1 July 2013

Catch up on training journal

Well I did say I was on holiday so I was trying to live in this place called the real world. It's just outside of cyberspace and can be a bit scary but I enjoyed it.

Deadlift session

Deadlifts 10 x 70kg, 10 x 100kg, 4 x 120kg happy with that. Deadlift is my favourite so I took it hard that I had to slow down on it. This is getting back on track.
High pulls 3 sets of 10 on 50kg was the aim. Due to forgetting to lift heals on one of the last set I ended up losing focus and stopped at 8 to be safe.
Wide grip chins 2 sets of 10, 1 of 4

Day out at a commercial gym, with Bench session

Had a go on a cross trainer with pulse rate monitoring, nice to be training at the intensity I normally run and see my heart rate. Generally at age related max give or take 2 or 3 bpm, so being old and stupid means I haven't had to slow down due to age.

Bench with pause, aka proper bench 70kg sets 10, 8 (hurt shoulder protecting my back, nothing that will affect me next time), 2 concern over back and sore shoulder, all I had left.
Mixed kettlebell play time on wrong side of bosu
20kg single arm alternate snatch
20kg single arm alternate clean and press
16kg both arm alternate snatch
16kg both arm alternate clean and press
20kg both arm alternate clean and press
Push ups with clap 3 sets forgot the numbers but were around 8 - 10

Todays running.
Moved office so distance is slightly increased but route is almost the same.
Distance 5.36 miles, time 41:50, pace 7.69mph


  1. Good to see an update, and I hope you enjoyed your adventure into the real world.

  2. I certainly did. Working in the virtual world makes living in the real one very enjoyable.
