22 July 2013

Deadlift 19-Jul-2013 (delayed post)

Deadlift 10 x 70kg, 10 x 100kg, 8 x 120kg, 3 x 140kg, 3 inches x 160kg, 1 x 150kg
Bizarre sensation that the whole of the right side of my back felt the pressure in the early sets rather than a localaised at the lower back where I hurt it. I am assuming this means the muscle has meshed back nicely and is spreading the load.
Possibly could have pushed for the 160 but didn't consider worth the risk.
High pulls (50kg)/ wide grip chins in superset. Wanted the intensity but not happy to go too heavy on a jerk movemnt like high pull. 10/6, 10/4, 10/3

Going to up my running this week, the sun has stopped trying to kill me and even with the slight mist the air feels a lot better and temperature is more bareable. Will be running 4 times this week, no interval but if this week goes well will be doing that next week.

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