12 June 2015

Running 12-Jun-2015

Well I have long maintained weight training is safe with the caveat, if you do the movements right, something only possible if you are focused and paying attention. I have sometimes wondered how much it would take to make me incapable of being able to focus in and make training so dangerous I daren't even start the session. Now I know. It required me dealing with the fact the man whose long term abuse has meant despite her greatest effort my wife has not been able to keep herself able to walk denying criminal charges and having to make statements about it, my son needing to be pulled form school for his mental health and it taking an age to do so which is damaging him, then getting a call saying my dad is dying of liver cancer and having to organise getting to be able to have my son see his grandfather before he dies. Life has been better and one at a time these things will resolve. Hopefully I will extract my head from my rectum in time for weights next week.
Run was slower than normal as I decided to simply help the pace setter improve his pace by going along with him on his distance, still good therapy.

6.5 miles in 53:28 speed 7.3mph

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