11 February 2013

Why do I train?

I gave details why my wife and I decided to home educate. Many consider my training a more unusual choice.
I’m middle aged man who works more than full time hours, has a family, and an unpopular list of overdue DIY projects. I don't compete or need to achieve anything for work or measurable gain. Why waste valuable time and energy on training instead of more important things?

First and foremost, I love it. The feeling I get from my training and the abilities it gives me is amazing. I state this is my main selfish pleasure and I am not kidding, the main reason I train is pure unadulterated pleasure.

Chip on my shoulder. I was the weedy nerd at school who sat at the front and had all the answers. Being small, weak, slow and uncoordinated made me useless at PE. Teachers telling me I couldn't be good at everything, along with others, made me feel I would never be fit. As an adult I have gained a real attitude about my abilities, partly due to this mistreatment.

Because I can. Much of my training has no use in the real world, but I like doing things others can't or don't think I can. I look too weedy to lift what I do and too bulky to run well. I like being underestimated and there is a strange pleasure attached in doing things of no real use which make people wonder how I do them, and undoubtedly why.

Enjoyment of life. Many wish they could still run up stairs, or touch their toes etc. as they could in their younger days. I intend to enjoy my life until I die, which will require physical ability. Wheezy at the bar who struggles getting onto a stool, walking to the car etc. will tell you how great their life of drinking and smoking is. I feel my life is more enriched by the endorphins derived from various forms of physical activity, those thinking fitness fanatics don't enjoy all of them, get real.

Role model. I’m a father and my son thinks I am insane, smart lad. He also has a role model for whom being fit is an integral part of life, who can state the benefits of this from experience, not just pamphlets. He does some training himself, obviously tamed down to very safe child levels, and enjoys being able to easily do things that should be difficult for him. This may have gone a bit far, one of his aims in life is to be really big, not sure how though as he thinks just lifting weights is weird, will be interesting.

Healthy body healthy mind. We’re not talking sanity, I never declare what I do as moderate or sensible enough to be sane. There is proof however that looking after your body helps to maintain brain function. Nutrient flow and heart health are among other key benefits for your nervous system. So us muscle heads are more likely to keep the intelligence and mental ability we have than others, of course it doesn't mean we had more to start with.

Being a tight wad. There are no cheaper, efficient ways of commuting than cycling and running. Training at home is far cheaper than a few weekly bottles of wine. The money saved doing this is spent doing things as a family and I get more pleasure here too, all round winner.

We all make our individual choices about exercise. Mine was excess, outside influences introduced limits but I push as much as I can.
I train to failure, and have hated every one, which pushes me to do more. I read an article recently declaring this cannot be maintained as you can't keep pushing harder and failing, what a load of trash. I often start a set and have to stop early, or fail to move the bar, hence the often useful safety rack. This has become part of my life, and though I hate the occasions when the second half of a squat doesn’t happen, I appreciate how much it takes for me to fail now. Sometimes the failure is only the last few not being as deep or steady as they should have been, it's still failure.

If you do enjoy your training and get grief for being a fitness fanatic, be proud. Those giving grief will be glad they aren't you when young with no effects from sedentary life, drinking etc. but in a few years you will laugh back, and have the fitness to laugh longer than they can without keeling over.

As always comments, insults or personal accounts are welcome.

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