31 March 2015

Intervals 31-Mar-2015

Well that could have gone better. The idea of recovery time on intervals is obviously to recover but also to keep the muscle tissue warm and therefore ready for sprint sections. This is not easy with storm force winds blowing hail at you almost horizontally for half the interval part of the session.
I don't have the nice app that tells me percentage against target and don't need it to know I was below target on a number of the sprints. Legs didn't feel ready to go at the start of any of them and 0.2 miles less distance overall tells me the sprints were closer to 10mph than the 12mph target, I typed that wrong last time basic math 5 minute mile = 12mph not 10, doh!

Anyway the figures as far as I can give them

3.7 miles in 30:20 average speed 7.3mph

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