24 February 2013

Squats 24-Feb-2013

The observant will notice no deadlift session, life gets in the way, means tired for this one too coordination not great.

Squat session 10, 8, 6
Squats parrelel with knee wraps rack down 4 catchers down 6 142.5, 147.5, 155kg
Front Squats 87.5, 97.5, 105kg
Step forward lunges holding weights Not today
Parallel squat jumps 70, 80, 90kg


  1. "Not today" kinda says it all.

    I think the last time I did weighted squat jumps, I had some huge amount like 1.25kg on each end of the bar. I owned that strength and conditioning class. How do you find them?

  2. I find them surprisingly comfortable. First tried them when seeing a group of pro rugby players doing them, and thought they must be really tough.
    I compared what I saw them squatting to mine to guage weight, reduced it a bit to avoid injury and found it was OK.
    Great way to increase intensity with half your normal squat weight. Just getting off the floor with it can be hellish.

    Another version I do is plyometric squat jumps where there is no down movement, just take off as soon as you land. That looks like cheating but feels like someone removes all of your strength and breath within moments.

    The joy of finding new ways to hurt ourselves!
