30 April 2015

Intervals 30-Apr-2015

Well I know the stats giving time, distance and average speed are pointless on intervals, and today's make that all too clear. I know the sprints were slower than they should have been, because there was nothing in me to be able to really sprint with, but I could go faster on recoveries which hides this on the average.
Legs are still aching, as is chest etc. today making me think there must be a market for male sports bras, after all these years of benching etc. I must be around a B cup by now and that bouncing around while running hurts. Maybe there isn't a market and I am just strange who knows.

3.98 miles in 32:44 average speed 7.3mph

Bench 29-Apr-2015

This block is all about strict movement, 3 white lights style. I have been more focused on other points than this recently and this is showing when I am trying to be properly strict. Monday it showed when I realised I wasn't going to get my preferred depth if I carried on with reps, today was letting me know by meaning I was tired out and using a weight I would have expected to be fine on 10 reps at 6 rep set. All are working sets so the whole point is the lower rep sets are being done under fatigue but none the less I think it shows I need to be form fussy, how else will the bench press pixie have a chance ot nail the bar to my chest if I don't pause for a second or 2 at the bottom of the movement?

15 x 40kg, 12 x 50kg, 10 x 60kg, 8 x 65kg, 6 x 70kg 8 x 62.5kg, 10 x 55kg, 12 x 45kg, 15 x 40kg

Fast standing shoulder press 30kg target 50 reps
15, 12, 10, 8, 5

29 April 2015

Running 29-Apr-2015

Well I am having to shuffle things about, again. Legs ache like hell, which is great apart from when needing to stand up, walk or of course run. The weather was pretty much ideal at the start cool and clear, then in came a bit of rain and around 1.5 miles of running in hail, made it feel great to be out.
Overall however I was only 3 seconds a mile off my recent target pace, almost 2 minutes overall behind new target but hey. With the slow start as my legs unstiffened, I will take that.

6.22 miles in 46:55 speed 7.95mph

28 April 2015

Squats 27-Apr-2015

Changeover week again. This time decided to go for a 2 exercise a session system. First on high rep pyramid, second with number target and see how few sets I can get it to. Pyramid could have gone better, not done high rep pyramid, ever I think, totally misjudged it. Wanting to get down to 6 reps on the pyramid, but mess this right up by the time I got to 8, lesson for next time.
Writing up the day after again, ache like heck. Half day to enable sorting things out this afternoon, so no intervals, not sure if that's good or bad, would be some of the worst I had done in a while if was doing them.

15 x 70kg, 12 x 90kg, 10 x 120kg, 4 (supposed to be 8) x 130kg, 10 x 100kg, 12 x 80kg, 15 x 70kg

High tuck jumps target 100
22, 26, 24, 27 that last set was just determination not to have to do a set of 3 or 4 as last, could barely stand after it.

27 April 2015

Running 27-Apr-2015

Cool, clear weather, check, colleague setting me an unrealistic target to catch check, good run where I finished feeling ready to die, hell yeah. Just the way it's meant to be. Not quite PB on this route but 2nd best time.
Not using app anymore I know the distance and am just using time.

6.22 miles in 46 minutes dead 8.11mph

24 April 2015

Running 24-Apr-2015

OK officially had enough of Runtastic now. May have to keep it for intervals but if someone out there knows of a reliable IOS running app that allows you to set up tailored interval sessions I will be able to bin it once and for all. I wasn't mad keen on the Microsoft phone that failed to stay intact when I fell on it but Run Tracker was brilliant.
Ignoring the time the app finished with because I stopped at 46:48 and it took almost 20 seconds to allow me to stop the clock. A stop watch would be more useful.

Actual stats, calculated by me using 6.22 as known distance
6.22 miles in 46:48 speed 7.97mph, not quite on target but pretty darned close

Deadlifts part 1 23-Apr-2015

Deadlift part 1, because of interruptions after 30 minutes I had done one exercise and then had to go do something else. On the plus side that one exercise meant achieving last week's target on both sides, and hopefully I will finish last night's session tonight. Even though it was just one exercise I can definitely feel the effect.
Get running competition today too, rather warm here but with him there and knowing he is taking a shorter route and finishing in just under 45 minutes I should be able to either dig deep or die off trying.

Deadlift hold with farmers walk handle
52 seconds left 1 minute 3 right
48 seconds left 42 seconds right
1 minute 1 left 48 seconds right

23 April 2015

Run 23-Apr-2015

Happy with my run, really unhappy with runtastic, which is far from fantastic. Has a lovely system of allowing you to change config of the screen while running, because of course there is no way anyone would be more likely to set up the screen how they want it before starting and not want to fiddle with it as you run. Of course it would be less annoying if the swipe for stopping the run didn't disappear when this happened and even less annoying if the seconds I spent faffing with it weren't the difference between on target and below it.
Anyway rant over. Cooler today at 9C but still 100% humidity. This aside a good actually on target run, only just and not as stated below which gives me 7:31 mile instead of the 7:30 I actually did.

6.22 miles in 46:51 speed 8mph

Bench 22-Apr-2015

Well I pretty much ignored the niggle with the wrist last night, bit stiff today, no big deal.
Decided with it being the last week of this block to say to heck with 3 x 10 try upping the weight and see what I could do.
I am on moderate load to ensure full recovery from injury that happened twice in 2 years and have promised myself I will keep it calm for 2 years to enable this. My version of calm is no sets below 5 reps, deadlifts with fat gripz only from here on to ensure I build the weights back up slowly and I am sticking to it.
Form on bench was OK, though not wonderful on a few reps, kettlebell work was pretty good, tricep push down was utilising a few other muscle groups to assist but triceps were involved honest.

Reverse wide grip bench press 70kg
8, 8, 6

Alternate kettlebell short drop snatch 28kg
Both sides did 9, 7, 7

Tricep pushdown with 'some' cheating
3 x 6 x 40kg

22 April 2015

Squats 21-Apr-2015

Not impressed with this. Exercises went OK but of all things my wrist acted up on the front squats, with bench press as next session and the possibility of my wrist going while snatching a kettlebell, not happy.
Typing this up day after and am aching well.

Front squats on bosu
1 x 10 x 70kg, 1 x front then 7 x back x 70kg

Overhead step forward lunges single side a set
4 x 10 x 40kg

Right angle squats
3 x 10 x 120kg

21 April 2015

Intervals 21-Apr-2015

Intervals are definitely one of those things I love to hate. I suck at them because my lungs are useless, but I know without them improving my running pace is likely to take 5 times as long.
Today the weather was warmer and milder so the road I do intervals on which has only been populated by lunatics and dog walkers, they aren't mutually exclusive, I had no dog, for months is suddenly full of people either getting in my way or jumping at the sight of a sprinting or half dying yeti going by.
This was a killer on the lungs, which is what it is all about. Not great consistency, effeminately started stronger than I finished which is annoying but that's were I need to improve.


3.94 miles in 32:55 average speed 7.3mph

20 April 2015

Running 20-Apr-2015

Heat 16C, humidity 100%, may have mentioned before I don't do well in the heat especially with humidity, still aching from deads on Saturday morning. Dug in and got on with it, result an on target run.
App decided to possibly over state my distance today but pace was enough to be definite 8mph even with that due to it showing a 7:27 minute mile. What's 0.04 miles anyway, oh yeah, GPS inaccuracy level that's what.
All I need to do now is improve by around a minute mile and I will be keeping up with Brandon Atkins. Looks like a target.

6.23 miles in 46:30 speed 8mph

Deadlift 18-Apr-2015

Well last weeks deadlift session was 2 days late but at least it happened. Wasn't bad either in fairness, fried my forearms totally which is what this is all about.
Last run of th eweek didn't happen due to tyre going pop on the way to work. The joy of leaving running shoes at the office.

Single arm deadlift hold with farmers walk handle + 50kg
Left 50 seconds, right 54 seconds
Left 48 seconds, right 45 seconds
Left 38 seconds, right 45 seconds

Stiff leg deadlift on flat of bosu
3 x 10 x 110kg

Bent over row, underhand grip with fat gripz
70kg on all sets
1st set 7 reps with regrip for 7th
2nd set 2 reps with gripz then 8 without, so easy without the gripz
3rd set 6 reps with gripz and I was toast

16 April 2015

Running 16-Apr-2015

Getting back into it now. Not on target but back away from minimum. GPS on this app is not great and it is recording the distance a bit short and therefore the speed a tiny bit slow. No big deal I know the distance is actually just over 6.2 miles (10k) and when this is saying I am getting 8mph I know it will be slightly above.

6.17 miles in 48:01 speed 7.7mph

Bench 15-Apr-2015

Not bad coming back after a week off. Not a case of as if not taken a week out but none the less better than expected.
Short drop kettlebell snatch was interesting, especially using 28s. Second set the final rep attempt on left side was definitely a fail, third I tried doing it again and had to accept it just wasn't going up.

Reverse wide grip bench press
3 x 10 x 60kg Will be going for 70kg each set, 1 time I tried that previously they weren't great reps but I will do it.

Short drop kettlebell snatch
5 a side x 28kg then 24kg
5 right, 4 + attempt left x 28kg then 5 a side x 24kg
5 right, 4 + 2 x attempt left x 28kg then 3 a side x 24kg, I was dead by this time.

Tricep pushdown with core cheat
3 x 10 x 30kg

14 April 2015

Intervals 14-Apr-2015

Starting to warm up now, the wind kept me from over heating but it won't last.
Speed was consistent on sprints and recovery so all good. Wanted to be faster obviously but that's the whole point. Feeling like my lungs have been forced open and that's the most important part.

Pointless overall stats
7.38 miles in 32:16 average speed 7mph

13 April 2015

Running 13-Apr-2015

Well I didn't log my deadlifts from the week before last and can't remember how they went, know it was at least on target.
Last week was time off with family so training got knocked to stuff that fitted into that, playing with son some quite heavy destroy it yourself etc. No-one whose ever played with a demanding child would underestimate this but it wasn't formal training.
This week is back to abnormal and a disappointing start as I should expect after not running for a week, except pushing wife in chair while racing my son on a scooter. Could have been worse, will need to get better.
Back to other app and I am not sure the GPS is as accurate here. It's all I have so it will do.

6.19 miles in 49:45 average speed 7.5mph