17 March 2015

Squats 16-Mar-2015

Well I missed the run yesterday and in all honesty I would be an idiot to try catching it back up as I am still tired as heck.
Got squats done and had to change the last exercise after checking the weight limit on my dipping belt and finding it was less than I lifted last week. Switched this for right angle squats as the idea is to have the heavy movement at the end when fatigued and I knew my core would likely not manage parallels.
I had to cut short due to hurting my right knee on rep 2 set 2 on squats. Not sure if this is still me getting form wrong on overhead step forward lunges or if my core was so battered by the time I got there that my knee wavered in, I expect the latter. Bad form is never a good thing. I'll be more careful next time. Sometimes it's just a matter of accepting you have been stupid and walking away.

Front squats on bosu, below parallel
3 x 10 x 70kg

Overhead step forward lunges one side a set
2 x 10 x 30kg, 2 x 10 x 35kg, not massive weight but amazing how heavy it feels held above your head on a movement you suck at.

Right angle low bar squats
120kg x 10 and 2, should have been 3 sets of 10

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