31 July 2013

Squats 30-Jul-2013

Two days of running instead of one leading up to the session, a bit of worry about how my back was going to take to 1RM or close in the session etc. Was ready for at least a few failures here, I do love being wrong.

Warm up 3 x 10 x 70kg
With wraps 1 x 160kg, 2 x 150kg, 160 could have been a little deeper, more mental concern than physical ability here, next week will be 165 and proper depth.
Without wraps 4 x 130kg, 8 x 115kg, 12 x 100kg, 15 x 70kg, you didn't know I could do sets that long did ya, not my forte.

Front squats, was daft enough to try that with 120, that got about an inch off the holder and went straight back.
2 x 105kg, 4 x 90kg, 6 x 70kg

And I was toast.

30 July 2013

Running 30-Jul-2013

Humidity was not as bad as I was expecting, there was even a nice breeze giving the illusion that it's cooler.
Wanted below 42 minutes and got close. Was annoyed for a moment but having checked it is only 11 seconds slower than the quickest I have gone since being at the new office, so can't really complain. Felt good too.

5.37 miles in 42:01 pace 7.67mph

29 July 2013

Running 29-Jul-2013

Temp dropped a bit and so did my time, now back over the mandatory 7.5mph though not by much. Think I could have given more to this run but with weather lately I was less inclined to take risks.

5.37 miles in 42:34 givin 7.58mph

Interesting to see how this week and next week go as am starting reverse pyramids on weights and that will tire the old legs a bit. Monday = squats, not always especially bright really.

26 July 2013

Running 26-Jul-2013

Getting very soft about this whole heat thing now.
stopped at the 5 mile mark and really struggled getting that far. I am not designed for heat.

5 miles, 40:43 time, 7.37mph

25 July 2013

Running 25-Jul-2013

Mercury up, pace down, becoming an all too common situation.
Think I would mind less if it weren't for how much more tiring this was than the same run 2 days ago.

5.37 miles, time 44:03, pace 7.31mph

Nicest thing I can say about this run is the pace was consistant.

23 July 2013

Running 23-Jul-2013

Question. What happens on a running day when there has been a major thunderstorm, risk of more with rain and hail?
Answer. Same as any other day, get off fat posterior and go running.

Distance 5.38 time 42:34 pace 7.57mph

Back over the 7.5mph minimum, amazing what being back into the low 20s for temperature can do for you.
Rained, but I sweat so much it made no visible difference, just rain smells less.

22 July 2013

Running 22-Jul-2013

Today was not as hot but I was erring on the side of caution and kept pace a touch lower than max to be sure I didn't have to stop or make myself unable to run tomorrow. In fairness I should have gone a bit quicker and said to heck with tomorrow, but I didn't as such results are better than they have been in the real heat but not great.

Distance 5.37, time 43:08, pace 7.46

Must try harder next time.

Deadlift 19-Jul-2013 (delayed post)

Deadlift 10 x 70kg, 10 x 100kg, 8 x 120kg, 3 x 140kg, 3 inches x 160kg, 1 x 150kg
Bizarre sensation that the whole of the right side of my back felt the pressure in the early sets rather than a localaised at the lower back where I hurt it. I am assuming this means the muscle has meshed back nicely and is spreading the load.
Possibly could have pushed for the 160 but didn't consider worth the risk.
High pulls (50kg)/ wide grip chins in superset. Wanted the intensity but not happy to go too heavy on a jerk movemnt like high pull. 10/6, 10/4, 10/3

Going to up my running this week, the sun has stopped trying to kill me and even with the slight mist the air feels a lot better and temperature is more bareable. Will be running 4 times this week, no interval but if this week goes well will be doing that next week.

19 July 2013

Running 19-Jul-2013 aka, this heat is starting to get on my nerves

Well today was the hotest day of running so far and I'm sure you will not be shocked to see my slowest too. Mercury resting around 35 degrees C which will be well over 90 F. I did complete the run but was really not a happy bunny by the end.

5.36 miles, time 45:01 , pace 7.14mph, thoroughly shameful in normal conditions but there was nothing left to give on this one.

I have a weekend pass to the gym my wife and son attend so will not even have the weekend off this week. Apparently the instructors are intrigued to meet me, my son is recognised as he hardest working child of any age they have had attending sice they started the groups, and they think it may have been my influence.

Will life begin soon?

There is an interestingly desperate sounding phrase, life begins at forty. I have often wondered if this is to make people feel better about getting old or a declaration that you are starting to get your life back after years of looking after family etc. Conclusions, absolutely none, but let's have a look.

Option 1
In the modern world the arrival of 40 is a major blow to many. they look back in horror at what they feel where the best days of their life and wonder what the heck happened, who dumped a bowling ball in their stomachs, stole their hair, made what is left grey, gave them faces that would make a great climbing route, and took away their ability to have energy and imbide massive quantities of alcohol and food without any worry at all.
It is also a time when people think about all of the wild things they dreamed of in their youth, look at their teenage or older children and think how they would love to be that age again, and what they would do differently.
For many they think life is over. They know that retirement will be adding more to the medication pile they are starting to use, have little energy to enjoy it and often no money as well. So when someone comes up saying life begins at 40 they probably want to rip their heads off and shove it up their rectum for taking the mick.
I posted on her about midlife crisis a while ago, and much as I take the mick I do understand that it is easy for people to be swept along then wish they'd stopped along the way to enjoy life more. If you are doing that now, going wild and abandoning the life you have is not a solution, the choices you made and commitments are your own, and if you take a really good look the chances are you have a lot to be thankful for.

I took the road less travelled and it lead me back to the same place as many, just further along it. I am proud of being a boring old man now and my declaration of this was challenged by a colleague yesterday who said that you cannot be unusual and boring at the same time. I argued my case but there is a good chance that I was wrong and may be more interesting than I give myself credit for, but I doubt it.
I am bigger around the middle than I used to be but most half my age consider me trim, I am going bald and grey, it's not a good look but I accept it without trying to hide or prevent it, as Steve Tyler san 'every time that I look in the mirror, all these lines on my face getting clearer' so yes I would say I expect I look every bit the middle aged man I am. I have had a few people telling me I don't look my age and others saying I do, meaning I likely still haven't worn well and look a bit over 40 already, no big deal I have looked older my entire adult life.
Where I am different is I genuinely don't care. I didn't do many of the things I dreamed of going straight onto in my youth, but they were very sensible goals that I have gone onto do some of later, my time was a period of blatant stupidity I shouldn't have survived and pay for with some daily pain, and a lower salary than I could be on if I had gone the more standard route, worth every penny to know what really does make me happy and be content with myself. I look old, live a sensible and industrious life that benefits my family and myself without harming others, and have no desire to recapture my youth.
The things many miss from youth aren't important to me, I don't drink alcohol, the only 'wild night out' I have had in years was my brother's stag do, I wasn't at mine, I don't mind looking well out of my twenties or thirties or if people think my clothes are out of date and mis-matched, I never had any style anyway.

Option 2
After years of working hard and raising a family, the time is coming when you are able to start getting some time for yourself. You can do things that you couldn't in your youth because you didn't have the funds or the ability to get insurance. The sports car that would have required a second mortgage to insure can now be covered for just over a weeks salary. You have lost a bit of shape but are now able to get to the gym or exercise club and have made friends there of similar age. You are going on holiday to exotic destinations because you can and your children are jealous.
The road most travelled has been kind to you and the mortgage is in it's last years and well under half what it would cost to rent now. The garden is perfect, you wear what you like pottering around in it then laze around admiring it.

This is where the cost of going the alternative route shows, and there have been a few large spanners thrown into the works too. I started the normal life later than most and subsequently my son is not even in his teens yet, so my life is a continuous stream of work and family commitments, my time will not be my own for a good while yet if at all. Aspergers children don't always leave home, as they can't always cope alone so there is a chance that I could be looking after my son in a limited capacity for the rest of my life, even if only providing a home and reminding him about daily tasks that seem so unimportant to them, like washing and dressing. I could be looking at this type of situation at 50 but 40 will not see me getting more time to enjoy the garden, which in itself is no big deal as I hate gardening with a passion.
I would like more leisure time, but accept this as the cost of having lots of it when younger, we all have to put in the work if we want anything out of life, and I definately do.

Will life begin for me at 40? No.
Will life end for me at 40? No.
Will turning 40 affect me? Yes.
Will I do anything major to mark the event? Don't know.

To me the definition of beign middle aged is that I am in the middle of my life's progression, so it is not a begining or an end, in fact it's just another day, marking another year/ decade I have survived.
I will be affected by turning 40. I drive one of the most boring vehicles known to man so insurance will drop as long. I will have to tick the boxes saying I am in the 40 to 49 age group on questionaires. I will lose more of my hair and more of it will be going or have gone grey. Training will keep my recovery rate high, but I will be relying on that more all of the time.
I have marked out what I would like for my birthday, and it's not exciting to anyone but me. The chances are the celebration will be at a family restaurant or gastro pub, because that enables me to be with people who are important to me.

I don't expect I will feel any different than I do now. In the same way as after turning 30, which many made a big deal about. A lot of people are telling me they hated turning 40 but personally I don't see the issue.

I am immortal until proven otherwise!

18 July 2013

Bench 17-Jul-2013

After practically killing myself on intervals earlier in the day I didn't have great expectations on this session. I like being wrong sometimes.

Bench 10 x 40kg, 10 x 70kg, 4 x 80kg, 2 x 85kg, 1 x 90kg My instistance is being able to bench more than my bodyweight at competition standard and that covered that nicely. Still want 100kg this year and might still be on the cards.

Standing shoulder press 10 x 40kg, 6 x 45kg, 3 x 47.5kg

Kettlebell swings to overhead both sides = 1, 10 x 20kg, 2 x 8 x 24kg

17 July 2013

Interval 17-Jul-2013

Shifted up a gear today, after all how much more difficult can it be to do intervals with slightly shorter rest? Old one was 15 lots of minute fast minute slow now it's 17 set of minute fast 50 seconds slow.

Distance 3.6 miles, time 31:19, average pace 6.9mph

To answer the how much harder question, 10 seconds made a lot of difference and I feel dead.

16 July 2013

Squats 15-Jul-2013

Only 2 exercises here but felt like enough with single squat.

Squats 10 x 70kg, 8 x 120kg, 4 x 140kg, 1 x 160kg
Overhead squats 10 x 40kg, 2 x 8 x 50kg

All heavy on the back, no issues so will consider myself happy with this somewhat abbreviated session.

15 July 2013

Running 15-Jul-2013

Well I slowed it down to allow for the heat and I got round. Could have kept going too so that seems to have been my 'hell it's hot' pace.

5.36 miles, 43:46 minutes, 7.35 mph

Not happy but will keep me going untill it cools down again.
May do some vaying routes while the heat is on.

12 July 2013

Lame Run 12-Jul-2013

For those of you in proper hot places this will seem pathetic but it was midday and 27 degrees celsius, 80 fahrenheit, and well beyond my melting point.
End of first mile I was tired, end of third I was dying and despite slowing down after 4.6 I couldn't go on anymore.
My worst run in a long time, and I am not a happy bunny.

Distance 4.6 miles, time 37:21, pace 7.39mph.

Deadlift 12-Jul-2013

And I am definately on my way back to full recovery I don't deserve.
Deadlift 10 x 70kg, 10 x 100kg, 6 x 130kg, 3 x 150kg, 1 x 160kg I am confident that I could have lifted more physically but mentally I wasn't ready to do so.
High pulls 3 x 8 x 60kg
Wide grip chins with/ withouth 10kg weight 4/3, 3/3 and I stopped there. Sometimes it's good to know you have done well and stop before it goes wrong.

Happy with that session. Think a few more weeks of recovery and I should be able to try some reverse pyramids, something I have only done once before, usually built up.

11 July 2013

Bench 10-Jul-2013

Bench with pause 10 x 50kg, 10 x 60kg, 8 x 70kg, 3 x 80kg
Standing shoulder press 2 x 8 x 40kg, 6 x 45kg
Drop through push ups on suspension trainer 3 x 10

10 July 2013

Interval 10-Jul-2013

This was better than expected. I was aching, tired and air is tight but I was pleasantly surprised.
There were a number of target pace too low warnings in recovery time, and that is fine. There was one near the start of a fast section around 2/3rds through but either the 3rd or 4th said I was too fast so would say that was even and I finished OK.
Rib cage feels fit to burst now so it is hitting my lungs hard just what I wanted.

Distance 3.48, time 30:05, average pace 6.94mph

9 July 2013

Squats 09-Jul-2013

Not a bad session, definately recovering properly now and accelerating with it.

Squats 10 x 70kg, 10 x 100kg, 6 x 120kg 3 x 130kg, 1 x 140kg
All felt safe and secure, 140 hasn't felt that heavy in a long while though.
Overhead squats 3 x 10 x 40kg
Jump squats 10 x 40kg, 8 x 70kg, 5 x 70kg then 1 without a jump.

Happy with this as expected to suffer at least a little from the jumps and didn't. Aching today of course, but why would I bother if not to ache?

8 July 2013

Running 08-Jul-2013

Consistant at least. I know my minimum is 7.5mph and ideal is 8+ but this is getting so predictable it's infuriating.

Distance 5.37 miles, time 41:55, pace 7.69 same as last week.

Deadlift 05-Jul-2013

Deadlifts were so much better than I expected that it's taken me all weekend to recover from the shock. This is of course nonesense, but it looks better than I was too lazy enjoying the sunshine with family to post it.

Deadlift 10 x 70kg, 10 x 100kg, 6 x 120kg, 3 x 140kg Definately on the road to recovery. Is there a 200+ possible within the year? We will see.
High pull 10 x 50kg, 2 x 10 x 60kg
Wide grip chins 10 body weight, 2 sets 3 + 10kg on belt 3 with bodyweight.

The run was nothing to do with being slightly ill, it was purely me being pathetic and not fully recovered from intervals. Meaning need to stick with current intervals a while longer.

5 July 2013

Running (sort of) 05-Jul-2013

Today was supposed to contain my normal run. But I suspect that my wife and son being ill and us being a sharing family may result in me getting it too, the joy!

Distance 4.18 miles, then walked back to the office annoyed time 32:51 pace 7.64

Deadlifts today and I really don't want to miss them. Will see how I feel.

4 July 2013

Run and Bench 03-Jul-2013

Run was intervals full 30 minutes of 1 minute fast 1 slow.
Planning to cut the rest down to 55 seconds and add an extra set next week, just not feeling dead enough after the current session, which is a killer.
As always stats are pretty meaningless but here they are. App got confused and kept not giving me status then catching up but graph shows more consistency than before.

Distance 3.4miles, time 30:04, avg. pace 6.79mph.

Think before and after shots could be good here, the fresh ready to go at the start and drenched ready to die at the end.


Bench with pause 2 sets 8 x 70kg, 1 set 3 x 80kg
Standing shoulder press 2 sets 6 x 40kg 3rd set was 6
Alternate push throughs on suspension trainer, 3 sets of 10 a side.

2 July 2013

Squats 01-Jul-2013

Only 2 exercises, legs were a bit tired after the run. Poor excuse I know.

Squats 10 x 70kg, 10 x 100kg, 6 x 120kg, 2 x 130kg
Kettlebell goblet squats 32kg 3 x 10

Felt well and truly trained at the end.

1 July 2013

Catch up on training journal

Well I did say I was on holiday so I was trying to live in this place called the real world. It's just outside of cyberspace and can be a bit scary but I enjoyed it.

Deadlift session

Deadlifts 10 x 70kg, 10 x 100kg, 4 x 120kg happy with that. Deadlift is my favourite so I took it hard that I had to slow down on it. This is getting back on track.
High pulls 3 sets of 10 on 50kg was the aim. Due to forgetting to lift heals on one of the last set I ended up losing focus and stopped at 8 to be safe.
Wide grip chins 2 sets of 10, 1 of 4

Day out at a commercial gym, with Bench session

Had a go on a cross trainer with pulse rate monitoring, nice to be training at the intensity I normally run and see my heart rate. Generally at age related max give or take 2 or 3 bpm, so being old and stupid means I haven't had to slow down due to age.

Bench with pause, aka proper bench 70kg sets 10, 8 (hurt shoulder protecting my back, nothing that will affect me next time), 2 concern over back and sore shoulder, all I had left.
Mixed kettlebell play time on wrong side of bosu
20kg single arm alternate snatch
20kg single arm alternate clean and press
16kg both arm alternate snatch
16kg both arm alternate clean and press
20kg both arm alternate clean and press
Push ups with clap 3 sets forgot the numbers but were around 8 - 10

Todays running.
Moved office so distance is slightly increased but route is almost the same.
Distance 5.36 miles, time 41:50, pace 7.69mph