14 May 2015

Bench 14-May-2015

Epilepsy sucks. This session is very abbreviated because when I Lifted off 65kg ready to do a set of 8 on the downward section of the pyramid I felt ready to pass out, quite an advanced sign there is a seizure en route.
Last night the seizure happened, nothing major by the feel of it, probably only lasted a couple of minutes, always fun trying to assess sleep seizures, because I'm asleep when they happen so all I get is the after affects.
On a related topic, a warning to those of you who drive on the mobile phone. Many will think this carries the potential of getting a little fine, few points on the licence and higher insurance costs because of it. I saw the paperwork version of why you may want to rethink when the muppet who hit me while driving on the phone tried to appeal the ban part of his punishment. In it was a section pointing out that if I had died, which according to the medical assessment was a 1 in 3 chance before the operation to remove blood clot from between my skull and brain, he would have been looking at a charge of death by dangerous driving and maximum of 12 years imprisonment. So if that call is really important and you feel hands free kits are just too uncool to use, think how cool you would feel getting a 12 year prison sentence for killing somebody through stupidity, and how you could live with yourself if the person you killed was a child, I know I couldn't.
Anyway back to the session, which was short and rubbish. I am wondering what to do on top weight next time, should I risk trying 75 again and assume this was just the seizure on it's way or bite the bullet and drop it to 72.5, will see next time.

Bench press
15 x 45kg, 12 x 55kg, 10 x 65kg, 8 x 70kg, 4 + 1 failure (should have been 6) x 75kg

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