7 May 2015

Bench 06-May-2015

Sometimes that moment when you realise you have been exceptionally dumb can be very refreshing.
I avoid using supports whenever possible in training, nothing against them, just prefer raw training. On squats I needed to use light knee supports, now on bench I am looking like I will have to use my shoulder support on my right side, the more damaged of the 2, because this session gave it a lot of grief.
I was sat wondering why this particular session would be giving me so much grief, I know there is damage in my knees and shoulders, among other areas, but normally work through this with no problems, why would both come back to such a degree that I need supports to do my sessions? Made especially annoying as I think of high reps as lower intensity than high weight I prefer.
Then the math of the situation hit me. Bench is a movement that is uncomfortable for my shoulder, always has been and this session involves doing 96 working reps of it, without including warm up reps. First class 'Doh!' moment. I will be using the support next week, on rep ranges like this I need support.
On the bright side, even though a couple of the sets were not complete, ever rep was good quality.

Bench press
15 x 45kg, 12 x 55kg, 10 x 65kg, 5 (supposed to be 8) x 75kg, 3.5 (supposed to be 6, .5 was the down half) x 75kg, 7(supposed to be 8) x 60kg, 10 x 50kg, 12 x 40kg, 15 x 30kg

Standing shoulder press, fast with 30kg target 60 reps
17, 14, 13, 10, 8 just realised when typing this up I went over by 2, brain not functioning last night at all.

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