6 October 2015

Squats 06-Oct-2015

There was just enough intelligence mixed in with my stupidity this time. First squat session without hip support since it slipped a while back. I knew this would impact on how much weight I could move so the first exercise was done with gradually increased weight. I probably could have gone a bit heavier but considering how I felt for a while after I think I pitched this just right for late remedial. The sensation in my right hip was definitely on the border between acceptable and will recover and too far, which is where I like remedial to be, scary that I rely on my intelligence for a living at times.
All told pretty happy with this session. Aching nicely today, not the proper telepgraph pole prostate exam look I expect from legs but they know they have been worked.

Squats 10 x 70kg, 90kg, 100kg

Jump squats 3 x 10x 70kg

Overhead squats 3 x 10 x 40kg

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