24 February 2015

Squats 23-Feb-2015

Changeover week. As happens a lot I have written this up the day after and everything from my ribcage down is aching well, so this was a good session.
Thrown in a couple of things I haven't done before which is always fun, kept the weights moderate because of being in unfamiliar territory and stayed safe by doing so.
Figured out why the bosu wasn't going pop when I was doing squats on it the wrong way up taking it well above the recommended weight limit. Pressure = weight / area, so when standing on it the right way up the weight is distributed only through the area of the soles of my feet, while having it the other way up means it has more area to distribute the weight over. This time I am using it the right way up and because I haven't done this in a while I am finding it hard work, which is the good news.
I have done overhead squats before, not lunges, these are static feet at the moment but I might see if I can progress to step forward lunges during this block.
Hip lifts are done various ways, I am using a dipping belt and have the weight between my legs. Will need to use a different clip, the one supplied with the belt was not designed to cope with 75kg and I anticipate the weight will go a good bit higher than that.
I normally do co-ordination work at the end when fatigued, this time I am trying to heavy exercise at the end just to mix it up.

Front squats on bosu
3 x 10 1st set 40kg, 2nd and 3rd 50kg, should be starting on 60 next time.

Overhead lunges on side each set
2 x 10 x 20kg, 2 x 10 x 30kg, start on 30kg next time

Hip lifts
3 x 10 25, 50, 75kg, start at 75 next time, should hit 100kg or possibly 120.

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