26 February 2013

My way of writing

One hobby I would love to devote more time to is writing. I am not declaring I am any good at it but I enjoy it none the less.
I have a couple of novels at different stages and have started looking at one that I thought was close to completion yesterday, and saw I was wrong.

My normal method of writing is below in chronological order
Type like a retarded chimp whilst thinking through the story, with some idea of direction and key events. This produces something poorly written but hopefully with reasonable content, some good ideas and potential. This is my equivalent of planning stage. One of my novels is at this stage, and already too long.
Realise the work I have produced is far too long and needs to be trimmed down, sometimes by as much as half, on at least one occasion more.
Rewrite this piece repeatedly until I have become so used to it I fail to see where the trimming and rewriting has made it almost unreadable.
Leave it for a while, come back to it, and either throw it away or rewrite it again in English. This is where I am with the second novel, all others have been ditched at that stage.

This is not what most would call an efficient writing technique, but it's how I work.

Those of you who can actually write and do it properly with planning, a few flow charts and loads of research, congratulations and you will undoubtedly produce infinitely better stuff than I do. I do this for the fun of it so the fact I have produced a load of stuff in the past that was so bad I simply threw it out doesn’t bother me as much as maybe it should.
I would like to write something that would be worth publishing, and have others enjoy it, but until then my work will remain very exclusive, in other words too rubbish for public vewing.


  1. So what you're saying is, you actually get far enough along that there's something to edit? Your method may not be entirely effective, but right now it's sounding better than mine.

  2. Far enough to have something to edit, then realise that it's not worth editting.
