19 November 2015

Bench 18-Nov-2015

Improvements in a few areas. Reminder that push downs need very little weight to make them harder, especially when they are 2nd movement in supersets and broke my no sets less than 6 reps until February 2016 rule, but hey I was dead by then.
Increased height of feet on push ups with clap, by force of will I managed to get all but 3 (all in last set) with hands leaving the ground. I have done these numerous times but it is still very freaky doing something where you take off and start swinging so aren't fully sure where your hands will land, focuses the mind somewhat. Shifted weight on flyes to make a bit more intense too.

Incline bench / tricep push downs
3 sets 6, 6, 4 x 70kg / 10 x 25kg 2 x 6 x 27.5kg

Push ups with clap feet on suspension trainer / flyes on suspension trainer
3 x 10 each

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