24 February 2015


Take one pair of very tired achy legs due to changeover week, add serious head wind at one end of my interval area and shelter at the other, mix liberally and it should be a recipe for a disastrous session.
I always type the first part before actually checking how I have done, because it's good to see the difference between perception and reality. I expect to have failed to be on pace for around half the sprints, because of the head wind. This was air in a serious hurry and the area I do my intervals in is largely exposed especially when the leaves have dropped from the hedges.
Overall I scored 98% which means very little because the majority of my session is taken up with warm up, cool down and recoveries. The part I care about is the sprints, 4 were on target, all without the head wind, 2 were very close and in fairness none of them were disgracefully out, too far of course, otherwise there would be no point having targets.
Overall pace I was higher than last week which is surprise.

4 miles in 32:22 average pace 8:04 a mile

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