28 February 2013

Deadlift 28- Feb-2013

Deadlift session 10, 8, 6
Deadlift 145, 152.5, 160kg 3reps last set
Single arm deadlift using cable and kettle bell for handle 67, 77, 87kg
Stiff leg deadlift on bosu 100, 110 (5), 110kg There are good reasons to increase weight, I don't think, oops put too much on can't be bothered changing it is one. Still got 100kg for 10 reps though, even if it should have been 90.
Upright row cable ext. chain -6 links 30, 40, 50kg got 2 terrible reps, too heavy. Done the exercise at long last.


  1. Good to see you got to deadlift again :)

  2. Almost all of it too.
    Felt really low energy on second set of single arms, but dug in and glad I did. Not sure my back and legs agree today, but I don't listen to them.
