19 December 2013

Intervals 19-Dec-2013

This week there will be no deadlifts, and I decided that I would challenge my lungs more than my body by doing intervals today. Couldn't do anything on Tuesday as I needed to let my knee recover.
I do a soft office job, nothing physical at all. Except yesterday when my ability to lift and shift was put to good use for a number of hours. In the UK we have a legal maximum weight an employer can ask you to lift, 25kg. Health and safety rep. was not in yesterday and if I had stuck to that weight limit, we wouldn't have got finished.
Was a day where I was basically doing a lot of farmers walk style carrying, my back and legs are tired and doing deadlifts after that would be stupid.

Todays intervals were hard. Body really did not want to play but I forced it anyway.
Summary says very little. I was happy to have got it done.

3.59 miles in 33:23 average pace 6.44mph

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