4 July 2013

Run and Bench 03-Jul-2013

Run was intervals full 30 minutes of 1 minute fast 1 slow.
Planning to cut the rest down to 55 seconds and add an extra set next week, just not feeling dead enough after the current session, which is a killer.
As always stats are pretty meaningless but here they are. App got confused and kept not giving me status then catching up but graph shows more consistency than before.

Distance 3.4miles, time 30:04, avg. pace 6.79mph.

Think before and after shots could be good here, the fresh ready to go at the start and drenched ready to die at the end.


Bench with pause 2 sets 8 x 70kg, 1 set 3 x 80kg
Standing shoulder press 2 sets 6 x 40kg 3rd set was 6
Alternate push throughs on suspension trainer, 3 sets of 10 a side.

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