29 July 2015

Running 29-Jul-2015

Despite feeling more like going to sleep than going for a run I did it anyway. One of my colleagues, the slower of the pace setters, asked if I was going and I decided what the heck. Knowing it wasn't going to be awesome I did the same as recently for the other colleague who comes along more often by simply helping him get in a good run. This meant it was slow for me but in all honesty I think anything that would have really pushed me at the moment would have been stupid.

Stuff that has been messing with my ability to do weights recently is now over so I should be able to be back to that too, which will be good. Ordinarily the situation would have been ideal as I had anger and aggression to spare but I am still on the moderate time slot I promised myself so couldn't go full on as I would have needed to and decided to do nothing rather than risk injury. I will regret this soon enough when I ache like hell doing stuff that I would still consider moderate but that's life.

6.37 miles in 56:05 speed 6.8mph pace 8:48 min mile beat doing nothing

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