9 October 2015

Training log catch up 09-Oct-2015

This week I found time for training not logging it.

Bench 07-Oct-2015

Still needing to work on shoulder strength. Plates are more awkward but I should be moving more.

Bench 3 x 10 x 70kg

Standing shoulder press with plates 10 x 16.25kg, 7 x 16.25kg 3 x 15kg, 5 x 16.25kg 5 x 15kg bit of a pause before 9th

Plyo push ups with clap 3 x 10 though last rep on last set didn't actually leave the ground. Others had good height.

Lunch row 08-Oct-2015 found a rowing pace app that works like a metronome. Set at 31 rows a minute and did 30 minutes, found pace a bit slow so will be doing 35 rows a minute next time. Felt very comfortable even with the static leg rowing to simulate static seat.

Deadlift 08-Oct-2015

Very happy with this one. Increased weight on 2 exercises, felt dead at the end and aching well from it today. All this with no warning signs from hip etc.

Deadlift with fat gripz 3 x 10 x 100kg Last set showed I truly am at my limit for 3 x 10 at that weight with fatties.

Wide grip seated row 3 x 10 x 70kg

Alternate single arm kettlebell swings swapping at shoulder height 3 x 10 a side x 28kg

Running 09-Oct-2015
Rowing is improving and I'm keeping the running fairly consistent. I'll take that as a good sign. I am almost totally unlikely to improve my running until I get my additional runs back instead of doing rowing practice but if I can go back to it with no loss I would consider that a win.

7.34 miles in 56:40 speed 7.8mph pace 7:43 min mile Noticing as well that the increase in mileage now means each of my runs burns approximately 960 calories, working on this and the run taking sub 57 minutes I am burning close to 17 calories a minute every run, 16.84211 if being precise.


  1. Hey Tony - just cruising the 'net - no surprise to see you are still hard at it! The rowing is new (I'm not surprised to find you doing something different since we last communicated in what, March?). I haven't read back far enough to see what that plan is, but a comment about miles in a shipping lane made me wonder about rowing across the Channel? Good to know you are as crazy as ever!

    Like you, I'm still at it... 52 is not a big deal other than I'm a bit more injury prone myself. Spent the summer working through a bout of plantar fasciitis and a sprained ankle, but did 50 miles in the Grand Canyon on Saturday so I'm claiming all is reasonably well.

    Keep those injuries to a minimum, and I guess I should say don't get run over by a very large boat...


    1. Got an email at work about some random charity event rowing across the channel and decided what the heck. Busiest shipping lane on the planet and a row boat, what could possibly go wrong?
      So there is me, 5 other guys who's fitness is a lot more average and in a couple of cases maybe below average and a boat. We are also missing a cox so unless we get one there is a strong likelihood we could end up in Belgium or Ireland rather than France.
      If we can't raise the charity money we may try bringing a couple of immigrants back, or at least part way back, to top up. I'm sure that is classified as charitable.

      Insanity is hereditary we get it from our children. Must be why I am getting worse.

      Seem to be a few people I have communicated with suffering with plantar fasciitis. Sprained ankles happen, they are more annoying than anything else because you feel such a klutz letting it happen. Should imagine you recovered quickly and with the usual grace we all treat injuries.
      Still keeping going though which is good.

      Good to read from you. Take it you are still training well in the yard. Bouncing and clambering around on various pieces of kit.

  2. Anxious to get back to playing and training in the yard, actually. We got very focused on consistent hiking/running all through September and the last part of August in prep for the R2R2R. I can feel my muscles/strength wasting away! Hopefully this week will see that change.

    Hoping your aim is true and you and your mates land in France.
    Take care!

    1. Left to our own devices with no-one steering we have no chance. Fortunately still got time to recruit a cox.
      Strength disappears at a scary speed considering the time it takes to build in the first place. At least it returns a lot faster due to muscle memory. You'll enjoy it once back into it properly.
