31 March 2015

Intervals 31-Mar-2015

Well that could have gone better. The idea of recovery time on intervals is obviously to recover but also to keep the muscle tissue warm and therefore ready for sprint sections. This is not easy with storm force winds blowing hail at you almost horizontally for half the interval part of the session.
I don't have the nice app that tells me percentage against target and don't need it to know I was below target on a number of the sprints. Legs didn't feel ready to go at the start of any of them and 0.2 miles less distance overall tells me the sprints were closer to 10mph than the 12mph target, I typed that wrong last time basic math 5 minute mile = 12mph not 10, doh!

Anyway the figures as far as I can give them

3.7 miles in 30:20 average speed 7.3mph

Squats 30-Mar-2015

Well the shorter run was annoying but the fresher legs were able to do more in last night's squat session. Weights up all round and I am properly aching today.

Front squats on bosu
3 x 10 x 70kg

Overhead lunges
2 x 10 (1 set per side) x 35kg
2 x 10 (1 set per side) x 40kg, this is an exercise where a small increase makes a massive difference.

Right angle squats
3 x 10 x 120kg

30 March 2015

Deadlift 28-Mar-2015

Well it took some degree of discipline on my part but I managed to moderate. So this seizure only affected my bench session and removed a run. I'll take that right now.
This post is a couple of days later but I have still ached appropriately which has to be good.

Single arm deadlift hold with farmers walk handle plus 50kg
2 x 42 seconds a side 1 x 39 seconds a side

Stiff leg deadlift on flat of bosu
3 x 10 x 100kg

Bent over row, underhand grip with fat gripz
3 x 10 x 50kg, felt easy but I was sensible, sensible sucks.

27 March 2015

Running 27-Mar-2015

I really, really suck at moderation, one of these days this fact will be the death of me, not today but one day.
I didn't bring running gear yesterday because I know how stupid I can be, good job. Today I had it firmly set in my mind, 'moderation' just after 2 mile mark could feel pressure around my left eye and up that area of the forehead, screaming 'chill out you muppet!' After 5 miles this either went away or I'd forgotten to take notice of it anymore and I was within target pace, and considering I finished in target as well, I was really stupid and my wife will give me such a kick up the rear for being so.

6.23 miles in 46:41 speed 8.01mph

26 March 2015

Bench 25-Mar-2015

Well one of this years targets was to have less than 4 weeks affected by seizure or illness, especially after losing most of December last year through being ill. Nearly a third of the year gone, this is the first effected one so far.
The medication I take for epilepsy hammers my immune system, one reason I would rather not take it, but dying in the night is a worse prospect so I do. So I have less and lower intensity seizures but get ill more, really hate that.
Last few days I have been tired, but lots going on so thought nothing of it. Bench session started badly with me failing to make an impact on reverse grip bench with 65kg. I dropped back to 60kg to finish the set, a little annoyed. By the time I'd finished the 8th rep of the third set I realised that carrying on would likely make me pass out and knew there would be a seizure either that night or the following. That was last night and the seizure was in the night, as fortunately all mine are.
I deliberately left my running gear behind because I am stupid enough to try that even knowing it could literally endanger my life. Deadlifts are supposed to be this evening but in truth that may get delayed. Epilepsy sucks.

25 March 2015

Intervals 25-Mar-2015

All but the 7th sprint in the 93%+ range with 5 at 100%, 7th was 88% but I felt that was slower. Happy bunny today but know I am running on fresh legs so have set myself one heck of a target for when training happens on proper days. Will I manage half or more of my sprints at the full 10mph target.
Overall stats mean little on intervals but I always put them in.

3.94 miles in 32:25 seconds average pace 08:13 min mile

24 March 2015

Squats 23-Mar-2015

Learning from last time, really focused on my knees on the last squats. The intention was to be doing these shallow (right angle) with weight that really challenged my by then tired core. I failed on that as the sets felt relatively easy and I was close to parallel. So need to put weight back up and keep focus on knees next time.

Front squats on bosu
3 x 10 x 60kg

Overhead step forward lunges
4 (2 sets on each side) x 10 x 35kg

Right angle squats
3 x 10 x 100kg

23 March 2015

Running 23-Mar-2015

Back to proper plodding style now, nice consistent pace throughout, changing a bit due to gradient etc. Too slow overall but I'm getting there and this was close and comfortable enough that I am genuinely confident I will have 8mph standard average fully nailed by the end of the year.

6.22 miles in 46:48 speed 7.99mph 1 second a mile off target pace. Need 46:40 or quicker to have this nailed.

20 March 2015

Running 20-Mar-2015

Well I got a pace setter back. He is getting back used to running so was quicker, I was shattered so was slower than last time. Net result I finished well behind, even though I was still faster in terms of pace. Next time he will be using a longer route.

6.23 miles in 47:16 speed 7.91mph, 5 seconds a mile off target pace.

Deadlifts 19-Mar-2015

Appointment that could have cancelled this session got cancelled so I did get deadlifts in. That was last night, today my core, back and forearms are killing me.
At the stage of the block where a lot of failure happens due ot me increasing weight beyond capability and having to drop it back.
No stopwatch so numbers on first exercise is based on me counting.
Set 2 of stiff legs on bosu consisted of 2 shoddy reps, me thinking I could tidy them up, another 2 shoddy reps then me realising I needed to drop the weight down a bit.
Third exercise I was getting very tired and should have shown the same sense by dropping the weight, instead I did almost 2 sets badly then stopped. Stupidly the reason I didn't drop the weight was I felt too tired to faf with it, yes I am aware how ridiculous this is, luckily I got away with it.

Single arm deadlift hold 50kg + farmers walk handle
Set 1 45 seconds a side, sets 2 and 3 42 seconds a side

Stiff leg deadlifts on flat of bosu
1 x 4/6 120kg/110kg, 2 x 10 x 110kg

Bent over row with reverse grip using fat gripz
10 and 8 x 70kg

19 March 2015

Running 19-Mar-2015

Well tonight's deadlift session may or may not happen, dependent on time. Not ideal but the reason is worth it.
Today there were apparently smog warnings because of the weather, found out after and would explain why I was struggling to get air in. Need to change the settings on my running app to stop the auto start, stepping through the door and it started, adding a few seconds to my time, which if it was a good time would be really annoying. I haven't run this tired in a long time, so I knew it wasn't going to be epic, but at the 5 mile mark I genuinely felt ready to drop off to sleep and that is a something I haven't experienced since I was doing serious distances decades ago.
Knowing this wasn't going to be a good run didn't stop me getting annoyed by it. I genuinely thought it may go over 48 minutes and it didn't so on reflection I am not as unhappy as I expected to be. In fact considering I have felt better in the last year or so and been far slower I am quite proud of myself. All I need to do now is catch up on my sleep and I should be back to some good times, that may come in a few weeks.

6.2 miles in 47:46 speed 7.8mph

Bench 18-Mar-2015

A good bench session, I don't often have those. My version of good may not be everyone's, I train to failure so the good days are when I fail due to having gone a touch to far, proving I was at failure point before, without injury. There are a lot of people declaring training to failure can't be done indefinitely, after a couple of decades I'm not sure they are right.

Reverse grip wide bench press
2 x 60kg, 1 set with 3 on 70kg 7 on 60kg, next week needs to be around 65kg, amazing how much weight reversing that grip takes off bench.

Alternate kettlebell snatch
3 x 5/5 a side x 28kg/24kg obviously I wanted sets of 10 x 28kg, but this is still progress

Tricep push down
3 x 10 x 30kg I like the way my high low pulley makes the weight feel heavy and in the name of compound movement I would have to say this wasn't strict on the down, a lot of core engagement to get through sticking points. To do this just hitting the arms I would need to be 20kg not 30 but still safe.

17 March 2015

Intervals 17-Mar-2015

A lot of this is PRE rather than actual detail as the GPS signal disappeared for around 1/4 of the session's distance. I was thrilled of course. Those it did measure were 100% or close, lowest was 94% to and I learned from last time to bring recovery speed down to enable more intense sprints.
I know it was around 4 miles in just over 1/2 hour but beyond that this session was a bit of a mystery.
If the phone doesn't behave itself the rest of the week it's going back.

Squats 16-Mar-2015

Well I missed the run yesterday and in all honesty I would be an idiot to try catching it back up as I am still tired as heck.
Got squats done and had to change the last exercise after checking the weight limit on my dipping belt and finding it was less than I lifted last week. Switched this for right angle squats as the idea is to have the heavy movement at the end when fatigued and I knew my core would likely not manage parallels.
I had to cut short due to hurting my right knee on rep 2 set 2 on squats. Not sure if this is still me getting form wrong on overhead step forward lunges or if my core was so battered by the time I got there that my knee wavered in, I expect the latter. Bad form is never a good thing. I'll be more careful next time. Sometimes it's just a matter of accepting you have been stupid and walking away.

Front squats on bosu, below parallel
3 x 10 x 70kg

Overhead step forward lunges one side a set
2 x 10 x 30kg, 2 x 10 x 35kg, not massive weight but amazing how heavy it feels held above your head on a movement you suck at.

Right angle low bar squats
120kg x 10 and 2, should have been 3 sets of 10

13 March 2015

Deadlift 12-Mar-2015

Pretty lousy deadlift session in terms of time available for it. What I did was good but there was a higher priority to deal with so this will be part workout log, part rant about something very dear to my heart.

Single arm deadlift hold with farmers walk handle
Left 43 right 45
Left 45 right 41
Left 38 right 40

That was it for the session.

I have long held the opinion that hitting children is cowardice and hitting your own children is a sign of undisciplined parenting. Not only that as my son and I have proven it is ineffective. I was a walking nightmare and got what most fans of physical punishment consider acceptable, my son is renowned for excellent discipline and I am known as a very strict parent, he has never been hit.
There is the other issue that parents tend not to realise they are committing abuse. Every parent I have encountered from those giving gentle taps to those whose children are regularly ending up in hospital believe they are doing the right thing and that this is discipline not abuse. When parents can't tell where the safe line is the only safe line is at none.
One of the people for whom the line was past dropping chairs on his children's backs is my father in law. The man responsible for my wife being told she would be in a wheelchair by the age of 20 and even with all the work she has done to keep her mobility is still in daily pain and has started regularly needed to use sticks at close to twice that age. This is why she used to be very into fitness and now has to simply watch as I continue to train knowing she can't anymore, a fact that she hates.
Yesterday morning one of her siblings had enough of being unable to walk unaided because of a man who is walking around freely and pressed charges. When the police turned up at my father in law's home to ask for a voluntary statement there was evidence of him not adhering to a court awarded restriction on his life. So 'Would you please come with us.' became 'Put on these shiny bracelets and get in the car now!'
So my training this week is totally messed up as I work on being husband/ counsellor for my wife and father/ counsellor for my son as he realises what his mother's childhood was like and the reason mummy can't walk properly is because of her father. Obviously I care about the impact to my training, I wouldn't train if I didn't but it pales into insignificance compared to how much I care for my family.
The good news is there will soon be another piece of human trash not on the streets. The bad news is the damage he has done still causes his children daily mental and physical pain and one of those whose life he has destroyed is my wife.
The mental and physical strength my wife has shown through her life is hard for others to see because they haven't seen the history. I remember how awesome she was as a power lifter, and have seen the way she transferred her attentions to less active pursuits because she had to and has started becoming an incredible artist instead.

12 March 2015

Running 12-Mar-2015

This was never going to be a good run. I didn't sleep much last night due to family stuff, legs haven't had a break all week and humidity was a touch higher, though not enough to make a difference if I wasn't feeling such a wimp.
To add insult to injury the app crashed when I told it to save my run so I genuinely don't know exactly how bad it was. 6 miles was 46:09 so 6.23 would be getting close to 48 minutes which is pretty poor going for me at the moment.
Tomorrow will not be any better as I have deadlifts this evening. Ideally though I will know exactly how bad when it's done.

11 March 2015

Intervals 11-Mar-2015

Today was weird. I know my training day is messed up but none the less wasn't expecting this.
A number of the sprints felt like I could put in a bit more from my lungs, normal weak point, but my body didn't seem to have it. Not expecting success % to be high this time. Will see what it really was now.
I always type the how I think it went first. Now I have seen it I think I was keeping too much pace through recovery phases and not leaving enough in the tank for sprints. Must do better next time.

section pace % target
warm up 8:11 100%
sprint 5:09 100%
recovery 8:37 100%
sprint 5:04 100%
recovery 8:30 100%
sprint 6:03 87%
recovery 8:31 100%
sprint 5:53 90%
recovery 8:23 100%
sprint 5:54 89%
recovery 8:21 100%
sprint 6:07 86% that was really bad, over a min/mile off pace. Even with GPS inaccuracy over 290 seconds that is dreadful.
recovery 8:42 100%
sprint 5:31 95%
recovery 8:40 100%
sprint 5:39 93%
recovery 8:43 100%
sprint 5:50 90%
recovery 8:50 100%
sprint 5:33 95%

Overall 3.96 miles in 32:00 average pace 8:04 mile.

10 March 2015

Running 10-Mar-2015

Day late and I have lost another training partner. This one only lasted a day, hope to get him back again, really helped me push.
Run wasn't bad but I really wanted better. Want 8mph average to be the normal standard and this fell below it again. Last year I was accepting 7.5 as minimum acceptable and aiming for 8, now I have been getting 8 I want better, that's called improvement.
Of course I am now heading toward summer as well which will batter my times, I tend to start melting at around 16 C/ 61 F today was 13C/ 55F and I looked like I could have been running or swimming, in a couple of months I will look the same before and after my shower, I don't sweat in summer I leak.

6.22 miles in 47:10 speed 7.91mph

9 March 2015

Squats 09-Mar-2015

Supposed to be front squats on bosu, but got distracted and first two sets were with eight on back which explains why it felt really easy with higher weight, oops.
2 x 10 x 80kg then 1 x 10 x 70kg

Overhead Lunges
3 x 10 x 30kg

Hip lifts, used kettlebell in the middle to make it easier to load, not sure it was a good idea, back to just plates next time.
2 x 10 x 124kg 1 x 10 x 144kg

6 March 2015

Running 06-Mar-2015

Well today was a day ripe for a PB unlike yesterday. 2 days since last weight training so largely recovered from that, air quality nigh on perfect. Also had a colleague come out today as well, he took a few shortcuts knowing he was slower than I am but in a way that just made me work harder. When I see someone ahead of me it drives you to work to catch them if it kill me, it felt like it nearly did. There is no way I would have got this time without him. He plans to be running with me again on Monday so I see some good running in my future.
Getting below 46 minutes felt like a good reward for nearly dying.

6.23 miles in 45:59 speed 8.14mph

5 March 2015

Running 05-Mar-2015

Today was proof my lungs are still my biggest weakness when running. Air was cool, clear and perfect for me, not cloudy as app said. Body was in bits to the extent getting up after putting on my shoes brought complaints from my legs, who needs those for running anyway.
Then by a combination of warming through and ignoring the hollow leg feeling I cracked on and got a route PB. Mixture of ignorance and arrogance wins the day again. If you don't think ignoring your bodies protest and deciding you should still be able to run a good time is arrogant, what is?
Next target is of course sub 46:30, be proud but never satisfied.

6.23 miles in 46:42 speed 8.02mph

4 March 2015

Deadlift 04-Feb-2015

Starting out achy. This will be fun!

Deadlift hold with farmers walk handle plus 50kg, forgot to chalk up first 2 sets, doh!
Left 41 sec, right 42
Left 37 sec, right 38
Left 34 sec, right 35

Stiff leg deadlift On flat of bosu
3 x 10 x 100kg 1st & 2nd set 110 3rd

Bent over row with fat gripz
3 x 10 x 70kg

3 March 2015

Bench 03-Mar-2015

This should be a rest evening, but my son's birthday is this week and the day that's not a good enough reason to rejig my timing is the day I cease deserving to be dad.

Reverse aka underhand in this exercise, grip bench
3 x 10 x 60kg, taking some getting used to.

Kettlebell snatch alternates
3 x 10 a side x 24kg

Tricep push down
3 x 10 x 30kg

Intervals 03-Mar-2015

Well to make today all the more fun there was hail during some of my session. Sprinting into wind that is throwing small shards of ice it you is just the most wonderful experience.
Session itself was good, pretty sure I got more on target than before, but also pretty certain things started to get a bit vague around the 7th and beyond. Ideally the end of recovery phase should be when you start feeling like the sprint will be possible, before the 7th when it warned me it was coming up I was wondering where the oxygen had gone and what I was going to use for the sprint.

Feel it may be more useful to log what the app says than a description, how it gets the percentages I don't know. See if I was right in my guessing. Target on warm up, cool down and recovery phases is 9:20 a mile sprints is 5:00 a mile. This means my sprint is just over 100 metres, bit tough to trust to a GPS system that is accurate to within 25, but it's the best we have.

section pace % target
warm up 7:53 100%
sprint 5:11 100%
recovery 8:58 100%
sprint 4:16 100%
recovery 9:19 100%
sprint 5:38 93%
recovery 8:56 100%
sprint 4:53 100%
recovery 9:19 100%
sprint 5:12 100%
recovery 9:24 100%
sprint 6:17 84%
recovery 9:01 100%
sprint 5:32 95%
recovery 9:28 100%
sprint 5:17 100%
recovery 9:50 98%
sprint 4:58 100%
recovery 9:23 100%
sprint 5:20 99%

Overall 3.94 miles in 32:24 average pace 8:12 mile.

2 March 2015

Squats 02-Feb-2015

Week 2 of this block. Getting used to movements.

Front squats on bosu dome, going deep
3 x 10 x 60kg

Overhead lunges one side each set, second batch of 2 sets were step forward rather than static, core will suffer
3 x 10 x 30kg end of 3rd set right knee was hurting, first time doing step forward overhead lunges, 4th set became 2 reps followed by 8 single leg squats on left leg. Not got technique on this right, but I'll get it.

Hip lifts
3 x 10 x 100kg 1st & 2nd set,120kg 3rd

Running 02-Mar-2015

I do love the way the inaccuracy of GPS affects the run speeds etc. The new app is great but it has created 2 routes based on the same run and they are both slightly different distances.
Today there was snow in the air, but the ground was too warm for it to settle.
Time was 4 seconds slower than Friday, which is a shame as I really could have done with it being over 12 seconds faster as my current goal is to finish in under 47 minutes. Of course when I do this I will want closer to 46:30 etc. but that's to be expected.

6.23 miles in 47:16 speed 7.91mph 5 seconds a mile off target pace.