13 March 2015

Deadlift 12-Mar-2015

Pretty lousy deadlift session in terms of time available for it. What I did was good but there was a higher priority to deal with so this will be part workout log, part rant about something very dear to my heart.

Single arm deadlift hold with farmers walk handle
Left 43 right 45
Left 45 right 41
Left 38 right 40

That was it for the session.

I have long held the opinion that hitting children is cowardice and hitting your own children is a sign of undisciplined parenting. Not only that as my son and I have proven it is ineffective. I was a walking nightmare and got what most fans of physical punishment consider acceptable, my son is renowned for excellent discipline and I am known as a very strict parent, he has never been hit.
There is the other issue that parents tend not to realise they are committing abuse. Every parent I have encountered from those giving gentle taps to those whose children are regularly ending up in hospital believe they are doing the right thing and that this is discipline not abuse. When parents can't tell where the safe line is the only safe line is at none.
One of the people for whom the line was past dropping chairs on his children's backs is my father in law. The man responsible for my wife being told she would be in a wheelchair by the age of 20 and even with all the work she has done to keep her mobility is still in daily pain and has started regularly needed to use sticks at close to twice that age. This is why she used to be very into fitness and now has to simply watch as I continue to train knowing she can't anymore, a fact that she hates.
Yesterday morning one of her siblings had enough of being unable to walk unaided because of a man who is walking around freely and pressed charges. When the police turned up at my father in law's home to ask for a voluntary statement there was evidence of him not adhering to a court awarded restriction on his life. So 'Would you please come with us.' became 'Put on these shiny bracelets and get in the car now!'
So my training this week is totally messed up as I work on being husband/ counsellor for my wife and father/ counsellor for my son as he realises what his mother's childhood was like and the reason mummy can't walk properly is because of her father. Obviously I care about the impact to my training, I wouldn't train if I didn't but it pales into insignificance compared to how much I care for my family.
The good news is there will soon be another piece of human trash not on the streets. The bad news is the damage he has done still causes his children daily mental and physical pain and one of those whose life he has destroyed is my wife.
The mental and physical strength my wife has shown through her life is hard for others to see because they haven't seen the history. I remember how awesome she was as a power lifter, and have seen the way she transferred her attentions to less active pursuits because she had to and has started becoming an incredible artist instead.

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