12 November 2015

Bench 11-Nov-2015

Well this session is heavy on the arms and they failed spectacularly during this session.
3rd set of incline bench stopped at 6 because my tris said there wouldn't be a 7th. Push ups with hands leaving the floor except that for 1 rep in set 2 and 3 or 4 in set 3 when they didn't.
In fairness I did increase reps or weight and intensity on every movement. On flyes that simply meant being closer to the floor to put more of my bodyweight through.

Incline bench/ tricep push down
10, 10, 6 x 60kg/ 6, 7, 7 x 25kg

Push ups with hands leaving floor and feet in suspension trainer, flyes on suspension trainer
3 sets 10/10

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