28 October 2013

Deadlift 25-Oct-2013

This was destined not to be a very good session but I was actually pleased with how it went.

The day before I decided that it would be a good idea to train with my wife during her session, an all over routine incorporating squats, deadlifts etc. This on a day when I had done bench and the day before my own deadlift session was a bit daft to say the least. Not bothering to put exact details of waht was done, partially because I don't remember all of it and partly because I'm lazy.

Deadlift with fat gripz
Warm up 3 x 10 x 70kg some of these were with hook grip which I have discovered is easier.
Messed up putting next weihgt on and failed to lift 120kg which was supposed to have been 100, doh!
Sets 3 x 4 x 100kg, 1.75 x 110kg, second rep got most of the way so giving myself .75 for that one.

Single arm deadlift with 80kg plus walk handle
8, 6, 4 Seems like the heavier deadlift and previos fatigue started to catch up on me, and I was sweating ridiculoously.

Wide grip chins, yes these definately qualified even with gripz
3 x 4

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