20 April 2015

Deadlift 18-Apr-2015

Well last weeks deadlift session was 2 days late but at least it happened. Wasn't bad either in fairness, fried my forearms totally which is what this is all about.
Last run of th eweek didn't happen due to tyre going pop on the way to work. The joy of leaving running shoes at the office.

Single arm deadlift hold with farmers walk handle + 50kg
Left 50 seconds, right 54 seconds
Left 48 seconds, right 45 seconds
Left 38 seconds, right 45 seconds

Stiff leg deadlift on flat of bosu
3 x 10 x 110kg

Bent over row, underhand grip with fat gripz
70kg on all sets
1st set 7 reps with regrip for 7th
2nd set 2 reps with gripz then 8 without, so easy without the gripz
3rd set 6 reps with gripz and I was toast

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