3 September 2015

Running 03-Sep-2015

So you have a history of injuries which include putting both your hips out to the point you are told you won't walk again let alone run, you know pushing it too far will bring back the effect of some of these injuries, you also know that it is only training that keeps the effects at bay. You ran and were barely able to walk due to your right hip sliding out of place slightly, you also know if you push it too far your wife will either kill you or be wearing a new set of less than pretty earrings, what do you do?

A. Be sensible, take some time out, preserving your life and testes.
B. Organise professional care and get this sorted out.
c. Go for a run anyway and consider that it being a bit shorter makes it moderate and therefore remedial, even if giving all you can, then get upset because you feel it was too slow.

If you can count above your IQ and aren't used to getting away with being stupidly arrogant by ignoring injuries and pushing through regardless, you would have chosen A or B.

Below is the summary of today's run, where I decided to investigate a bit of road I haven't run on before as a way of extending my normal road route.

4.1 miles in 32:17 speed 7.6 miles pace 7:52 min mile

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