4 February 2013

What went wrong 555s

I decided to go for 555s which involved trying to squeeze 2.5 to 3 hours of training into an hour and it didn't work. Anyone reading this who is shocked, there is a job in politics waiting for someone with your intelligence and sense of realism.

I expected this to be hard and was prepared for some adjustments which were made in week 1, changing 2 sessions to 455s dropping a whole exercise in each.
In truth I was pleasantly surprised at how well this went for the first 2 weeks, and naively thought I could do this for the full 8 weeks I expect to keep routines for. I was wrong.

I recover well, and punish my body for letting me get away with treating it as I do, but this time I went too far. I didn't ever stop aching, which is normal, but this was immobilising for a lot of the time, not ideal when running and cycling to work especially with some of that being in snow and ice.
This meant I never fully recovered in time for what are extremely tough workouts when you have time, let alone when short resting. As the weeks wore on I became more fatigued, less able and in the end pushed myself so far I turned what might have been a very minor seizure with short recovery into something drawn out and incapacitating. Basically I was dangerously stupid.

What have I learned?
On a positive note, I found that if I had the time and recovery this would have been a great session and even with the damage I did some of my best lifting in a while. So while this is no good for me now it's still one for the future.
I really have to temper my stupidity a bit. I will never take training easy and will make similar mistakes in the future, but I have to at least acknowledge the existence of the real world and the need to work for a living and other things outside of training.

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