorities crept in. Trying to catch up over the weekend.

Using super sets first two batches 3 x 10 + 10 then something different to finish.

Deadlifts with walk handles 70kg a side + narrow grip chins. Ow!

High pulls with fat grips 50kg + seated row 60kg

Deadlift 80kg switching through all 4 grips 3 x 20 (5 on each grip)

Running 13-Dec-2013

Felt harder and slower today but was pleased to see it wasn't as slow as I expected.
Pace is improving overall.

5.38 miles in 41:50 pace 7.71mph

12 December 2013

Running 12-Dec-2013

Enjoyable and good run. Looks like 8mph is not happening this year but I am happy that my average is around the 7.75 mark.

5.37 miles in 41:31 pace 7.77mph

10 December 2013

Squats (not Deadlift) 10-Dec-2013

Supersets 3 x 10 + 10

Front squats with uncrossed arms 70kg + touch floor tuck jumps
Go up to 80kg next week

Goblet squats, full range depth, on bosu 32kg + single leg squats (not pistol) on bosu

Jump squats 90kg + overhead squats holding plates 30kg

The silly title is because I was a Muppet and put this down as deadlifts.

Intervals 10-Dec-2013

Getting into these now. Enjoying the feeling of dead legs and overinflated lungs afterward. Pace is staying consistent through the sprints despite tiring.

Irrelevant stats
3.58 miles in 33:26 average pace 6.42mph

Animal Intelligence

I love hearing people talk about how smart their pets or other animals are for doing tricks using tools etc. Personally I have a slightly different view on animal intelligence which if they were smart enough to have a sense of humour I expect they would appreciate.

Fetch - Look how smart my dog is, I just threw away this stick and he brought it back. If your bin man did this for you with all the stuff you throw away I doubt you would regard him as smart.

Linear thinking - Using fetch as an example, most dog owners will have either deliberately or accidentally thrown a stick over a bunch of brambles or thorns, expecting the dog to run around. Some will but on the whole either they stand looking gormless or charge through and come out with thorns stuck into their bodies they are seemingly unaware of.
Trying to find things that have gone into water most dogs do not shove their heads under water, but a large number of those who do will bring it out in a hurry when they try having a quick sniff to trace it.

Ever alert - There are a number of myths about catnapping animals who are constantly alert and aware. Which explains why cats fall off furniture while asleep.

Well trained owners - I guess one definite area that shows how some owners can be convinced their pets are intelligent is when they have been trained. to. 'My Fufu is so clever every time I come home they go straight to the kitchen and waith by the fridge. My Fufu knows where the mini sausages are.' Their Fufu has trained their owner to give them sausages every time they come home, not really proving the intelligence of the pet, just the gullibility of the owner.

This of course brings us neatly on to the fact that people are also animals. We consider ourselves the most intelligent species on the planet for a number of reasons, personally I consider arrogance to be the foremost. The big brain intelligence argument has some but limited merit, the sperm whale has the largest by far larger than ours, so then to make ourselves feel better we compare it to body size making us top of the chart, not that we have selected figures to support concept at all. There is more to it and in fairness I doubt there is a great case to say we aren't the smartest animal on the planet but rather than saying great things about us is this saying bad things about the rest of the organisms we share our world with.

If this looks like I am declaring our species stupid, you have at least been smart enough to see the final point. If you aren't aware why either you haven't been out much lately or are one of the people demonstrating how stupid we are.

9 December 2013

Running 09-Dec-2013

Didn't expect anything special today. Quite happy with the run considering deadlifts yesterday. See if I am as happy with squats tonight.

5.38 miles in 42:01 pace 7.68mph

8 December 2013

Deadlift 08-Dec-2013

Well I got the whole weeks training in. Not on schedule but done.

Using super sets first two batches 3 x 10 + 10 then something different to finish.

Deadlifts with walk handles 50kg a side + narrow grip chins

High pulls with fat grips 50kg + seated row 60kg

Deadlift 80kg switching through all 4 grips 3 x 20 (5 on each grip)
Only one set on last but happy to have got that done.

6 December 2013

Running 06-Dec-2013

It is not the first time I have thought this and won't be the last.
It can feel incredibly bizarre to be out sweating in shorts and lightweight t-shirt running past frozen puddles.
Wind dropped and took mercury with it 4 degrees Celsius so just above the temperature where roads ice up, and I run at midday.
Lot more pleasant today, cold is no sweat (figuratively speaking).

5.4 miles in 42:06 average pace 7.69mph

Bench 05-Dec-2013

Supersets 3 x 10 + 10 on first 2 pairs

Incline bench 60kg + alternate kettle shoulder press 16kg 1st, 20kg 2nd & 3rd

Alternate push throughs on suspension trainer + standing overhead extensions 20kg disc 1st, 25kg 2nd and 3rd, movement not perfect on higher weight so that's target

Press ups totally clean and strict 3 x 20
Third set was 15 with a struggle pause then other 5 that felt insane. This is exactly what I wanted a session ending on something easy feeling stupidly hard.

5 December 2013

Running 05-Dec-2013

Today there are severe weather warnings for strong wind. Airports have cancelled flights, cars are colliding on the road and in the tiny little thing I drive I understood why, trees are losing branches or entire limbs, a few undoubtedly will be uprooted but I haven't seen those.
Only a total idiot would run in weather like this and of course I did. I knew the time wouldn't be a good one, legs were tired anyway so it would have been mediocre in good weather, but the GPS device added one final insult by losing half a mile of my run. The distance and pace are based on knowing how far this run I do every week is and a previous time that was similar.
It wasn't fast but in fairness my aims today were to do my run and get back safe, I did both. It was below standard minimum pace, unrealistic as I can be, today I didn't care.

5.37 miles in 43:50 (that bit is definite) pace 7.35mph

4 December 2013

Squats 04-Dec-2103

Supersets 3 x 10 + 10

Front squats with uncrossed arms 60kg + touch floor tuck jumps

Goblet squats, full range depth, on bosu 32kg + single leg squats (not pistol) on bosu

Jump squats 80kg + overhead squats holding plates 30kg

3 December 2013

Intervals 03-Dec-2013

The things that are required for me to consider a successful interval session are listed below.

Spend time feeling like ribs are going to explode
Struggle to breathe on recoveries
Legs object to moving on recovery, end up looking like a spastic but slower
Feel ready to die at or before the point where told that the session is over
Ribcage objecting and feeling like its been forced out un-naturally after

Today I achieved all of the above, very happy bunny. There is something deeply wrong with this but don't declare my training is smart, just fun, for me.

Meaningless stats.

3.55 miles in 32:55 average pace 6.47mph

2 December 2013

Running 02-Dec-2013

Mixed feelings about today. Last weeks seizure knocked me more than I expected and wiped out most of the weeks training, so today I was well rested but still potentially recovering.
Weather was perfect 6 degrees Celsius 43 Fahrenheit, clear air, with a few bits of smoke from fires.
Run felt like hard work and felt faster than last week's. I was hoping to have cracked the 8mph, which wouldn't have been average increase but nice none the less. As it turns out it felt harder because I am not fully recovered, disappointed when I first saw this but in fairness not a bad run.

5.37 miles in 41:20 pace 7.79mph