22 May 2015

Running 21/22 May 2015

Yesterday's run got cut short by a phone call at just before the 5 mile mark, was sayign around 42:36 at the time so I was a bit behind pace. I forgot to stop the tracking after so it recorded my journey home in the car too at the end of my work day, record pace for me on foot.
Today the guys in my dept. who have started running with me decided to do a mixed terrain run which was interesting. I took some time adapting from off road to road running and the cost is I am not as good at off road as I used to be. Still fun, and it does me good to do things I am not good at. Actually really pleased as I was only 3 seconds a mile off target pace overall today, pace setters are great.

7.03 miles in 53:07 speed 7.9mph

20 May 2015

Bench 20-May-2015

Well I went sensible and did 72.5 for 6. Realistically that was my limit, but I will try more on earlier sets next time.

Bench press
15 x 45kg, 12 x 55kg, 10 x 65kg, 8 x 70kg,6 x 72.5kg

Shoulder press 30kg fast target 60 reps
18, 12, 12, 10, 8

19 May 2015

Intervals 19-May-2015

Legs took some persuading to move, but the intervals taxed my lungs a treat, all good fun.

The usual meaningless stats on intervals
3.99 miles in 32:45 average speed 7.3mph

Squats 19-May-2015

Not sure if to be happy or not on last night's squat session. Top weight was down slightly, I am not sure if I could have done more or not, certainly felt like 6 was enough at 130 by the time I had done working sets before it. Need to decide if to start at 95 or 100kg next time as the 5 a side steps up seem good. Was certainly toast at the end of the squats. Think might need to increase the tuck jump target again, full on shocked myself with the first set, wasn't expecting to have recovered that well. Because last set wasn't too many final rest was short again.

Squats with neoprene knee sleeves
15 x 90kg, 12 x 100kg, 10 x 110kg, 8 x 120kg, 6 x 130kg, 8 x 110kg, 10 x 100kg, 12 x 90kg, 15 x 80kg

Tuck jumps target 150
50, 42, 38, 20

18 May 2015

Running 18-May-2015

Hot (my version of hot anyway), humid with enough rain to keep the humidity up but not cool down. Not my favourite but if I waited for perfect conditions I would hardly ever run.
Run wasn't at all bad considering, so that'll do for today.
Deadlifts last week didn't happen, not best pleased. Shifted a couple of ton of the back garden to the local tip, which anyone doing likewise in the UK will tell you gets you treated as if you are dumping toxic waste. Physical but prefer deadlifts any day.

6.22 miles in 47:21 speed 7.9mph

15 May 2015

Running 15-May-2015

I would love to say I was sensible today because I had a seizure a couple of nights ago and that yesterday was a day off because I am smart and took it easy.
Yesterday wasn't really my choice. Work priorities removed my lunch time so there was no lunch time run. By the evening I was too tired and my wife noticed meaning I would have had more than a bit of a hard time trying to do deadlifts. Either I'm not insured well enough or she loves me, but apparently risking death is not allowed. I know which it is obviously and as stated in a previous blog post it's fortunately mutual.
Today I was running with a new colleague who is used to running 10km as his standard distance and wanted to know the route. I used this as an opportunity to take it a bit easy running my normal route while being useful. So no blistering times today, unusually I don't actually care.
Still have deadlifts to do this week and fully intend to do them. If I don't want my wife's boot print on my posterior this may have to wait until tomorrow morning but that's OK.

6.4 miles (Don't you just love GPS, really just over 6.2) in 52:42 speed 7.3mph

14 May 2015

Bench 14-May-2015

Epilepsy sucks. This session is very abbreviated because when I Lifted off 65kg ready to do a set of 8 on the downward section of the pyramid I felt ready to pass out, quite an advanced sign there is a seizure en route.
Last night the seizure happened, nothing major by the feel of it, probably only lasted a couple of minutes, always fun trying to assess sleep seizures, because I'm asleep when they happen so all I get is the after affects.
On a related topic, a warning to those of you who drive on the mobile phone. Many will think this carries the potential of getting a little fine, few points on the licence and higher insurance costs because of it. I saw the paperwork version of why you may want to rethink when the muppet who hit me while driving on the phone tried to appeal the ban part of his punishment. In it was a section pointing out that if I had died, which according to the medical assessment was a 1 in 3 chance before the operation to remove blood clot from between my skull and brain, he would have been looking at a charge of death by dangerous driving and maximum of 12 years imprisonment. So if that call is really important and you feel hands free kits are just too uncool to use, think how cool you would feel getting a 12 year prison sentence for killing somebody through stupidity, and how you could live with yourself if the person you killed was a child, I know I couldn't.
Anyway back to the session, which was short and rubbish. I am wondering what to do on top weight next time, should I risk trying 75 again and assume this was just the seizure on it's way or bite the bullet and drop it to 72.5, will see next time.

Bench press
15 x 45kg, 12 x 55kg, 10 x 65kg, 8 x 70kg, 4 + 1 failure (should have been 6) x 75kg

12 May 2015

Intervals 12-May-2015

Well that was fun. Legs were not wanting to play today at all. Fortunately still able to push them enough to make my lungs work like heck and have that rob cage forced open feeling from a good set of intervals.
Not particularly even, some of the sprints in the middle started feeling a bit weak and by the time I got to the last 2 legs were a bit wobbly. Serves me right, Timmons is supposed to be 3 blocks done 3 times a week not 10 blocks done once a week. I do what I have time for.

Meaningless stats
3.93 miles in 32:55 average speed 7.2mph

Squats 12-May-2015

Definitely getting there on the balance for weight to use. Not really used to high rep pyramids, in fact pretty sure I have never done pyramids that didn't peak at 2 or 1 before. Was the high rep starts that were too light this time, so next time will start at 90kg, then see if I can still hit the higher weights with the energy I have left. All are supposed to be working to RM sets and in fairness I don't think 15, 12 or even 10 were on the way up the weights, 10 was closest. 8 and 6 however were there and the way down was definitely there.
Tuck jumps were weird because I started recovering better after second set so reps went up, last set was after short rest again.
Today legs are giving that nice, were starting to ache just a bit and will die soon, feeling.

Squats with neoprene knee sleeves
15 x 70kg, 12 x 80kg, 10 x 95kg, 8 x 120kg, 6 x 135kg, 8 x 120kg, 10 x 100kg, 12 x 90kg, 15 x 80kg

Tuck jumps target 150
35, 30, 31, 34, 20

11 May 2015

Running 11-May-2015

Somehow it is less annoying when the app fails to stop at the time I tell it to when it's not a great time anyway. Identified that if I am carrying the phone in my left hand it messes up so obviously I must be touching the screen and activating something which hides the ability to stop the run. Reality is I was around 5 seconds faster than this but it will do for today.
Heat and humidity are not my friends when running and summer is on the way. My aim over the summer is to get back to running regular 8mph/ 7:30 mile, around 8 sec a mile off that today. The 45 min 10km will come back as target when the weather cools, unless I manage not to evaporate.

6.21 miles in 47:26 speed 7.9mph

9 May 2015

Deadlift 09-May-2015

Today's session was organised by Royal Mail, it arrived 2 days late and there were 3 reps missing. Apart from that it was a good one. I pushed a bit to high on weight on 8 rep set, but that's the whole point of training to failure, sometimes you fail.

Deadlift from stop with pause and fat gripz
15 x 70kg, 12 x 80kg, 10 x 95kg. 5 (supposed to be 8) x 110kg, 6 x 100kg(could have managed 105kg), 8 x 90kg, 10 x 80kg, 12 x 70kg, 15 x 60kg forearms were toast by the end.

Narrow crip chins target 50
15, 10, 9, 8, 7 and a bit, 7, short rest 3

8 May 2015

Running 08-May-2015

Had my pacesetter today, he was a bit slower and I was able to catch him on the way out. Worked so hard doing so and staying ahead of him on the way out I didn't have enough in me to stay ahead the whole route. Subsequently the first 3 miles were ahead of target speed, last 3.2 got slower by the mile. In terms of how it hard the run felt, definitely a good one, in terms of the fact it was a second slower than yesterday's too slow performance, not so great.

6.21 miles in 47:52 speed 7.8mph

7 May 2015

Running 07-May-2015

Current standard is supposed to be 8mph, 7:30 a mile, with a target of getting 10km under 45 minutes. So how did it feel to be 12 seconds a mile off the standard pace? pretty infuriating to tell the truth. I can give the excuses, legs were stiff, heat and humidity were up etc. simple truth, I was too slow, the end.
Gone back to trusting runtastic today and in fairness it worked OK.

6.21 miles in 47:51 speed 7.8mph

Bench 06-May-2015

Sometimes that moment when you realise you have been exceptionally dumb can be very refreshing.
I avoid using supports whenever possible in training, nothing against them, just prefer raw training. On squats I needed to use light knee supports, now on bench I am looking like I will have to use my shoulder support on my right side, the more damaged of the 2, because this session gave it a lot of grief.
I was sat wondering why this particular session would be giving me so much grief, I know there is damage in my knees and shoulders, among other areas, but normally work through this with no problems, why would both come back to such a degree that I need supports to do my sessions? Made especially annoying as I think of high reps as lower intensity than high weight I prefer.
Then the math of the situation hit me. Bench is a movement that is uncomfortable for my shoulder, always has been and this session involves doing 96 working reps of it, without including warm up reps. First class 'Doh!' moment. I will be using the support next week, on rep ranges like this I need support.
On the bright side, even though a couple of the sets were not complete, ever rep was good quality.

Bench press
15 x 45kg, 12 x 55kg, 10 x 65kg, 5 (supposed to be 8) x 75kg, 3.5 (supposed to be 6, .5 was the down half) x 75kg, 7(supposed to be 8) x 60kg, 10 x 50kg, 12 x 40kg, 15 x 30kg

Standing shoulder press, fast with 30kg target 60 reps
17, 14, 13, 10, 8 just realised when typing this up I went over by 2, brain not functioning last night at all.

6 May 2015

Squats 05-May-2015

After last weeks somewhat disastrous session I decided to play it a bit safer, and went too far the other way. The reason I stopped last week was a bit of discomfort in the right knee threatening form and introducing risk. This time when I was warming up with the bar I felt the same sensation so for this block I will use what in power lifting terms is considered light support or knee sleeves rather than wraps, it was enough to mean I could get below parallel with virtually no discomfort at all, and none on most sets.
Weight wise I started lower and stayed cautious, I felt it was a bit too cautious at the time, and to show how far off I was the last set I didn't bother reducing weight to go from 12 to 15 reps. I have a sensible ache today, not the sort of thing I expect 2nd week into a block, next time I will be putting 10kg on each of the weights building up and see what is left for the way back down because it would have meant having to remove 25kg plates to put on 20s. Haven't used 100kg for a set of 6 in years and I won't be doing it again unless in full remedial.
As gets posted often the only bad session is one you didn't do, but this should have been a lot more intense. At least I went all out on the tuck jumps, see how those go next time when I actually hammer the squats properly.

Squats with neoprene supports
15 x 60kg, 12 x 70kg, 10 x 80kg, 8 x 90kg, 6 x 100kg, 8 x 90kg, 10 x 80kg, 12 x 70kg, 15 x 70kg

Tuck jumps target 150
40, 34, 37, 38
All but past 30 on final set the take off and landing point were pretty close to each other, aft 30 on 4th set, a few may have been in different counties.

5 May 2015

Intervals 05-May-2015

Bit breezy out. Wind tends to take far more out of your pace running into it than you get back with it behind you.
No big deal, intervals is about effort and recovery. This session looks worse on the average stats than last time, but the sprints were much better meaning I couldn't run as fast during recovery, exactly what I want, so in truth this was far better.
Lungs feel force filled, all in all I feel exactly as I should after intervals.

3.85 miles in 32:35 average speed 7.1mph

1 May 2015

Running 01-May-2015

Aching nicely, but legs are recovering. Pacesetter was a bit off his pace today which meant I had him in sight most of the shared sections of our run and that pulled me along a treat. He is doing well, when he first started I would see him in the distance and know I could catch him, now it is very different, so close to my pace I struggle to make up any ground on him at all. His current aim is to be beating me by summer, 6 weeks in his eyes, my job of course is to stop him by speeding up myself.
Result fairly good run and i'm a happy bunny. Of course this just makes me want the 45 minutes for the route all the more.

6.22 miles in 46:10 speed 8.08mph

Deadlifts 30-Apr-2015

Last night as changeover week was drawing to an end there were parts of my body not aching. I have fixed that.
Deadlifts could have been heavier, but wanting spot on form from stop with hold at the top of each I wasn't expecting this. Next week will have max as 100kg or more on 6 reps, really getting used to the fat gripz now.

Deadlift from stop with pause using fat gripz
15 x 50kg, 12 x 60kg, 10 x 70kg, 8 x 80kg, 6 x 90kg, 8 x 80kg, 10 x 70kg, 12 x 60kg, 15 x 50kg

Narrow grip chins target 50
15, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5