30 September 2013

Running 30-Sep-2013

Calves still aching a bit, stiff achilles, but nothing remotely serious so didn't know how it was going to go. Glad to say it was a good one, in fact having checked it is my best on this route and and one of the fastest lunch run I have recorded here, based on pace for completing run fastest was 7.92mph. Happy with that.

5.38 miles in 41:02 pace 7.86mph

I know some of this will be coming from the inability to keep intensity quite as high as normal in weights when doing so much totally new stuff but still nice.

Deadlift 28-Sep-2013

A session so good it took 2 days to get around ot dioing it and another 2 to log it.
This is of course nonesense. The delay doing it was due to outside factors far more important and logging late was due to being a lazy fart.

Deadlift fatgripz
3 x 10 x 70kg
3 x 3 x 90kg Really wanted to do a forth each time but on third I knew it wasn't going ot happen.

Single arm deadlift with walk handle, weight without
2 x 10 x 70kg 1 x 8 x 80kg felt as if I should have stopped at 6, glad I didn't

Wide grip pull ups with fat grips
3 x 4 each set had a pause at 2 but I got all of them.

27 September 2013

Running 27-Sep-2013

Well last night didn't go to plan at all. One warm up set and I got a phone call to deal with something far more important. Part of the process involved a jog with some walking for about 5 miles with the family dog who is not designed for running hence pace, she stopped panting about an hour or so after the end of the trip. So deadlifts didn't really happen and I will be doing them this evening instead.

As such I felt quite worn out and the idea of going for a run today felt like a bad idea. Strangely the run itself wasn't bad, but the more time progresses after the less of a good idea it feels like. Time to man up and deal with it.

5.38 miles in 41:47 pace 7.73mph Better than I would have expected.

Signs of age

Ok a few posts have been very serious and I feel it's time for a bit more light hearted fun.
Here are a few signs that give my age away.

I didn't used to know that my Evil Knievel toy had more successful jumps in my play time than he had his entire career.
I owned a black and whit TV with dials, and a record player.
My first mobile music player was a WM-B15 tape player which cost not much less than an iPod shuffle and used two batteries heavier than the pod.
I didn't realise PacMan would be such an inspiration to so many who went on to listening to repetetive music in darkened rooms munching on pills.
I remember when doubling computer storage on a home PC meant switching from 60 minute tapes to 120.
I remember punk and heavy metal when it was relatively new, not being revisited.
I remember CDs being advertised as virtually indestructible on tommorows world.
I saw mullets and flourescent socks as cool as long as not in pairs.
When I wanted to research things I had to use libraries instead of Google, it sucked.
I remember when diesel engines were for vans and tractors. No-one wanted a car with one.
I was upset when they stopped making ford capris and even more so when I found out the were rubbish anyway.
I was upset when they abolished the 1/2p coin as it meant the end of 1/2p sweets and halved the value of my pocket money.
I got the cane at school and remember how we used to try to get it for playground celebrity.
I remember when the reason for using a condom changed from contraception to life preservation, and being given one before I knew the point.
I remember people being annoyed when the shops had shut in the evening. 24 hour shopping wasn't a mrketing ploy people wanted it.
I thought chopper bikes where cool, but liked my drop handlebars for speed. First racer weighed as much as a tank but I thought it was fast.
Shopping used to have nothing to do with barcodes and we paid with cash. Queues moved faster when that changed until they added psuedo friendly service.
Car electronics meant lights and starter not computers. Working on them was easier and it needed to be with how unreliable they were.
Car seatbelts were optional meaning more people could fit into each vehicle. Airbags were fat passengers.
Petrol was priced by the gallon rather than the litre and was cheap enough that peasure drives didn't require a remortgage.
We were due to run out of oil before I hit adulthood. I am enjoying a very long childhood.
Electric vehicles were milkfloats not sports cars.
Wearing second hand clothes meant you were poor not retro.
World war 3 would be over in 30 minutes and we were waiting for it to start.
Russians were bad war mongers and Americans were the good guys. Don't see the Russian troops at war now though.

Opinions and why

All of us have them and we justify them to ourselves for various reasons. Opinions that are could be unreasonable or wrong but we still maintain for personal reasons or long held beliefs. The danger comes when we refuse to let these go.
I am listing a few with reasons here to give some idea how crazy some of them can be.

Stupidity is being unwilling to learn, not failing to know.
The smartest people are those who realise how little they know.
Both of the above are linked and come from personal experience. I have witnessed the most well read people who will only read things agreeing with their opinions to reinforce their ignorance, they prove that light really does travel faster than sound by appearing bright until you hear them speak. In contrast I have seen illiterates learn skills and improvise in ways I could never imagine, no book learnt skills just the ability to look at things from various angles at once and solve problems learning along the way.

Parents who smoke need to love their children more.
If a drug addiction that damages the people you should love most means more to you than they do, you don't love them enough.

Physical discipline is an excellent way of showing how little self discipline the reprimander has.
Consider the irony of hitting a child for bullying someone smaller than them. Not to mention that despite being in an environment where I witnessed major child abuse when growing up, often resulting in hospitalisation, I have yet to meet a parent who thinks they went to far with physical punishment. In fact the worse the abuser the more convinced they were that it was for the childs good. Proof if needed that people who hit there children don't know what is reasonable force makes thos of us who think more realise it has to be none. Non-physical discipline works and the older my son gets the bigger the rift between his discipline and those getting hit in his favour. He has his moments but my way works further than arms reach and I refuse to allow Asperger's to be an excuse as too many do.

If you need drink or drugs to have a good time, you are too boring for words.
I am boring and openly admit it. Strangely there are people declaring otherwise because I, to coin a phrase used recently decribing me 'walk my own path.' If you can't enjoy life without intoxication there is something more missing than the substance. If the words 'I havent' had enough to drink yet' or similar have passed your lips you fall into this group, and those of us willing to act the fool without will be ejoying ourselves as you hide in the shadows.

Anyone can be fit/ smart/ or whatever they want.
If you think you can or if you thinnk you can't, you're probably right.
Nicked the last one from Henry Ford, not a nice man and never said 'you can have it in any colour, as long as it's black.' but he did say this. It is my mantra and I live by it, making me hell on earth to live with. If you believe in yourself and are willing to add hard work to the mix there is very little you cannot achieve. There is a lot of it's Ok for them being fit or having the brains etc. as a cop out, truth is most of the people saying it have avoided the things that will make them so. Starting later means you may not be as good as someone starting younger but that doesn't mean it's not worth doing.

Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional.
There are a number of things expected as we get older, pipe and slippers may be outdated but there are things we are supposed to have left behind in later years, strangely enough in some cases even by my age, Im not even really old yet middle aged definately and undeniably but senility is a way off yet. The strangest part is everyone I know who has conformed to this seems unhappy in stagnation while others less conventional are generally enjoying life.

There will be more but not today.

26 September 2013

Meaning of my life, passage of time

Not my common light hearted junk I am afraid.

There are a few thinks of late that have made me think about not so much the meaning of life but what I live for, what it does for me and what impact my life has and may yet have on others. Ironically some of them simple adverts etc. I am that sad. I do also tend to reflect on life a lot, a sure sign I have messed it up often.
I am not a massively significant figure, so happily my life has very little in the way of direct far reaching consequences. There are many who seek power and influence, I am not one of them. My life and reading has taught me that one person's freedom is another's tyranny and making choices that affect people’s lives is a dangerous game that is never going to benefit all.

Early life is so unbelievably important and the details of mine wouldn't make pleasant reading. I am however thankful that it wasn't one of the many I witnessed. Most of us have things we can whinge about, truth is we either let it destroy us or ante up and fix ourselves. Anyone thinking this is easy or rewarding in the short term hasn't done it and hopefully doesn't need to. There were a number of lessons I learned growing up and most of them were later proven wrong. Some of the things I was told made little impact at that time but I realise some of the people I idolised were telling me things I wouldn’t understand until adulthood and some knew they wouldn't be around then.
Growing up in a military city during the tail end of the cold war I was literally waiting for disaster and brought up to fear everyone and everything and respond violently. One violent response I apparently won taught me that throwing the last shot doesn't make you the victor, in fact on that occasion having the sense to stay down would have made walking a lot easier for a week or so.
War and peace is a strange topic and one I have given a lot of thought to. I am from a line of very effective and decorated killers and know it's in me as much as them, the decision to avoid situations where I would be expected to kill is the only reason I haven't. Some people think first, others dwell later, I am the latter, so I would kill without a second thought in a war zone and regret it later if finding out I had been wrong. Armed forces love people like me if conditioned to hate the right people we become mobile weapons on low pay and rarely die alone.
The above in mind I decided the only way to avoid killing people I neither know or have reason to hate was to be pacifist. I like the idea of universal peace and how hypocritical being a pacifist truly is to such an extent I have little time for the airy fairy hippies who don't see this. People have fought and died for me to have the choice not to, my stance against violence has literally cost lives. I have fought or intimidated to get my way and all of us have, so there is no real peace while we can't be mutually respectful to all and expect the same in return. Peace has to be policed because trust will be abused, the larger the scale the larger the force required to do it. If you are looking after a class of children you have to deal with playground scuffles, a public bar you have to deal with those losing control via alcohol you are selling. The armed forces are basically a scaled up version of the playground assistant keeping our childish rulers, voted in by childish voters happy by maintaining an illusion of peace, to keep power where it's wanted.
I am proud of my choice and wish more real pacifists, who have done more than feel peace from being stoned existed. The irony of deciding this when a child was the announcement turned me from someone bullied a few times a week to a person needing a daily lesson in why peace doesn't work. The system was to corner me until I had to fight back, so becoming pacifist in a military town meant having to learn how to fight dirtier and nastier than ever, whenever I couldn't outrun them.
I doubt I inspired anyone in my youth and if anything that was definitely the time I worked more as a warning to others than ever.
One of my worst memories from this time was looking in the mirror at a person I hated and realising I had to either improve or lower my standards. I think the latter may have been easier but I am glad I chose the former.

Adulthood hit hard and fast. I knew it would but was not even remotely prepared for how much so. There was no support network, I wasn't popular enough to rely on friends and family was a mess that were glad to see me gone, or at least so I thought, in fairness being kicked out at minimum age as you had been told you would half your life kind of enforces that pretty well. There are many ways people deal with this virtually none are constructive and mine definitely wasn't, I tried alcohol but the reaction was too much for me to justify so when the opportunity came to run away and leave my world behind I took it.
There is something I refer to as the ugly duckling syndrome and I am undoubtedly one of the worst examples of this you could ever imagine. I was very pathetic and unpopular at school with zero confidence, which had been so beautifully enforced I considered my life without any value. The fact I didn't care if I lived or died as long as death was quick led me into a world where I became somewhat of a celebrity and despite still looking like an adolescent twig an object of sexual desire for many women I was terrified of. Net result of the sudden shift was exactly what you would expect a quivering mess who rapidly became a grade 1 arrogant a hole who didn't care about anyone else and assumed my life would soon be over so wouldn't harm anyone either. In reality I was largely right in that most people knew I was basically a plaything to be used and abused and while they stuck to that no harm befell. However inevitably some feel more deeply than expected and finding out the person they had invested feelings in is at best in hospital or worst with someone else a day later is going to hurt.
Ugly ducklings are dangerous places to invest feelings and many of us become so detached from ourselves and everyone else we don't even know what we feel let alone how to deal with the feelings of others. Some deliberately hurt others out of spite, others like me do it out of ignorance, neither is better for the recipient so the defence of accidental damage counts for nothing. If someone tells you things that make you suspect they are an ugly duckling and that they are only ready for a casual involvement be ready to take them at their word. Due to travel etc. I have no idea how many women I have been intimate with but I know I only loved two and one enough to marry her, both of them got hurt by me and I don't have any idea how many others were likewise that I didn't even invest emotion in.
This period introduced me to fitness a passion that has stuck with me ever since. This enabled me to fix some flaws in my character by helping people reclaim health and mobility when sharing my experience and knowledge with them. It also made me appear desirable to make a part time living from my appearance, something that paid for some adult education and got me started toward my current career. When I started this it was a major ego trip to be paid for my looks and physique, by the time I finished it was more rewarding to see people surprised by what I could do more than how pretty my abs and arms were, I had grown up a bit. I am not a stupid man and knew this couldn't last so while others tried desperately to find someone to keep them or cling to glory days I spent my money getting some basic qualifications and prepared for a more respectable life.
Unfortunately there were a number of people who were inspired by me during this time one in particular I was hurt to find out was trying to copy my example. This wouldn't feel as bad if it was my commitment and dedication to training that people were wanting to replicate, but it was the way I appeared to get away with mistreating women that drew followers and popularity.
I do often say popularity is over-rated and as a person with virtually no friends now I tend to say 'as if I would know' to add to the humour. Truth is I do know what popularity did to me and I don't look back fondly on the man I was then. I expected my penance to be growing old alone and considered that I thoroughly deserved this end, I have been very lucky and it appears that will not happen to me.
At the time I thought I had life well and truly figured and despite many warnings from others that I didn't I like most newly developed swans wouldn't listen. People that self-obsessed generally don't, I have advised a few who showed signs similar knowing how futile this would be and I doubt one of them listened.

It is strange to think this stage of my life is now a long way behind me. I was fortunate enough to find someone with a suitable sized boot to give me the kick in the rear I required even when that involved getting hurt a lot herself. We have an agreement now stemming from an understanding that being perfect for each other means we would either be driven of drive any other partner insane. Neither of us are allowed to die alone, it has to be a joint process so avoid the other being alone. Many who first see us together don't get how we work so well, then they get to know us and it becomes very clear. Our personalities don't match how we look in either case but we match each other well. Life isn't easy and we don't make it any easier with some of the decisions we have made but we appreciate what it is gaining for us and get on with it. It's over 15 years ago that I met the person who has defined my life more than anyone before her, neither of us are easy people to live with both very intolerant of our own failings and tend to push ourselves too hard.
Love is something I never understood in my youth and in fairness I wasn't shown enough of it to have any real clue how to recognise or understand. As such I hurt those who invested in me and took a long time to discover how deep this emotion really goes. I thought I had felt it a few times and on reflection know otherwise, I was feeling the result of wanting to be in love and that is not even close to the same. As stated before there have been two relationships where love arose, so yes the first one ended and I got seriously hurt, something that normally prompts cold barrier building to protect from the same in the future. I consider myself smarter than many because I realised the pain I felt was because of how good I had been feeling before, so trying to avoid this in future would mean never feeling that good again, something I would never want to risk. The cost of the best relationships with deepest love is fear of losing it, even though you know it's unlikely.
I am no expert on affairs of the heart as it were, having made a mess of so many in my past. What I do know is the chain of not feeling is likely easier to maintain than to break, but it's worth breaking. My mother didn't know how to show affection because she received none, as did her parents and many others around the globe. Many brought up in this way don't see any alternative and plod through life causing those around them including their next generation to feel uncared for. The alternative can hurts a lot but it's worth it, show and tell your children how much you love them and be ready for the fact they will occasionally hurt you when they are upset or angry with you. That's the cost of being so open but the rewards are there when they will come to you equally open too and you can see how confident they are because of the affection you are willing to share. Parenthood will be hard anyway and they will hurt you regardless of how tough you try to be, so this is not much of a risk.
That brings me to the part of my life that defines me most, my son. I have always said that you should never have a child unless you are totally sure and the more parents I have seen since he was born the more convinced I am of that. There is a heavy duty pro-life crew out there and if they weren't so dangerous to so many children I would think that is a good thing, because only someone who has lead a good life could be so naive. Their idea is that a baby born is a happy ending, when in reality it's anything but. I tend to avoid pro-life protests etc. but on one occasion in my late teens one of the people taking part asked me directly if I felt abortion should be made illegal, when I said no they looked suitably appalled and ready to give me grief, I asked them a simple question 'If one of the people who you saved by pressuring mums to give birth to children they don't want was grown up no would they thank you?' The answer was of course yes, to which I replied 'Then why don't I?' I would love to say it made them think but I doubt it did. The joy of a parent who drinks a lot is they tell you things they can't remember when addled by alcohol, not a great thing to find out, but I was used to it by then.
If you are in any doubt at all about having a child, wait until they are gone. Even if they are born totally by the book they will not be easy and if they are deviate from the norm in any significant way that will double, so if you doubt your ability as a parent and wait you stand a chance of becoming a very smart parent who will truly enjoy the job. My son is spoiled I make no excuses for it he receives affection and attention that most parents would see as excessive, and his life is easy in many ways. The flip side is he is disciplined to a level most wouldn't dream of and as such people regularly comment on how well behaved he is, a good trick for an Asperger’s child that has required a lot of work from him, my wife and to a lesser extent me. If however you have a child regardless and discover you don't really want them they will feel it and hate you for it, there is no happy ending here. I personally hate hearing parents talk with relish at the idea of time away from their children when they are nearing the end of holidays or have decided to be away for other reasons. Don't get me wrong I am happy that my son wants a sense of independence, but I spend enough time away from him earning a living without adding to it.
If you truly devote life to your children they will give you your best and worst times and endless pride. Most of our children will not be Nobel prize winners etc. but that doesn't matter at all. The difficulty is making sure they know how proud we are of them. Our job involves a lot of criticism to keep them on the rails and this isn't pleasant especially when you know they probably can't fully help it, but if we don't we are neglecting our responsibilities. I am a firm believer that I am not my sons' friend I am his dad. We get on but he can choose his own friends, people he will be with by choice and who will never be responsible for him. These will be transient, as the person ultimately responsible for him I won't. I also like seeing how far superior he is to me at his age in so many ways, his confidence, general enjoyment of life, willingness to communicate and enquire, things we have worked hard on and still continue to.
As home educators we have to be very careful, many seem to have chosen this route to avid teaching their children various things a system I am strongly opposed to. I don't care if parents are religious or want to confine their child to a limited group of people you should, teach science, history and the native language of the country in which you live. Home education is a very easy thing to abuse by teaching ignorance to your children and if someone reading this does so and wants to justify it I would love to see a well-reasoned case for this, it would be the first. I like the fact that our son disagrees with us on a number of opinions etc. because it means we have avoided teaching with bias. We also have the delightful process of teaching things from the curriculum then having him study a bit to find out the curriculum is teaching things we have since disproven, so far this has happened most in history and science where it was too many to remember. It can be interesting to find out how much that I know is now out of date to as we research for his lessons.
I don't know if I inspire or scare people nowadays. People see how much time and effort I put into so many things and admire the results but know they wouldn't be willing to do what is required to get it.

There is plenty of life in the old dog yet. Death has come knocking a few times I just don't answer the door. One doctor told me that my body doesn't seem to have figured out how to die, considering it's not something you get more than one attempt at I am happy to keep it that way.
The financial climate and fact I am supporting my family solo means there will not likely be a rich cushy retirement for me but my hobbies are not expensive so I don't really care too much. My son is being prepared for a life full of opportunity and if he ever dares suggest supporting me as a thank you he will be told to put that idea somewhere dark and uncomfortable, parents support children, not vice versa. He is too young to have any clue which direction his life and career will take him, I was 2.5 to 3 times his age by the time I figured it out, but as long as he's happy I don't care. One of the joys of having an Asperger’s child is not all of them leave home and he is quite convinced that he will get married and have children living where we are now, cute maybe but not beyond possibility either.
I am married and there is a good clause in that 'til death do us part so plenty of years with my wife yet to come. My wife is as crazy as I am so this should prove to keep my life happy for many years to come.
I don't know what is around the corner or down the road etc. and am not stupid enough to think for one moment that I am ready for any of it, but I have adapted so far and expect I will do so then.
I look at myself now as a part of something more rather than a person in isolation. This feels right to me, I felt this way when I was alone but there was always some desire to prove myself to others that I have lost now. I compete in my own ways but feel a contentment that I never knew before. There are things I would like more of, predictable things like money, time etc. but the reasons are less selfish than before and in fairness I know I have done better than most would have expected me to, including me.
I am a self-improver and always will be so there will not be a time when I stop wanting to be better than I am. This intolerance has been destructive many times in the past but now I just use it as a way to keep body and mind working effectively.

Some conclusions I have drawn from life so far, I hope there are many more I will pick up in the future.

Learning from your mistakes is good, but learning from those others have made is so much better.
Never take anyone's word for it. Kind of contradicts the above but circumstances have to be considered.
Be ready to learn. Not all lessons are pleasant or even necessary but many surprise you by being so.
Ignorance is not knowing something, stupidity is refusing to learn, don't get the two mixed up.
If you think you have a handle on life, think again.
You could be the most perfect being in all of existence, someone still thinks your worthless and to them you are. Deal with it.
If you think the world is out to get you please remember the world has better things to do with their time.
It's better to be wrong and learn than never step outside what you know.
We all answer to many people, the most important is yourself. If you like you there is a better chance someone else will, if you love yourself you probably won't have enough left for anyone else.
Judge yourself before others. When you are working on your own flaws it gives you a better understanding of why many don't bother, and why you should.
Be a fool and look the part sometimes. It really is a valuable experience not to be missed.
Rejection feels nowhere near as bad as a missed opportunity.
Live like there will be no tomorrow, but remember there probably will be.
The things in life worth having take work and don't ever stop needing effort.
Always reserve the right to be wrong.
Life changes everyone who lives it. Be prepared to be effected and decide if the effect was a good idea.
When you make a mistake assess where it has taken you or what it has given you before you try avoiding it. Some of the greatest things in your life may be from mistakes, don't trash them before they get a chance.
This is not a test run it is the only life we get so make the most of it.

Running 26-Sep-2013

Not bad run today, warm and very sweaty at the end, nothing new there.

5.4 miles in 42:22 pace 7.65mph

Bench 26-Sep-2013

Bench with fat gripz
Warm up 3 x 10 x 40kg
Sets 2 x 10 x 60kg 1 x 8 x 60kg
These really are starting to come together and feel more natural. Still really bizaree and hitting areas I wouldn't expect from bench but getting used to them.

Press flyes with walk handles
6, 8, 6 with 15kg a side + handles

Kettlebell clean and press with gripz
1 x 10 x 16kg 2 x 10 x 20kg

Really was toast at the end and feeling the aches more than last week.

24 September 2013

Running 24-Sep-2013

Not nearly as bad as it should have been. Calves and quads aching like hell and I still ran, not smart but who cares.

5.4 miles in 42:52 pace 7.55mph so still above minimum.

Squats 23-Sep-2013

Warm up 3 x 10 x 70kg
Sets 2 x 10 x 120kg, 1 x 8 x 120kg, body wanted to stop at 6 but I convinced it to man up.
Farmers walk
Really need to measure up the section I am using not sure if it's 15 or 20 metres and would be good to know.
4 x there and back with turn x 40kg a side plus handles.
3 x 10 x 20kg a side plus handles.

Felt thoroughly dead at the end of this and aching nicely today. Will be running in about an hour, can tell this will be a good one, not.

23 September 2013

Running 23-Sep-2013

Same run, bit warmer, sweat increasing but not crippling.

5.38 miles in 42:33 pace 7.62mph

Boringly consistant, but I enjoyed it.
Dry today so should be doing proper farmers walk instead of abreviated version.

20 September 2013

Running 20-Sep-2013

This was a lot better than I was expecting. Still aching in various places but somehow body just got on with it. I know I will pay for this over the weekend but for now I don't care.

5.38 miles in 41:59 pace 7.69mph.

Deadlifts 19-Sep-2013

All but single arm with fat gripz and they are going to take getting used to.
Made me feel like a rank ameteur all over again which I like, will see if this lasts.

Warm up or what was supposed to be warm up and ended up feeling like serious part of workout very quickly.
3 x 10 x 70kg Not one set was without pause, holding the bar with gripz was hellishly difficult.
3 x 3 x 90kg Not had this weight feeling this hard for 3 in years. Hands and forearms just couldn't cope with more.
Single arem deadlifts using walk handle weight is not including handle.
10 x 50kg, 10 x 60kg, 8 x 70kg
Wide grip chins
3 x 3 with bodyweight, did a final three on bar without gripz by then I was fried.

19 September 2013

Bench 18-Sep-2013

OK it is official fat gripz are weird, good but weird.
I have been doing bench for as long as I have done real weight training and felt it in various places, this is the first time it has ever hit my biceps and forearms. This routine is blowing me well and truly out of my comfort zone in ways a few bits of rubber would never be expected too.
A lot of getting used to things here so time will hopefully mean weights improve.

Warm up 3 x 10 x 40kg all with pauses
Training 8 x 70kg, 6 x 70kg, 10 x 60kg not able to get pauses on 70kg at all, but most on 60 had pause. Really bizarre.
Incline press flyes with walk handles
1 x 10 just handles, 2 x 10 10kg a side plus handles
Kettlebell clean and press with fat grip
Count was more than a touch hazy so take numbers with dose of salt.
12 x 12kg, 2 x 10 x 16kg
Handles already fatter than bar so this was really strange.

Enjoying this, makes me feel like a rank ametuer and that does me good on occasion.

17 September 2013

Running 17-Sep-2013

Taking me a bit to get back into my stride but I will get there.
Another one below minimum acceptable so less than pleased but I anticipate the next couple of weeks will be hit and miss at best.

5.38 miles in 43:13 pace 7.47mph

Squats 16-Sep-2013

Training on the right day, how did that happen?

Warm up 3 x 10 x 70kg
Training weight 3 x 10 x 110kg needs to increase next time. Could have done this time but after week off decided to wuss out.
Farmers walk turns. Raining out and the turns are where I really strugle so set up to do this indoors 3 paces turn then repeat. 3 sets with 50kg on each handle. Not as easy as it may appear.
Lunges. Tried this with fat grips but the additional thickness of the handles without the grips made them ridiculous and I ended up missing reps on sets 1 and 2 so ditched them for the last.
20kg a side, sets of 9,8 and 10

Learning curve at the moment, as this will be for a few weeks. Good fun though.

16 September 2013

Running 16-Sep-2013

Not really slug standard, so better than I deserve. Not happy that I didn't finish the route though, messed up my breathing in the head wind which was stupid as I do know better.

5.18 miles 41:36 pace 7.47mph

Catch up, holiday and gotten older

Every area has at least one strange tradition which you can only understand when you are there. The welsh wear welly boots as somewhere to put the back legs of sheep and last week I think I fully understand the use of a kilt. The Scots have a proud heritage of stealing things from the Irish to adopt as their own traditions, bagpipes and kilts being most notable, and until recently I never understood the desire of men to wear skirts especially as traditionally rumoured without underwear. There is however a creature native to the area that makes the reason clear the infamous female midge fly which will bite anything not armed with suitable repellant. It won't have taken the canny Scots long to realise they could save money here, no need to purchase, pants, soap or fly repellant when they can swing free and let the ensuing odour keep the midges away.

In case no-one has guess I spent my birthday week in Scotland, nicely into the highlands in the middle of nowhere, loved it.
There was very little in the way of training, two runs that were very uninspiring oin terms of pace. Both to some extent due to enjoying the incredible views, especially when the first included having a golden eagle flying overhead. I thought it may have been one when I saw it perched but there were leaves obscuring the view, in flight however it was unmistakable and the call could be heard long after it was out of sight. The second one was a reminder that even the faintest call of nature before a run should be answered or you have to find somewhere descrete.
Run on 10-Sep-2013
5.06 miles in 41:58 pace 7.24mph
Run on 12-Sep-2013
3.64 miles in 29.49 pace 7.32mph

Whilst there I enjoyed the tradition of eating haggis, black pudding, a deep fried mars bar (so much nicer than it should be) and other stodgy food. So I deserve to weigh a ton and run like a slug today but I likely won't.

I spent my birthday itself in a beautiful spot with my wife and son and thorougly enjoyed the peace and scenery. I did virtually nothing just enjoyed being there, something we all need to do occasionally.

Now it's back to insanity and with new kit for my birthday comfort zone is to be left well behind.

6 September 2013

Running 06-Sep-2013

Not bad today.

5.39 miles in 42:32 pace 7.6mph

Pratting about

Well this week is turning into a total mess training wise. More playtime than real session this time around. Took the farmers walk handles into work with enough weight to have 40kg on each side following a bit of curiousity.

Supposed to be doing bench this evening not sure about that as shoulders are dead after doing some practice turns with handle and 40kg a side, which is really difficult for a second time around. I know the systme is to get the fronts touching for the turn but knowing when to get them apart again is a bit of guesswork and I don't have it right yet.
Was demoing single arm deadlift and as close to standard deadlift as I could with the handles to a colleague as well. by the time I had made a laughing stock of myself in front of colleagues by doing farmers walk none of them could have matched and some single arms with 60kg on the handle when my forearms were already dead.

Not a proper session, virtually pure playing and getting stuff wrong, but I enjoyed it, and gave my colleagues a good laugh. Something a more normal person would be concerned about, I work in an environment most people would consider us weird and I am considered weird here.

4 September 2013

Squat session 03-Sep-2013

Well this was supposed to be the last week on current session but due to presence of new toys I am changing early and having some playtime.

Warm up 1 x 10 x 70kg. Would be more but sweated up getting stuff ready
3 x 10 x 110kg
Farmers walk 20 metre stretch carry turns
6 with 20kg + handles, 2 x 4 with 30kg + handles
3 x 10 with 10kg + handles

3 September 2013

Running 03-Sep-2013

Still got a bit of back pain at the start of this run so took it steady. Considering that I am quite pleased with the result.

5.38 miles in 42:46 pace 7.54mph

I will be doing squats, bench and deadlift this week, but will see how I am after warm up before deciding the start point.

2 September 2013

Running 02-Sep-2013

Well last week was be annoyed at myself for not hitting targets week. This week is get a grip and accept that I am actually doing well week. Have a planned week off weights next week, will likely do some running and general messing around but not much else, and this wekk will be about ensuring I am not injured for that. Won't be impressive, but sometimes it's good to give yourself some slack and stop going til failure. We'll see how well I stick to it, I managed it for the first run.

5.39 miles in 43:18 pace 7.46mph

Running 30-Aug-2013 and deadlift 31-Aug-2013

Well last week was a bit of a mess timing wise for training, some nice reasons like bank holiday, some just life's essentials.
Friday I decided that after losing 2 lunch time runs I should do 1 long one to make up for it. Was hoping to do deadlift before this but didn't. Wasn't willing to push to fast or hard as just wanted a pleasant run, got to 8 miles and stopped to save energy for the deadlift on Saturday Morning.

8 miles in 01:05:01 pace 7.39

Deadlift was a bit mixed had a double failur on 165, and hit the rack in temper, very adult of me. The area I hurt 5 months ago was complaining for a day or so after this session so I think I need to get a grip and realise that lifting double my bodyweight so soon after injury is pretty good and stop being a prat about it.

Warm up 3 x 10 x 70kg
attempts that left groung x 2 x 165kg, 1 x 160kg, 2 x 150kg, 4 x 135kg, 8 x 120kg, 12 x 105kg 15 x 95kg
Pull ups narrow grip
1 x BW + 35kg (definate upper lip, all others are full to the chin), 2 x BW + 25kg, 4 x BW + 20kg, 8 x BW + 10kg