26 June 2015

Running 26-Jun-2015

There is no such thing as an enjoyable epileptic seizure, but last nights was as close as they get, a relieving seizure. As with many things symptomatic epilepsy is aggravated by stress, something I have been a bit overdosed on the last few weeks. Normal situation for me is either I get a fair size seizure at the height of this stress or as it's released, the change seems to be the final push. I almost always get warning, normally a day or so, but sometimes the warning is around for a week or more, this time it was over 2 weeks and it gets to the point where you just want it to get on and happen. Stress has reduced a lot and I now know a lot of what is coming up so this was just a relief, especially as the prolonged warnings are accompanied by ridiculous tiredness and really mess with my training. So next week back to abnormal and should get my first full week in around a month, going to count that as week 1 of the block.
Humidity on the run was insane. I know water vapour doesn't condense at low altitude, it freezes at high before becoming rain, but the bit I had today felt like it wasn't falling but as if I was running into it as it formed. Not far off target though and considering I will get a severe kick in the rear for pushing it after last night I will have to take what I can from that.

7.03 miles in 53:07 speed 7.9mph pace 7:33 min mile

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