31 January 2015

Deadlift 31-Jan-2015

Deadlift with fat gripz
3 x 10 x 80kg with pauses and lots of regripping

High pulls with fat gripz on bosu
3 x 10 x 50kg

Wide grip seated row with lean forward
3 x 10 x 80kg only needed to regrip on 3rd set

30 January 2015

Running 30-Jan-2015

Bit more fudge finger on the app, pressed something instead of pause so time will be a few seconds over. I will get used to it. Wasn't as good as yesterday and not going to quibble over a few seconds when getting used to this.

5.37 miles in 42:11 speed 7.65mph

Bench 29-Jan-2015

This wasn't bad. had to keep push press down a bit on weight for safety but happy enough.

Bench press
3 x 10 1st on 65kg, other 2 on 67.5kg

Push press
3 x 10 1st on 45kg, other 2 on 47.5kg

Narrow press ups hands on bosu, feet on punchbag

8, 4, 5 was toast at the end of each and movement wasn't the best on any set. When challenging co-ordination it is inevitable that you will lose it.

29 January 2015

Running 29-Jan-2015

Getting used to the app now, even found where it tells me mph. More settings yet to conquer but with screen lock removed it recorded almost the whole run, right up to the point where I hit the pause button about .1 miles from the end, which is not the app's fault, definite carbon based error. Distance recorded is to this point.
Cool clear air, 2 Celsius so just above freezing, virtually no wind spot on.

5.3 miles in 41:02 speed 7.76mph

28 January 2015

Squats 27-Jan-2015

Sometimes I really enjoy being wrong. Of course one day I will stop recovering faster than I deserve and will have to learn moderation, fortunately not today.
Side was not great after intervals and I thought this would impact on my squat session. However after some initial testing with just the bar on floor and bosu it became clear that weight should be fine.

Squats on bosu
3 x 10 1st with 70kg, other 2 with 100kg, was tempted to go up to 110 but thought that could be stupid. Will do next week though, maybe even 120.

Jump squats
10 x 70kg, 10 x 90kg 8 x 90kg so went up a weight on the most unlikely exercise and didn't break, had to stop 3rd set early but accepted that.

Pistol squats
2 x 6 a side and 1 x 2 a side right knee hurt badly on 2nd rep of 3rd set so I stopped and just did 2 on left. Quality is improving no balancing aids and depth is coming.

27 January 2015

Intervals 27-Jan-2015

Well it appears the issue with the app yesterday was due to the phone having a screen lock time on it. I have switched this off and today it remained on throughout. The app is a real bully, which is ideal, old one used to be uber polite 'target pace to low, try to speed up' this one has no such niceties, just 'speed up' or if you are close 'speed up a little.' It also doesn't save these for several minutes and give them to you all at once making them worse than useless as you get 30 seconds of missed updates in a 20 second interval.
I am genuinely impressed with this little app and how easy it was to customise my intervals to exactly how I wanted them. All this from a freebee, no wonder they won an award. It does lose track of time a bit though, so instead of my session of 5 minutes warm up and cool down with 10 lots of 20 seconds and 9 2 minute slower sessions between them taking 31:20 it took 32:45 and I stopped the session.
Net result is my session was very consistent 98% on target in fact according to the monitoring, which based on the pace displayed and allowing for GPS inaccuracy is likely as close to perfect as can get, absolutely punishing and enjoyable.

Yesterday while running I was protecting my back and twinged my left oblique instead, so by evening my back was fine and my left side hurt too much for unstable squats. This session seemed fine and I may be able to get them done tonight, if nothing else at lower weight.

Session stats.
3.91 miles in 32:45 average pace (this one doesn't show speed) 8:21 a mile

26 January 2015

Running 26-Jan-2015

New device, new app and there was an issue I hope was user error. A few minutes in the screen went to sleep and it stopped tracking my run, so a 5.4 mile run showed as a 0.41 mile run. At least I get the time to work out from, knicked details from a run last week apart from the time, was 3 seconds difference so close enough.

5.37 miles in 42:23 speed 7.6mph

25 January 2015

Bench 24-Jan-2015

This was a lesson in why I have to do my sessions in order. Core was too worn out from deadlift session and I nearly paid a high price. As it happens I just caused minor straining and cramping in the entire lower back so have been able to stretch it away enough to continue as normal, I think. I'll see on Monday.

Bench press
3 x 10 x 60kg, 62.5kg, 65kg start at 65 next time.

Push press
2 x 10 then a 7 x 50kg, 7th on set 3 was enforced stop.

Deadlift 22-Jan-2015

This was loads of fun. Challenging myself, doing silly things and succeeding at them, mostly.

Deadlift with fat gripz with pause at top.
3 x 10 x 70kg. No sets without regrips but still happy as could notice grip is improving to the tips.

High pulls on bosu with fat gripz
3 x 10 x 50kg

Seated wide grip row with lean forward and back
3 x 10 x 70kg had to regrip after rep 9 first 2 sets 8 on third. Ce la vie.

22 January 2015

Running 22-Jan-2015

Take a pair of legs that are complaining at the idea of standing up and walking and really whinging at the concept of stairs, add quite a stressful morning at work and the general attitude of 'this is going to be a lousy run, but I'm doing it anyway', ignore the thought that this will be hard work and push through until the legs stop complaining realising I don't care. Result, not a bad run and me pleasantly surprised.

5.38 miles in 42:00 speed 7.7mph

Deadlifts this evening, that will be so much fun.

21 January 2015

Running 21-Jan-2015

Well we had some proper snow today, at least we did at home. At work where I go for a run the snow was pretty much cleared from the ground and not settling anymore. So it was cool, wet with snowflakes getting in my eyes occasionally but no need for snowtrax.
Legs had a bit of a whinge about aching between miles 3 and 4 but I ignored them and it wasn't too bad a run.

5.37 miles in 42:20 speed 7.6mph

Squats 20-Jan-2015

Squats on bosu
3 x 10 80kg, 90kg, 100kg I think I should be fine with all at 100kg next time

Jump squats
3 x 10 x 80kg want to go up to 85 or 90 next week

Pistol squats
3 x 6 a side, varying depth, quality and stability but no balance assistance apart from knowing I could touch the rack to stop me falling this time. None at the depth I want yet though.

20 January 2015

Running 20-Jan-2015

Well today I had cool clear air, which in my world is at or just above freezing and was back to running as if I could keep going indefinitely.
Of course today I will be doing squats at home which means the run tomorrow may be less cheery. Having to shift my running days around a lot of late.

5.37 miles in 42:29 speed 7.6mph

Intervals 19-Jan-2015

Well today shows just how irrelevant the stats are. The average pace was higher which may look good. Truth is this was because I had limited time and cut the cool down time short. Otherwise the average speed would have been 6.5 or 6.6 tops.
Not done intervals in a while now and while I have usually sucked at them, today I realised just how badly. Wasn't particularly consistent and just felt like I was ready to die.

3.5 miles in 30:57 average speed 6.8mph

17 January 2015

Deadlift 17-Jan-2015

Deadlifts with fat gripz
3 x 10 x 70kg weakest to strongest grip. Less regrips and starting to pause at the top of the lifts

High pulls with fat grips on bosu
3 x 10 2 sets 40kg last with 50kg

Wide grip seated row with lean forward and back between reps
3 x 10 first with 50kg other 2 with 60kg but both needed pause after 8 on both

16 January 2015

Running 16-Jan-2014

Better run today, which is nice. Needed to see some improvement, I know getting back to 8mph is going to take a bit but I was starting to get annoyed.

5.37 miles in 41:58 speed 7.7mph

Bench 16-Jan-2015

Seeing the return of the nominal exercise. Not impressive weight but aching form not doing this for a while so pitched well first time.

Bench press
3 x 10 x 60kg, needs to be 70kg next time.

Push press, emphasis on speed of movement
3 x 10 x 40kg Getting speed relatively OK either stick with this until faster or go 45 and try faster next time.

Narrow grip push ups, hands on bosu centre and feet together
3 x 6 Too much back arch cheating here. Need to correct this and increase reps.

14 January 2015

Running 14-Jan-2015

Still keeping to minimum speed but not best pleased at the moment. I am doing more in the weight training and calves were killing me today but still annoyed.
Wasn't bright after my run today. Calves were tight as a bowstring before the run and I forgot to stretch them until after my shower when they tightened up again. I will regret that.

5.38 miles in 42:56 speed 7.5mph

Squats 13-Jan-2015

Squats on bosu
3 x 10 first 2 sets with 70kg last with 90kg, start with 90 next time.

Jump squats
3 x 10 x 70kg

Pistol squats using suspension trainer as safety support.
3 x 6 a side

Not done pistol squats before and was relying on the suspension trainer less as time went on in the early reps of the sets. Reckon it will be next week I get a few without needing support and a few more to get a full set of them.

13 January 2015

Running 13-Jan-2014

Back above minimum speed again. Need to get improving properly again.

5.38 miles in 42:44 speed 7.6mph

9 January 2015

Running 09-Jan-2015

I knew there would be at least 1 sub standard run this week, and today was it. I am not shocked, aching like heck and storm force winds weren't a recipe for blistering times.
I would like to say I'm happy all considered, but I'm not. I was starting to hope I would at least hit my 7.5mph minimum speed every day this week and I was so close it's infuriating.

5.38 miles in 43:37 speed 7.4mph

Deadlifts 08-Jan-2015

Deadlift with fat gripz weakest to strongest grip
3 x 10 x 70kg

High pulls with fat gripz
3 x 10 x 40kg, needs to be 50 or more next week

Wide grip seated row with lean forward and back between (strengthening that lower back ya know)
3 x 10 20kg, then 2 with 40kg

8 January 2015

Running 08-Jan-2015

Legs and lungs didn't want to get going today and had a good old moan. I ignored them and there was a bit of improvement, 23 seconds to be precise. Ignorance wasn't bliss but it worked.

5.39 miles in 42:44 speed 7.6mph

6 January 2015

Running 06-Jan-2015

Well this felt hard as it should have. Not done much in a month and still have breathing difficulties from sore throat and lingering cold. In honesty I was actually pleased with the pace all considered, though go back a month I would have been mortified.

5.38 miles in 43:07 speed 7.5mph

Squats 05-Jan-2015

Still not feeling well but have gotten fed up waiting to get better and decided to train anyway.
Time was not my friend as I wanted to do goblet squats with over head throw at the end and didn't have chance but at least I did something.

Squats on bosu
3 x 10 40,50,60kg will start on 60kg next time.

Jump squats
3 x 10 x 60kg 70kg next time.

2 January 2015

Feeling Ill

OK it's official, I have full on had enough of being ill this year. Most of December was spent at varying levels of illness and it is getting beyond a joke.
Totally messed up my training throughout the entirety of December, not making my mood particularly pleasant and generally making me feel pathetic.
One of the worst parts is the illness isn't that bad, there have only been a few days when I needed to wrap up in bed, it is just in the background not enough to be major but enough to make me know I daren't push it without it becoming so.
Well I will be training like a new years resolution by doing beginners stuff in January, so glad I train at home at this time of year.

Anyway in summary. Feel ill, not happy, want to get back to training.