13 May 2014

Squats 12-May-2014

Well this was interesting. It showed that my version of moderation is likely a poor reflection on me.
I have a distant history of injuring myself in the name of being stupid and as such doing deep squats without knee wraps is risky at best downright foolhardy at worst. So in order to enforce moderation I decided to make this my first exercise in this program, after all I can't go too far without injury.
I have seen many people declaring that you can't train to failure indefinitely, because to keep getting to failure you will always just get to the point where you are continually injuring yourself. I have always disagreed with this and this session backs up my argument nicely. Training to failure involves knowing when you have failed, for me this was the point at which I knew one more rep would be injury, so I stopped. There are people who will say this isn't failure because I didn't fail to complete a rep, but I have been doing this long enough to know this was my point of failure, when I had run out of juice. The squats themselves were top class up to the point where I got a warning from my knees, depth was to the point where my hamstrings and calves made contact, well below parallel, no bounce because I can't do that under all but lightest load, wish I could, core well engaged meaning no dipping forward at virtually any point, of the 16 reps 1 had a slight dip.
So my attempt at moderation meant pushing exercise 1 to the point where performing more squat movements would be dangerous and having to ditch exercise 2 completely. Not something I am happy about but I can walk today and will still be doing interval training on tired achy legs at lunch time (writing this up day after).

Deep raw squats 10 x 90kg, 8 x 105kg, 2 x 120kg Only annoying part I know the muscle could have done more.
Single leg standing leg curls 10 x 10kg, 8 x 12.5kg, 6 x 15kg I do like the way the cable system feels heavy but smooth on my set up. I have used machines doing leg curls where there was over 100kg on the stack and they didn't feel this tough. Numbers are per leg.

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