16 June 2015

Intervals 16-Jun-2015

Today I had a pace setter who can sprint substantially better than I can which was brilliant. Later in the session I got 1 where I finished just ahead of him and a couple where it was a close finish hard to say who was ahead or if it was a draw. However there were 4 where he was at least a second ahead of me at the end of the sprint, which on 20 second sprints is massive. In short I was thoroughly caned and worked like hell to try keeping up.
His recoveries were slower so I brought my pace down during these too. So overall distance is lower today which shows how little these stats mean, because I worked harder today than I have in some time on intervals. There is no substitute for having someone better than you to really make you work.

3.86 niles in 33:43 average speed 6.9mph

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