3 February 2015

Intervals 03-Feb-2015

That was hard work, just as it should be. I think it was consistent, but will find out when I look at the stats on my phone.
There is something deeply strange about running on a thin layer of snow and ice, to thin for snow trax but still slippery. Add in that the sprint part of every other interval was on some of this and it might explain people thinking there was something strange about what I was doing.
Got 100% on the session. I think it might be an idea to increase the speed for each as I was over on all sprints target 6 min mile and most recovery sessions target 10 min mile. These need to be around 5:15 and 9:20. Having checked I can set recovery to 9:20 but it's all in 20 second increments so sprint is at 5 minute mile target now, faster than I managed today so good target.

3.8 miles in 32:02 average pace 08:28 min mile

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