23 April 2015

Bench 22-Apr-2015

Well I pretty much ignored the niggle with the wrist last night, bit stiff today, no big deal.
Decided with it being the last week of this block to say to heck with 3 x 10 try upping the weight and see what I could do.
I am on moderate load to ensure full recovery from injury that happened twice in 2 years and have promised myself I will keep it calm for 2 years to enable this. My version of calm is no sets below 5 reps, deadlifts with fat gripz only from here on to ensure I build the weights back up slowly and I am sticking to it.
Form on bench was OK, though not wonderful on a few reps, kettlebell work was pretty good, tricep push down was utilising a few other muscle groups to assist but triceps were involved honest.

Reverse wide grip bench press 70kg
8, 8, 6

Alternate kettlebell short drop snatch 28kg
Both sides did 9, 7, 7

Tricep pushdown with 'some' cheating
3 x 6 x 40kg

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