23 June 2015

Squats 22-Jun-2015

Time is not being my friend of late and this will be the case for a few weeks to come so I have decided to go back to doing something I did a couple of years ago which killed me then and is doing so again now, no rest heavy circuits. The idea is to have a weight a bit below rep max to allow fatigue to become the intensity, great for endurance, but keep it heavy enough to maintain a strength focus. There is no formula for working this out, it has to be try it and adjust. Aim is to be up to 5 circuits within 2 weeks then load more weight again.
Session was last night, I ache like hell.

4 circuits X 10 reps (a side in case of lunges), no rest except sip of water at end of each run through.

Jump squats 70kg, need more depth next time
Step forward lunges 10kg plate in each hand, needs to be 15kg a side next time
Kettlebell goblet squats 24kg, needs to be 28kg next time
Overhead squats 25kg disc, want to aim for more depth, see how I go, bit wobbly by the time I get here.

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