1 August 2013

Priorities and time

I have covered my priorities well enough for anyone reading this to know what is important to me.
Life changes and recently I started a new job. Recent is comparative, it seems like minutes ago but in reality it was over 3 months. I am proud of being a sad, boring old man, doing a very boring job, and defining myself as sad because I actively enjoy it. I have gone from working for a company making world leading software to another using IT to further their business rather than IT being the product. I spend my time converting masses of data into something usable and occasionally interesting. Some talk about generating sexy reports etc. and if the sight of a bar graph makes you want to fornicate, who am I to judge, but personally it's the data in that background I like, nothing carnal but still enjoyable.
The new job is shorter hours and I am getting up and staying up a bit later and despite the injury a week after starting here I am feeling fresher and more energetic than I have done in years.
This has given me the opportunity to make use of some time writing as I enjoy, but I haven't been doing so for a number of reasons, primarily I needed my brain to work on learning for the new role and the remainder to work on lesson planning. Subsequently my leisure time outside of this and training has been spent as a prone figure in front of the TV vegetating, surprisingly rewarding inactivity when your brains have taken leave of absence.

Well its a new month and one of the blogs I visit had a link to a nice writing challenge that I think could be fun on one of the works I have been meaning to reword for too long. The story is a good one but in order to make this fit within the number of words required to be a novel I have reduced it and made it unreadable in places. The crazy part is that what I am going to try doing now is unpacking the thought sections and make the reader think instead, something requiring more verbose description, whilst trying to stop this becoming even longer. That should alleviate me of any remaining sanity.
In fairness I like the idea of writing in that way, as I hate reading books that treat you like an idiot, describing every minute detail as if you can't think for yourself. In real life is you see someone approaching another menacingly with a knife and the other is scanning around, you don't need to be told the other person is frightened and thinking of potential fight or flight options but somehow in books that is often explained in unnecessary detail.
The idea of content only writing should be interesting, giving enough detail that reference to how the characters are thinking of feeling should be superfluous without turning a long story into an epic will be an interesting challenge. I like many rely on explaining the contents of heads more than environments and it will be fun to see if I can flip this and make the story more interesting. The challenge is to remove all reference to thought etc. which I doubt I will do, but clearing majority could make this story more interesting.

I like the idea or creating an ebook and seeing what people think of it. Standard publishing is a farce meaning you either have to invest a good deal of your own money or make something so popular that others will take the risk for a majority share. Ebooks mean I could publish it free or for pennies and let people decide if it was any good themselves. I like most writers like to think my stuff is interesting but I am also incredibly critical to the extent most of the things I have written have been discarded. Getting them out there would enable me to get criticism and feedback from others I would never meet.

I am a big fan of being wrong because I like to improve. The one piece I did have published was very targeted and many there enjoyed it. Others criticised, I generally ignore the 'well that was rubbish' remarks if there is no detail as to why, but fortunately there were a few that came back with why they didn't like it, and I realised I had generalised the target audience too much in some ways alienating those who weren't in the majority. I don't expect everyone to like my writing and in some ways would worry if some didn't downright hate it all feedback is good.

Will be fun to see how this goes. I started writing the story a few years ago, left it for ages and now need to rewrite it. Not a quick author me.

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