7 December 2015

Running 07-Dec-2015

Well 2 weeks off due to illness. Still not 100% recovered but I couldn't stay away from it any longer without going totally out of my mind. It's only a lousy cold but still enough to cause issues with my breathing and make me slower.
I knew this was going to be the case so decided it would be more beneficial to help my pacesetter get a good time for him than worry about getting one myself. Early in the last mile I could feel I was struggling too much with breathing and told him to go on ahead, meaning for the first time he beat me on the same distance. It was below my acceptable pace and his PB which means I got what I expected and he is deservedly very happy with himself. Sometimes it isn't about what we can achieve ourselves but how much we can help others achieve. That said I fully intend to beat him again on Wednesday.

7.39 miles in 59:25 (ouch) speed 7.5mph pace 8:02 min mile

25 November 2015

Running 23-Nov-2015

Started feeling like a struggle, got to end point of 2nd of 3 repeated sections and knew that was my limit for the day. Got back to find the run was below my minimum acceptable pace by 2 seconds a mile and didn't figure why.
Following day woke up and felt the rest of a cold coming in. I really hate the reduced immunity from my epilepsy meds. No training for me for a couple of days. Not happy.

5.72 miles in 46:02 speed 7.5mph pace 8:02 min mile

Deadlift 20-Nov-2015

Increases in a few areas. Chins were easier this week, obviously the lower reps on stiff legs left me more endurance in the tank.

Stiff leg deadlift with fat gripz/ Narrow grip chins
3 sets 6, 7, ,6 x 90kg/ 10 reps

Upright row with olympic bar/ Single arm seated row with rope
3 sets 7 x 45kg/ 6 x 37.5kg

20 November 2015


There are various little tests we are given in workplaces etc. that are interesting to do and show how well we know ourselves and occasionally surprise us with the results.

Last year my workplace decided to try Myers Briggs testing and I came out as ENTP, which when filtering through the delicate language distills down as arrogant, argumentative know it all with no consideration for the feelings of others. My reaction was to think 'Like I didn't already know that and like I would care.' I think it may have been right.

There are various reasons why I was actually pleased with this, some of them are the pictures I saw when googling ENTP. There were pictures of the fictional character I most resemble, the Joker from Batman, with captions like 'I'm not crazy, I'm not' others with just text saying 'ENTP I'm not crazy, I'm just smarter than you' or 'ENTP I'm awesome, you're not' etc. You get the idea, we're the shy, retiring, modest type.

So with so much charm, is there anything wrong with being ENTP? And what does it take to get the most out of one?

Well the answer to the first is pretty easy. We seem to scare the living excrement out of a number of people, tending not to concern ourselves with the prospect that not everyone will want to be spoken to and many are happy being in their shell. As my son has picked up on saying occasionally modesty is for the imperfect, maybe it's not a good idea for me to teach him charm and confidence.

In terms of how to get the best out of us I would say my wife does well, largely because of her ISTJ, take no nonsense attitude. Many of the images for hers were quite dull or along the lines of 'ballbreaker' which she can be if riled but often isn't, the far more appropriate was the image of a woman and caption saying 'Excuse me sir, you seem to have a problem, what with your brain being missing' which covered it perfectly. Most of us don't suffer fools gladly but she takes the award for making it very clear to anyone who can count above their IQ that they are being tolerated against her better judgement. It can be very amusing to see people who have considered her patient with them and her face very much expressing that they were too stupid to even notice how much she had to dumb down to them.

There is of course a history to why I like being ENTP and why I am more than happy to see my son is so confident he will joke about being perfect in a manner that shows confidence rather than nervous avoidance of issues. When you have been brought up and nurture at home and school in a manner that makes you feel you are of little value then gradually build up confidence to the level where it often spills into arrogance, you find yourself being very proud to be considered occasionally arrogant and sometimes confused when others don't.

We all need to be made aware how special we aren't occasionally to keep our feet at least close to the ground but I am far happier with over spilling confidence than as the person who either wanted to die for some years.

Running 20-Nov-2015

Same as on a previous week. Pace setter with a head start, 5 minutes this time, after he blitzed me with a 6:40 head start by finishing a minute and a half ahead of me. 5 minutes should have made it close, I put in one of my better times on this route, and to ensure I didn't feel too special he put in another PB improving on his previous best by 1:40 and finishing a minute ahead of me. Well done to him obviously, next time he gets 4 minute and we see who dies first.
I'm still 10 seconds a mile off target pace but I'll take that today. Just to make it more fun we had nice cool temperatures, which was ideal, rain, which was fine and hail which was less than pleasant.

7.35 miles in 56:27 speed 7.8mph pace 7:40 min mile

It Was The Beer, No Scrap That It's My Genes. Yeah Right!

This is a response to some new research I read a small article about. First part is below.

People who behave recklessly when drunk could now put the blame on their genetic inheritance, as new research from Finland has found that some people are born more likely to embarrass themselves than others.
The study could help explain students who wear traffic cones as hats, says the Daily Mail, but the findings will have serious results too, and could even lead to the development of new drugs.

Of course there is a really simple way to avoid this gene being an issue. Don't drink!

I go well beyond reckless and straight into uncontrollably violent moron who hits anyone in reach. Because I know this is in my nature I haven't consumed alcohol in nearly 25 years.

It's not the beer, wine etc. it's the person consuming it. I get bored of the excuses. Alcohol is not compulsory in life and those trying to make you think otherwise are not your friends.

When I gave up alcohol the way I managed to stay clear of it was by making my social circles the people taking recreational cocaine. When I went out saying I don't drink my 'friends' would spend the evening trying to convince me otherwise or even spiking my drinks. Much against the drug pusher image, when I said no to a line the refusal was always accepted and it soon just became known and I was rarely even offered.

I am a rarity in the world today by being a total straight head, no alcohol, tobacco or other drugs, not even tea or coffee, I am that dull. When I saw what alcohol did to me I was too scared to try other stuff and as a boring middle aged/ old man I have enough confidence/ arrogance not to need them.
Make your choices, accept the consequences.

Maybe it's just my ENTP personality (I'll cover that in another post, ENTP basically means I'm awesome, you're not) but I found it was those needing the substances that turned out be boring. Under the influence they could party hard, but before these kicked in they were the ultimate nervous wallflowers too scared to do anything without a drink, toke, snort etc. So while they were busy propping up the walls, bars etc waiting to feel the effects of the artificial courage I was up dancing or generally making a fool of myself, with the added bonus that I had all my faculties about me so could do so with full coordination and speed of wit enough to leave the uninitiated wondering how the, then young, guy had managed to blow their wealth of experience out of the water.

19 November 2015

Bench 18-Nov-2015

Improvements in a few areas. Reminder that push downs need very little weight to make them harder, especially when they are 2nd movement in supersets and broke my no sets less than 6 reps until February 2016 rule, but hey I was dead by then.
Increased height of feet on push ups with clap, by force of will I managed to get all but 3 (all in last set) with hands leaving the ground. I have done these numerous times but it is still very freaky doing something where you take off and start swinging so aren't fully sure where your hands will land, focuses the mind somewhat. Shifted weight on flyes to make a bit more intense too.

Incline bench / tricep push downs
3 sets 6, 6, 4 x 70kg / 10 x 25kg 2 x 6 x 27.5kg

Push ups with clap feet on suspension trainer / flyes on suspension trainer
3 x 10 each

18 November 2015

Rowing 18-Nov-2015

Time was at a bit of a premium today so I tried intervals instead. Went for Timmons timing and not really happy with this on rowing. Need something more like minute full on minute moderate on the rower I think. Will see another time.
Did 10 lots of this timing anyway.

Squats 17-Nov-2015

Day late but at least they happened. Intensity increasing via reps and weight. Pistol squats were nice and deep and I got full sets of 10, not a side, but that will come.

Squats / kettlebell goblet squats with jump
3 sets 8 of each 120kg / 28kg

Pistol squats / calf raises
3 sets 10 each 80 kg on calf raises

16 November 2015

Running 16-Nov-2015

Not a great run. Very tired and judging by the way I have slightly strained my achilles tendon I would say coordination suffered a bit. Not enough for me to do something as drastic as stopping running or considering not doing squats this evening, but enough to annoy me and be part of a slow run. Not a happy bunny.

7.37 miles in 58:23 speed 7.6mph pace 7:55 min mile

13 November 2015

Running 13-Nov-2015

Knowing my pace setter is slower than I am on the current route by between 6:30 and 7 minutes I gave him a 6:45 head start. I didn't do too badly, not on target but better than last few, while he score a route PB so finished around a minute or so ahead of me. That's the the whole point of having someone running with you as a pace setter they make you work harder and still beat you when you didn't have enough.
I am happy with this. End of a full week of training and I was able to get in an acceptable run. Target is a bit much to expect with so much focus on rowing so this is not bad.

7.36 miles in 57:16 speed 7.7mph pace 7:46 min mile

Deadlift 12-Nov-2015

After a good session of rowing at lunch I decided to dispense with the rules on this session. the idea was to only go up weights when I got 10 solid reps, but I dispensed with that on stiff legs and with that going so well decided to risk it on the next 2 movements as well, in fairness not a bad result and pleased with myself.
Chins had pauses in the set from the first, my system of fatigue myself to make bodweight training hard worked a treat. Planning to up the stiff leg again next time too, that will be fun.
Also realised I added the weight of the olympic bar into last weeks seated row. 15kg each end would have been 50, but it wasn't. I do like the way the hi-low pulley on my rack makes the weight feel heavy while still being smooth.
I can definitely recommend being unrealistic at times and am enjoying the aches from that now. See how my run goes at lunch, I want a better one than my last 2.

Stiff leg deadlift with fat gripz/ Narrow grip chins
3 sets 10 x 80kg/ 10 reps

Upright row with olympic bar/ Single arm seated row with rope
3 sets 6, 7, 7 x 45kg/ 6 x 35kg

12 November 2015

Rowing 12-Nov-2015

2nd time in a row where I have hit my target of 50 rows a minute for 50 minutes. Happy with that. Not really got more time to draw it out so will keep going at this until after Christmas then see if I can throw in some intervals etc. to mix it up a bit.
Today's lesson was don't countdown reps on cardio training. When doing weights it can be good to be thinking just 2 more on the 8th rep of a set of 10. However 20% through today I was thinking 10 minutes left, which is fine, then I did the simple multiplication to realise that meant 500 rows left, it didn't feel as good anymore. Training is so much about mental state it is very key to train your mind to think things that will help you through not make you doubt success. Obviously I made it but it was a bit weird.

Bench 11-Nov-2015

Well this session is heavy on the arms and they failed spectacularly during this session.
3rd set of incline bench stopped at 6 because my tris said there wouldn't be a 7th. Push ups with hands leaving the floor except that for 1 rep in set 2 and 3 or 4 in set 3 when they didn't.
In fairness I did increase reps or weight and intensity on every movement. On flyes that simply meant being closer to the floor to put more of my bodyweight through.

Incline bench/ tricep push down
10, 10, 6 x 60kg/ 6, 7, 7 x 25kg

Push ups with hands leaving floor and feet in suspension trainer, flyes on suspension trainer
3 sets 10/10

10 November 2015

Rowing 10-Nov-2015

With me noticing the improvement on rowing is costing me pace on running I was determined to make this an on target row, even though my target was mentally scheduled for the end of this month.
Result, my body telling me that I was being very stupid for the last 10 to 15 minutes, but a certain level of pride for being unrealistic and achieving anyway. See how happy I feel about it tomorrow.
50 minute of rowing at 50 rows a minute in the style needed, legs stiff, all torso and alternating side on water rower. Actually very happy with how the rhythm was too, really consistent throughout virtually all of it, even when shattered.

Oh yes. One does not simply get up and walk away from a rowing PB like this.

Squats 09-Nov-2015

Improving again as I would expect 2nd week into a block. Squats are up a rep per set, goblets had no rest during set so up to 28kg next week.
Pistols are getting tidier as I am getting used to them. Legs were wobbly standing but I still got them in. Added more height to the block I do calf raises from, feeling the effect of that today.

Squats/ kettlebell goblet jump squats elbows below knees
3 sets 7 x 120kg/ 10 x 24kg

Pistol squats/ standing calf raises bar on shoulders
3 sets 6, 6, 8 (3, 3, 4 a side)/ 10 x 70kg

9 November 2015

Running 09-Nov-2015

Not best pleased with this. Have plenty of reasons to be this slow including wind battering me out there, but when it comes down to it I gave everything and am unhappy with how little there was.
Hoping that being back to running twice a week will help and know the rowing is improving so there is a bit of trade off going on. At the end of the day if I was the sort of person who was happy to see a trend toward poorer performances I wouldn't be who I am, so this comes under must try harder.

7.36 miles in 58:18 speed 7.6 mph pace 7:55 min mile

Deadlift 06-Nov-2015

Quite weird writing this up on a Monday when it happened on the Friday and I am still aching from it. Hoping I stop aching in time to row tomorrow.
Still supersets. Realising that unfamiliarity makes things a lot harder, only the second block where I have used fatties on stiff legs and the straight line rope grip left my forearms aching in the way only unfamiliar movements can.

Stiff leg deadlift with fat gripz/ Narrow grip chins
3 sets 8, 10, 10 x 70kg (increase next time)/ 10 reps

Upright row with olympic bar/ Single arm seated row with rope
3 sets 6, 8, 8 x 40kg/ 10 x 40kg, 2 x 8 x 50kg

6 November 2015

Bench 05-Nov-2015

Not done incline in a long while, so decided to put the bench at around 35 to 40 degrees. Legs have definitely started complaining now, still walking, but not easily, chest etc are aching on time from the session last night so that is ideal.
Have deadlifts today and my back is aching top to bottom from rowing, this will be interesting.


Incline bench/ tricep push down
3 sets 6 x 60kg/ 10 x 20kg

Push ups with hands leaving floor and feet in suspension trainer, flyes on suspension trainer
3 sets 6/10

5 November 2015

Rowing 05-Nov-2015

Some swine came along and stole half hour of my lunch time so I decided to go flat out for the 20 minutes I had to row in. Pace was over 50 and possibly close to 60 with the stiff leg alternate side style I am using to prepare. Now shattered, pretty sure I would not have been able to keep that up much longer.

Squats 04-Nov-2015

1 session out of schedule, today should have been bench, but I am getting the session in so won't whinge too much.
Week off last week due to being ill and changeover week. A smart person may have come in a bit mellow, I didn't. This was yesterday evening and the aching hasn't really started yet, that spells DOMS and it's not going to be pleasant.
Supersetting and working to ensure the adding pistol squats to my exercises in the done and mastered list during the year is definitely achieved I have them in. Being me I always put coordination exercises at the end of my training when my body is already wrecked. They were interesting but considering they were my target for this year, I had never done them before this year and I only put them in 1 other block I am happy enough not to have fallen once.
First superset had matching weights throughout but that doesn't tell the full story, 2nd set I needed to pause before each final rep, 3rd I had to pause before final 2 on both and felt like I couldn't get enough air to recover at the end.

Squats/ kettlebell goblet jump squats elbows below knees
3 sets 6 x 120kg/ 10 x 24kg

Pistol squats/ standing calf raises bar on shoulders
3 sets 6 (3 a side)/ 70kg

3 November 2015

Rowing 03-Nov-2015

Squat session time slot disappeared yesterday. I have it approved to move that to a different day so it will happen, it just hasn't yet.
Rowing was hard going throughout, as it should be of course. Current target is to get up to 50 minutes at 50+ strokes a minute. Last time I felt dead at the end of 30 minutes and kept going a little longer. This time I managed 40 minutes and am quietly happy with that. See how I do on Thursday.

2 November 2015

Running 02-Nov-2015

2 weeks since last run. Only running once this week too for reasons I hate far less than being ill.
I am actually back to full health, if far from full speed. Officially the slowest run on this route, even with time off for illness and the foggy weather I am far from impressed with this.
I could have tried being sensible (apologies for the profanity) by trying a shorter run, or trying to take it easier. I didn't I went full distance and gave what I had, I just didn't have enough.
No weights last week either due to illness and that should have been changeover week, so coming into a changeover after a break. Tomorrow will involve a lot of walking like I have soiled myself.

7.35 miles in 58:08 speed 7.6mph pace 7:54 min mile

26 October 2015

Pro-Life vs. Real Life

Brought on by finding out the rules on who can and cannot adopt in the UK have become very lax. So people put up for adoption could end up in a home worse than the one giving them up.

When I was in my late teens the pro-life brigade seemed to be in full force, they may still be, but I don't see them as much now. As a rule I tended to leave them to their ranting and walk on by when they were preaching in the city centre near my home.
On one occasion however someone decided to confront me directly asking if I supported abortion, appalled at my answer of 'Yes.' Ordinarily I think this guy was used to people giving him a chance to start his prepared speeches on how evil this is etc. I think a bit faster and asked him 'If your predecessors had persuaded someone to have a child they didn't want. When child grew up, would they thank you?'
Such an obvious question received the very obvious answer or 'Yes.'
My response of 'Then why don't I?' Was as far from his expectation as it was possible to get.
Since this time I have stuck to simply telling people in this type of group to thank their parents for a very happy childhood and how strongly I mean that. The facts I have learned since starting to value my life a lot more are more than most of them could handle.

Most will have encountered speculation about the sensations of a fetus at age of abortion, firm scientific facts to back them up etc. but none the less without being a fetus that is being aborted none of us truly know. However we do know the level of pain many suicide attempts result in. Paracetamol overdose can leave someone suffering for up to 3.5 hours before they eventually die, by an hour in there is no going back in most cases. This type is a favourite because people assume overdose is easier, it isn't, I knew this and never tried it. Safe to say suicide attempts of fully developed humans are generally more traumatic than what happens to a fetus. So when you consider over 95% of 'saved' abortions attempt suicide more than once, it says a lot for how well saved they are. Singular serious attempts are considered normal experimentation, so people who have tried just once tend to be excluded form such figures, it's when there are multiple attempts meaning someone suffered once and still tried again that it raises flags. This fact alone shows that pro-life is not really saving a lot in many cases.

The reason most want to abort is they don't want the child and there is no better reason not to have a child than that. I am not advocating this as a replacement for contraception but when something goes wrong there is no reason the parent and child should have to suffer when there is no need. Many see this as people being irresponsible, from my viewpoint I consider not being willing to put a child through a life of knowing their parent didn't want them to be very responsible. Unfortunately many finding themselves in the situation of wanting an abortion are too easily persuaded it will all be OK after the birth, as if somehow having a totally demanding life demanding care and attention from them will fix it all.

My mother was a long term alcoholic, something many will judge as the cause for her predicament rather than a follow on. Like many people she wasn't shown a great deal of affection in her youth and as was verified by my gran in her declining years when the filter between her mind and her mouth faded, she was brought up to feel she was very much second rate and second class in virtually every way by her mother. Her mother, my gran, wasn't shown a great deal more affection and the chain continued to me, a chain I am proud to have broken, much to the disgust of many seeing how open I am with the pride and love I have for my son.
As many of her generation did and no doubt many still do now, she viewed marriage as her only escape so and when my father offered this, she took it with both hands. Love is where you value something more than yourself, something I don't think my mother has ever truly done due to a mix of fear and uncertainty of how. She convinced herself the marriage was love, but became aware a few years later it wasn't. By then she had already been convinced to have me, a child she knew she wasn't ready for and didn't want.
So before I was school age I was in the sole care of a woman who had correctly thought she wasn't ready to be a mother, had no experience of seeing herself as being loved and even less about what to do next. Like many in this situation she sought escape, for her this was alcohol, there are many alternatives.
It only really became clear to me how long she had been an alcoholic when she stopped drinking and I actually had to give thought to getting her a present instead of simply buying her a bottle. Which is as telling on how much of a disassociated mess I was at that time as it was on her. She learned as many do that running and hiding from problems in substances is only ever a short term fix. When you stop not only have you still got the problems but you have the effects of the substance use to deal with too.
Most would look at this situation and somehow see her as the bad guy in the picture. In truth there is no singular villain here, so many contributed to making her unable to get out of the bottle, including juvenile me, there are too many for any 1 person to point fingers at.

My mother is not unique by any means, especially in being smart enough to realise she would be out of her depth as a parent, unfortunately like many she was dissuaded from this.
Even though I am very happy with my life now, it was only a few years ago that I realised it was half my life where I had considered myself someone worthy of living and being happy to be alive. Even now I am not convinced I feel the cost of my younger life to be worth what I now have. the damage I have caused to people during my life is not my parents fault, I did the deeds so must take responsibility, but I wasn't equipped to deal with life in a responsible way and that is something we ideally need to be taught by our parents.

So in the world of pro-life, the woman gets pregnant, has a brief moment of doubt, gets talked round, has the baby, goes to live in a house with a little picket fence around it keeping all negativity away and everyone lives happily ever after.
In real life however the woman gets pregnant, thinks long and hard about how unprepared they are and the damage thy could cause a child, gets talked round, learns they were absolutely right. Now not only do they have all the issues they had before, they have no time at all to devote to sorting them out because they have a baby depending on them and demanding all their attention. If she is lucky the child will grow older and take the difficult road to sort themselves out, more often however they will either kill themselves deliberately or accidentally through alcohol or other substance abuse or simply spend the rest of their life feeling as undervalued as their parents.

Life's tough, most of us know this and all of us have our sob stories. The trick of being a parent isn't to avoid the child seeing how tough life is but being able to support them through this so they have the tools required when they are in situations like it outside of our care. When we are still too busy trying to tidy up our own mess and know we aren't ready to guide someone through our own this shouldn't be penalised, it should be supported. The same people who are a mess now and have serious issues to sort out could well make excellent parents in the future, but in the meantime they already know they aren't ready for dependents.

22 October 2015

Rowing 22-Oct-2015

Decided to go for a bit of extra pace to get the intensity up and succeeded. Tuesday it was around 45 strokes a minute average, starting lower and getting quicker for 50 minutes. Today it was 50 strokes a minute from the start and it felt OK, right up to 30 minutes when my body said that was enough. I kept going for a bit but at 31:20 I had to either stop or slow down and decided to stop.
So new target is keep the 50 strokes per minute and build the time back up to 50 minutes. I don't foresee this taking too long to manage. Certainly taking it's toll on me this rowing anyway. I am permanently aching from it at the moment and only row twice a week, of course there is other stuff in my program that won't be helping with this.

Bench 21-Oct-2015

Last week of this block. Not a wonderful session, head was not in the room but it will do.

Bench press 10, 10, 8 x 70kg

Standing shoulder press with discs 10, 10, 5 x 16.25kg a side

Plyo push ups with clap, good height 3 x 10

20 October 2015

Rowing 20-Oct-2015

Getting very used to this now, which is nice because I can work harder and be doing more rather than just knowing I am just plodding inefficiently.
Average rowing pace was around 45 rows per minute, was alternating sides as if paddling on either side of the boat, knees fixed to focus totally on full reach of upper body. Hopefully will be similar to the way it is on the boat, except then it will all be one side. 50 minutes done. Putting rowing pacer on 50 a minute next time, see how I go, it doesn't go any higher.

Squats 19-Oct-2015

Happy with this session. finished feeling I had given all I had and can feel the effects in my core and legs today. Nothing better, well there are better things, but this is top 10 material.
Bit of faffing with weights on squats to get right but I will accept this as part of the journey.

Squats 8 x 120kg (wanted 10), 10 x 110kg, 100 x 115kg felt like max for today.

Jump squats 3 x 10 x 90kg

Overhead squats 3 x 10 x 45kg

19 October 2015

Running 19-Oct-2015

Conditions were almost perfect today. I gave what felt like all I had and if I am honest I thought I had more. Not a lot I can do about it now, but I definitely want to be getting closer to target on days like today.

7.35 miles in 56:10 speed 7.9mph pace 7:38 min mile

16 October 2015

Running 16-Oct-2015

Proof I can practically run in my sleep, also proof I run slower in my sleep. Tired, been wound tight the last week, just starting to relax now. It was never going to be a good run. I have to accept it, there was nothing else to give, but I am less than pleased with today's effort.

7.35 miles in 56:58 speed 7.7mph pace 7:45 min mile

15 October 2015

Rowing 15-Oct-2015

Weight training totally absent this week, which is annoying. Hope to do some on Saturday morning. Standard priorities applied and family wins every time.
At least rowing went well. 37+ rows a minute for 45 minutes. Happy enough with that.

13 October 2015

Rowing 13-Oct-2015

Seems 30 minutes was the barrier to break. Once I got there it got easier.
Did 45 minutes at average of 35 rows a minute with static legs and lots of upper body reach and flex.
Getting used to this now. I am deeply suspicious I may be the only person who will be in the boat who is but ce la vie. There is still the option of throwing dead weight over the side.

12 October 2015

Running 12-Oct-2015

Best time on that specific route. Still 6 seconds a mile, 46 seconds overall, off pace but I will take that for today. Bit of humidity coming back but temperature heading my way, 12 celcius, much better than it has been, really not good with heat.

7.36 miles in 55:58 speed 7.9mph pace 7:36 min mile

9 October 2015

Training log catch up 09-Oct-2015

This week I found time for training not logging it.

Bench 07-Oct-2015

Still needing to work on shoulder strength. Plates are more awkward but I should be moving more.

Bench 3 x 10 x 70kg

Standing shoulder press with plates 10 x 16.25kg, 7 x 16.25kg 3 x 15kg, 5 x 16.25kg 5 x 15kg bit of a pause before 9th

Plyo push ups with clap 3 x 10 though last rep on last set didn't actually leave the ground. Others had good height.

Lunch row 08-Oct-2015 found a rowing pace app that works like a metronome. Set at 31 rows a minute and did 30 minutes, found pace a bit slow so will be doing 35 rows a minute next time. Felt very comfortable even with the static leg rowing to simulate static seat.

Deadlift 08-Oct-2015

Very happy with this one. Increased weight on 2 exercises, felt dead at the end and aching well from it today. All this with no warning signs from hip etc.

Deadlift with fat gripz 3 x 10 x 100kg Last set showed I truly am at my limit for 3 x 10 at that weight with fatties.

Wide grip seated row 3 x 10 x 70kg

Alternate single arm kettlebell swings swapping at shoulder height 3 x 10 a side x 28kg

Running 09-Oct-2015
Rowing is improving and I'm keeping the running fairly consistent. I'll take that as a good sign. I am almost totally unlikely to improve my running until I get my additional runs back instead of doing rowing practice but if I can go back to it with no loss I would consider that a win.

7.34 miles in 56:40 speed 7.8mph pace 7:43 min mile Noticing as well that the increase in mileage now means each of my runs burns approximately 960 calories, working on this and the run taking sub 57 minutes I am burning close to 17 calories a minute every run, 16.84211 if being precise.

6 October 2015

Rowing 06-Oct-2015

Well with an unreliable display I don't know distance but it won't transfer to the boat anyway so no big deal.
I am getting used to the motion and really hope the boat is comparible. Not the way a rowing machine is supposed to be used but it won't do it any harm and with a fixed seat boat I need fixed seat style practice.
got my full 30 minutes in today and am starting to feel it becoming more natural. Long way to go to be ready to row 23 miles across the busiest shipping lane in the world yet though.

Squats 06-Oct-2015

There was just enough intelligence mixed in with my stupidity this time. First squat session without hip support since it slipped a while back. I knew this would impact on how much weight I could move so the first exercise was done with gradually increased weight. I probably could have gone a bit heavier but considering how I felt for a while after I think I pitched this just right for late remedial. The sensation in my right hip was definitely on the border between acceptable and will recover and too far, which is where I like remedial to be, scary that I rely on my intelligence for a living at times.
All told pretty happy with this session. Aching nicely today, not the proper telepgraph pole prostate exam look I expect from legs but they know they have been worked.

Squats 10 x 70kg, 90kg, 100kg

Jump squats 3 x 10x 70kg

Overhead squats 3 x 10 x 40kg

5 October 2015

Running 05-Oct-2015

Bit of misty rain, not enough to cool but enough to make breathing less comfortable. Meant I was expecting a bit of a poor run. Quite happy that I was able to give it a bit of effort and improve on Friday's attempt.
Next part is deciding if I can get away with not using hip support in squat session this evening. In reality probably not, but sometimes you need to try to find out. Will see how I feel later.

7.35 miles in 56:42 speed 7.8mph pace 7:43 min mile

2 October 2015

Running 02-Oct-2015

Quite fatigued from a hectic week with some good weight training done. Conditions were pretty much ideal for running, cool, relatively clear air fog in the morning but cleared at lunch time. I just didn't have enough to make the most of it today.
I wanted to be getting back to 8mph average and with rowing practice replacing some of my running that became less likely to happen. I know this but obviously am less than happy about it when I see pace dropping a bit. Quite how I seem to be running every time at exactly 5 second min mile splits I don't know.

7.36 miles in 57:07 speed 7.7mph pace 7:45 min mile

Deadlifts 01-Oct-2015

Getting very used to these fat gripz. Was remembering last night how when I started I was struggling to do more than 3 reps with 70kg before my grip failed, now I am doing sets of 10 with 90 and thinking next time needs to be 100 even with my body fatigued from the rowing earlier in the day.
Happy with this session. First one since hip slipped a month or so ago without my hip support and no issues from the hip at all. It also means a full week of weight training done which is a bonus I can't manage every week. Fitness is important, but if it ever trumps my wife and son I will cease to deserve them, that's life.

Deadlift with fat gripz 3 x 10 x 90kg

Wide grip seated row 1 x 50kg, 60kg, 65kg got to love the way the pulley is still smooth but makes the weight feel high

Single arm kettlebell swings switching at the top 3 x 10 a side x 28kg

1 October 2015

Rowing 01-Oct-2015

Well a couple of curve balls were thrown into my rowing training. First I found out the boat isn't a nice modern styled machine with moving seats etc. This is a static seat, each of us rowing single side oars. So I have changed to rowing on the machine as if I was on this type of boat, taking pressure off my legs and piling it onto my core, back and arms instead, areas less used to stamina work.
Second the display sensors are playing up majorly. Initially I though this was just me being a wuss, but I can still count, and while the rower was ranging between 18 and 20 strokes a minute I counted 18 in 30 seconds. No big deal, just have to get the movement practice in and build the upper body stamina. No point going too fast anyway, the rest of my team are not what I would call fit, so my pace will be well above what they can manage meaning I will need to slow the strokes on the day.

20 minutes today. Totally new style of movement and killed me.

Bench 30-Sep-2015

Time to realise my shoulders are in need of work. I know pressing with plates instead of dumbbells is more awkward, especially whenn holding 15kg and a 2.5kg in each hand, and therefore more difficult pound for pound but I feel I should have been able to do this without thinking I will have to go to a lower weight next time.

Bench 3 x 10 x 70kg

Standing shoulder press with plates 10 x 17.5kg, 7 x 17.5kg 3 x 15kg, 8 x 15kg

Plyo push ups with clap 3 x 10, started with good height of the ground, got lower as I fatigued

28 September 2015

Running 28-Sep-2015

That felt like hard work. Pace wasn't great, not in pain and humidity was up but not that far. Just not a great run, even though it felt like it should have been. PRE put me closer to my 8mph target than this.

7.35 miles in 57:38 speed 7.7mph pace 7:50 min mile

25 September 2015

Running 25-Sep-2015

Starting to cool down again, still warm for me but getting there. Increased the mileage slightly to max of current route flexibility and quite pleased how it went considering how worn out I was feeling before starting. Want it to get quicker of course, current target is back to consistent 8mph and I am not getting that so I have work to do.

7.36 miles in 56:36 speed 7.8mph pace 7:41 min mile

24 September 2015

Rowing 24-Sep-2015

Well I guess not everything can go well. Running and weights are doing OK this week so it would have to be the thing I am not used to that suffers for this success.
Really wanted a 30 minute row this week and totally failed to get it. Not only that the pace wasn't great today either, slowest so far in fact. I could feign shock or surprise but inn truth I am still aching from Tuesday's row so wasn't expecting anything great, I still wanted that 30 minutes though.
A lot of work to be don on the rowing for sure.

4.606km in 20 minutes would mean taking over 2 hours 40 to cross the channel at that pace

22 September 2015

Rowing 22-Sep-2015

I was determined today would be the full half hour I had planned. Work had other plans and I had no time to do it. I then switched to determined to do 5k row, so did that instead.
Pace means I was slightly slower than last row, but likely due to faffing with foot straps early on. I'll get there.

5km in 20:36

Squats 21-Sep-2015

Well a combination of stupidity, careful foresight and on the spot judgement. I was considering not using the hip support in this session and decided to play it safe, which was the careful foresight. I decided to go for the whole session including something requiring full balance, coordination and control, which was the stupidity, but when things got dodgy I stopped the set short rather than risk another set back, hence 10, 9, 10 on overhead squats.
After the session I felt sore and like I may have gone too far, but a night of sleep and it feels like I got away with it. I think I would probably be less stupid like this if I got away with it less, my judgement is based on history of finding the line of what is too stupid and staying as close as I can without totally disabling myself. Means one of these days I will get it very wrong and totally deserve it.

Squats 10 x 70kg, 90kg, 110kg

Squat jumps 3 x 10 x 70kg, getting more height out of the jumps

Overhead squats 10, 9, 10 x 40kg

21 September 2015

Running 21-Sep-2015

Cool, wet and virtually no pain from the hip at all. Recipe for a vastly improved run, possibly even on target, though that could be pushing it even with my arrogance. Final result a 2 shower run, cool and natural during and warm after, and 5 seconds a mile off pace. Happy enough with that for now.

7.09 miles in 53:46 speed 7.9mph pace 7:35 min mile

18 September 2015

Running 18-Sep-2015

Heat and humidity are back again, more humid than hot but enough to make this a bit harder work. Hip was a lot better today, still reminding me there was repair to do throughout but this is just muscle, ligament and tendon now, the joint is back in place fully. Started to hurt properly just coming up to 6 miles but was able to ignore this and there was no slip at all based on how easily I could walk pain free after my stretching and shower.
Pace is a bit lower than I wanted, but that is the whole point of training to want more.

7.07 miles in 55:03 speed 7.7mph pace 7:46 min mile

Deadlift 17-Sep-2015

Last night's deadlift session means my first complete weight training week in far too long and I am aching very nicely from it. Crazy as it may seem I miss that all over ache from my body being worked in various ways over the week.
Quite nice as well to come back to being able to get a nice clean set of 10 deadlifts with fat gripz and 90kg on the bar without feeling like it is going to drop at any time. Still taxing the grip well but not feeling like there is imminent failure at all.
Whole session was still using hip support, but in truth I should only need this for another week or 2 now, feeling pretty solid, if a bit sore at times.

Deadlifts with fat grips 10 x 70kg, 80kg, 90kg

Wide grip seated row 10 x 30kg, 40kg, 50kg last set reminded my how heavy the pulley makes weight feel on my rack.

Alternate single arm kettlebell swings to shoulder height, release and switch at shoulders 10 x 20kg, 24kg, 24kg

17 September 2015

Rowing 17-Sep-2015

Improvement is good, I know initial gains are quicker and I need to gain a lot in terms of pace and distance to be any good but this is still good for me.

4.893km in 20 minutes

Means I would take just over 2.5 hours to cross the channel at exactly that pace.

Bench 16-Sep-2015

Hectic so logging last nights bench session just before hopefully going off to do lunchtime row.
Still light due ot time out of training. Remembered hip support to allow for plyo work meaning I ache today rather than properly hurt.

Bench press 10 x 40kg, 50kg, 60kg

Standing shoulder press with plates 10 x 10kg a side, then 2 sets with 15kg a side

Plyo push ups with clap 3 x 10

15 September 2015

Rowing 15-Sep-2015

Wow what a few years not rowing does to you. I was never anything dramatic anyway, but that was quite depressingly difficult.
Water rowers are apparently more comparative to real rowing because there are no bearings to warm up etc. just water behaving like water, so staying constant rather than starting stiff and getting easier.
I didn't know what to expect, but I didn't expect to get to 20 minutes and feel like that was enough. Not out of puff etc. just body saying it wasn't used to this and didn't like it. It will have to get used to it anyway.

4.692km in 20 minutes

The trip across the channel will however be just over 37km and at that pace would take over 2.5 hours, so allowing for fatigue and conditions at least 3 hours. I have work to do getting ready for this.

Squats 14-Sep-2015

Well this session contained what fortunately was good news but with my rather risk happy nature could easily have been a disaster.
I am still on remedial for hip slipping out and knew it was working it's way back in, so stuck with nice light start on squats while wearing hip support. 2nd set 50kg bar and the hip reset itself on one of the upward movements, nearly sending my knee totally out and challenging my balance to the utmost to ensure I stood up rather than relying on the safety rack to catch me. I was over 70% sure this was it resetting properly but knew there was a chance it had slipped back out, in the support the slip out could have been concealed a bit. I did some simple squat movements without weight and went back in at the next weight, knee hurt a bit but it eased during the next 2 sets and was then fine.
Final set was just me needing to know I could do a heavier weight. I deliberately didn't max out stopping as soon as I felt any real load effect, not sensible remedial style at all, more of a kill or cure test I wouldn't advice for anyone who isn't intimately aware of how their body feels in different states.
Finished off by reintroducing plyo jump squats with a good bit of height, so all in all very happy with myself. Could have gone wrong but with a mix of luck and good judgement, totally reasonable to argue what the proportions are, I am well on the mend again. Next challenge is to make sure I don't reinjure straight away as I have on a number of occasions.

Squats 10 x 20kg, 50kg, 70kg, 100kg, 2 x 120kg

Jump squats 3 x 10 x 70kg

14 September 2015

Running 14-Sep-2015

Relatively pain free run. Still not fully recovered but more of a niggle than pain now, suggesting hip has pulled back in and connective tissue is repairing nicely. I have no doubt a bit of rest would have made it happen quicker but I don't care, it happened, or at least has started to happen.
Wet run day, nice and cool but humidity was still there. Felt good though. Nearly back to pace as well. Didn't add distance to be sure I didn't mess myself up, probably could have gone further, I'll see Friday. Rowing tomorrow.

5.75 mile in 43:56 speed 7.9mph pace 7:38 min mile

11 September 2015

Running 11-Sep-2015

Well today I signed up to something that is not going to help my running to get back on track one bit. Next June I will be rowing across the English Channel and having seen the others who will be in my boat I am going to need to train hard to be able to compensate for them.
In order to do this I will have to switch out some of my running for rowing. I don't have time to do it any other way. Plan is to run 2 days, row the other 2 at first and see if I need to add in a third day of rowing.
Heat and humidity are back with real vengeance at the moment. Hip started hurting a bit earlier in the run just under 4.25 miles rather than just before 4.5 yesterday, but wasn't as intense. Pace was slower overall, at least in part due to spending more time in pain running because I am still finding a 7 mile + route. This one will be easy to add anything up to 1.6 miles to so I have my future route nailed.

5.73 miles in 45:23 speed 7.6mph pace 7:55 min mile

10 September 2015

Running 10-Sep-2015

Well I hurt my hip again last night and it came back to let me know at the start, which I expected and around 4.5 miles which I didn't. I was toying with doing my full 7 miles today but decided that would be a bit too stupid so cut short, glad I did now. In fairness I know I am recovering faster than I deserve, as I tend to, but a history of doing so has made me impatient and I want to get back to full distance and pace again.
To add to the fun the heat and humidity have mad a bit of a comeback, which won't have helped but the slower that target pace was more to do with bodily movement than breathing.

5.28 miles in 41:30 speed 7.6mph pace 7:51 min mile.

9 September 2015

Bench 09-Sep-2015

Back to light again after more time off is annoying, but it beats adding another injury. That's what I'm telling myself, anyway.

Bench 10 x 40kg, 45kg, 50kg

Standing shoulder press with plates 2 x 10 x 10kg a side last set 10 x 15kg a side

Plyo push ups with clap 3 x 10, each set hurt my hip, but only to acceptable level.

8 September 2015

Intervals 08-Sep-2015

Ow! That was the general theme of today's interval training. I was expecting it and wasn't surprised but it still hurt. Started off hurting due to still recovering from slip. Every time I tried giving it 100% on sprints I had to back off a bit, which was annoying but inevitable. Made up some of the intensity by keeping the recovery sections at a higher pace, but that is the opposite to how I want these to happen.
Pretty sure these weren't particularly consistent, the intensity was high enough for me to tire over time. Still did it and that's the main point.

Meaningless summary, except that the overall distance was lower than normal.
3.81 miles in 32:41 average speed 7mph

Squats 07-Sep-2015

Well I did my squat session last night as planned with hip support. Had to modify the session because I knew doing jump squats with hip slightly out of place was beyond stupid.
My theory was that doing the front squats on flat of bosu would force my body to pull the hip into line a bit to keep me stable.
I am aching a bit, not as much as I would like, but hey it's moderation to aid recovery, side of hip hurts a bit more than before so not sure if this is good from it being forced back or bad because I have made it worse.
Have intervals at lunch today, that will be fun!

10 x 20kg, 50kg, 70kg, 9 x 90kg, last one I felt myself favouring my left hip for power on rep 9 so decided that was enough

Front squats on flat of bosu
10 x 20kg, 40kg, 40kg

7 September 2015

Running 07-Sep-2015

Hip was starting to feel better over the weekend. Started my run and it decided to remind me it was far from recovered. Good news is this didn't last too long and soon moved from foreground pain to background niggle on my run. This inspired me to be slightly less stupid and go for a shorter run, thus allowing better recovery and giving me the chance to get my pace up a bit while my hip wasn't hurting too badly. I think I may even have helped it back into place a bit which would be good, side of my hip is still tender to the touch letting me know the damage to tendons, ligaments and muscles is still there but that is an improvement.
Planning to do squat session with hip support this evening to help the process along a bit more.

4.41 miles in 34:13 speed 7.7 pace 7:45 min mile

4 September 2015

Running 04-Sep-2015

The stupidity continues. My hip was starting to hurt less so I decided, hey let's sort out a 7 mile road route for winter while the woods are being a quagmire. There are various reasons things can start to hurt less, one is partial recovery, which I always assume it is, another is the body becoming used to the sensation so taking less notice of it, which considering my hip still hasn't pulled back into place yet is evidently today's case for me.
I got the 7 miles, with a phone call part way through not doing my time any good at all but in fairness even without this I would have been looking at 7.6 rather than 7.5 nowhere close to the 8mph I am supposed to be running. I ignored a lot of pain to keep my time under 8 minute mile, it probably wasn't worth it but felt like the right thing to do at the time.
In reality even though this is the slowest speed I accept, I do understand that in the circumstances it was good going. Now I have the weekend for my hip to recover a bit ready to damage it more next week.

7.02 miles in 55:58 speed 7.5mph pace 7:58 min mile

3 September 2015

Running 03-Sep-2015

So you have a history of injuries which include putting both your hips out to the point you are told you won't walk again let alone run, you know pushing it too far will bring back the effect of some of these injuries, you also know that it is only training that keeps the effects at bay. You ran and were barely able to walk due to your right hip sliding out of place slightly, you also know if you push it too far your wife will either kill you or be wearing a new set of less than pretty earrings, what do you do?

A. Be sensible, take some time out, preserving your life and testes.
B. Organise professional care and get this sorted out.
c. Go for a run anyway and consider that it being a bit shorter makes it moderate and therefore remedial, even if giving all you can, then get upset because you feel it was too slow.

If you can count above your IQ and aren't used to getting away with being stupidly arrogant by ignoring injuries and pushing through regardless, you would have chosen A or B.

Below is the summary of today's run, where I decided to investigate a bit of road I haven't run on before as a way of extending my normal road route.

4.1 miles in 32:17 speed 7.6 miles pace 7:52 min mile

1 September 2015

Running 01-Sep-2015

Well I took a couple of weeks off work, running, most weight training and was generally quite lazy. This week will make fitting weight training in difficult but I should be able to get at least 3 runs in.
The woods section of my route was so slippery I had to slow to almost stop a few times to avoid breaking limbs due to recent rains. Drainage in this area is known for being dreadful so need to find a decent road route again. don't really want to drop the distance, which i had to today when changing the way back to stay safe.
2 reminders of why I can't really stop training today. First I was the slowest I have been in some time without it being stupidly hot and humid, 19 C and 100% so still more than I like but melting not evaporating level. Second the effects of the damage I caused my body in the past is kept at bay by my training, so the run sending signals saying my right hip wasn't happy is a good reminder I can never give up, even if I wanted to.

6.84 miles in 54:14 speed 7.6mph 7:55 min mile.

14 August 2015

Running 14-Aug-2015

Still warm, raining for half of it which helped cool me down. Wet vest as running = major nipple rubbing, ow!
Result of cooler weather, best run of the week, only 2 seconds a mile off target, happy enough with that.

7.03 miles in 52:58 speed 8mph pace 7:32 min mile.

13 August 2015

Running 13-Aug-2015

Cooler but still insanely humid. Legs still suffering a bit from earlier in the week, which had moved to the background enough not to be noticed until I actually started running.
10 seconds a mile off pace is an improvement on Monday anyway.

7.03 miles in 53:57 speed 7.8mph pace 7:40 min mile

Bench 12-Aug-2015

Well today is a reminder of how well plyo push ups with clap work the abs. I know compound work hits the core but forgot how well I ache there after proper plyo.
Still mentally hard to do stuff with such limited range of movement because of trying to take off again as soon as I land but I am just doing it. Quite nice to know the tendon and ligament strength is still there anyway.
Starting light this week as first full week in so long, but plan to step it back up again in a hurry.

Bench 3 x 10 x 40kg

Standing shoulder press with plates 3 x 10 x 10kg a side

Plyo push ups with clap 3 x 10

11 August 2015

Intervals 11-Aug-2015

Well today I was seriously debating if to do my intervals or wuss out and go for a normal run. I decided to man up and do the intervals. Not a spectacular performance as me doing intervals generally isn't. Consistency just wasn't there I got progressively slower throughout and struggled motivating my legs to go forward at all at the start of every sprint.
No big deal. I did it anyway.

3.92 miles in in 32:55 average speed 7.1mph

Squats 11-Aug-2015

I knew this session wasn't going to be particularly smart, but I am desperate to get back to normal schedule so despite aching like heck from squatting without stretching on Saturday, knowing better doesn't automatically remove stupidity, then running during the day I needed to do my squat session in the evening.
I will confess the range of movement on squats hasn't been this poor in many years with such a pathetic weight and no injuries. I would like to declare this was because I was taking it easy but in truth it was because my legs were so tired I was getting to the depth where I noticed my knees bowing inward then stopped and stood back up. I was getting more depth on plyo squats too which just means I didn't have the strength to spring back up as fast.
I don't expect to have gained anything physically at all from that session apart from the aches I have this morning and a truly awful interval session at lunch time, however mentally I am back on track and sometimes that is worth it. Next Monday will be better.

Squats 3 x 10 x 70kg

Plyo squats 3 x 10 x 70kg

Calf raises with bar 3 x 10 x 70kg

10 August 2015

Running 10-Aug-2015

Hot, horribly humid and legs that really did not want to move. Didn't know what to expect and I would have to say that despite this being around 15 seconds a mile off target pace I am not particularly unhappy. Of course there are squats this evening, which is really stupid considering they are still aching from Saturday but I want to get back on schedule so it needs to be done.

7.02 miles in 54:26 speed 7.7mph pace 7:45 min mile

Squats 08-Aug-2015

Well this update is a couple of days out of date but never mind. I got a reminder that even though the range of movement on proper plyometrics is pathetic it doesn't mean the effect is not there.
There was a bit of inner dialogue going on after this session too, especially the day after.
Just after 'Need to stretch.'
'Oh, just need to do this first.'
Day after
'Ow. You stupid retard, didn't stretch after training.'
Even when the weights are far from awesome, must stretch.

Squats 3 x 10 x 70kg

Plyo squats 3 x 10 x 70kg

Calf raises with bar 3 x 10 x 70kg

7 August 2015

Running 07-Aug-2015

Temperature shown on phone has to be wrong, not unusual, I think runtastic uses a forecast site to get average over a large area, which is fair enough. Says 21 C at 100% humidity, been saying 100% humidity for months. Sure humidity was slightly below 100% for first time in ages because I could tell some of the sweat was actually evaporating not simply soaking into my shorts and socks, but that felt far hotter than 21, maybe I'm just being a wuss!
Wanted to be better than yesterday and managed it. Still 8 seconds a mile off target but will have to do.

7.03 miles in 53:37 speed 7.9mph pace 7:38 min mile

6 August 2015

Running 06-Aug-2015

Humidity at either highest or joint highest so far this year and this year has been insanely humid, could once again feel the moisture hanging in the air, crazy. Added to the heat was great for the millions of little bugs flying around annoying me, many of the smallest stuck to my over sweaty mass and only came off in the shower looking like black whole body dandruff, but was far from great for my run.
Target is to be getting 8mph aka 7:30 min mile consistently but I knew this wasn't even remotely realistic today so shifted the bar to 7:40 min mile and hit it bang on, so even though it was below ideal I am still happy.

7.05 miles in 54 minutes dead, I felt it, speed 7.8mph pace 7:40 min mile

5 August 2015

Deadlift 04-Aug-2015

First weights session in a few weeks so was never going to be anything awesome. Kept it sensible, using weights I would normally use to warm up with with short rests to keep at least some intensity. Got distracted just after so didn't stretch, this combined with time out meant even though it was a pretty weedy session I am aching more than expected today.
Will be upping the weights in a bit of a hurry to get back to some intensity and will stick to the simple 3 x 10 reps for 3 exercises for a block to get back into training again. Life got in the way for a while, as happens, now it's back to abnormal.

Deadlift with fat gripz 3 x 10 x 70kg

Low pulley seated row with lean forward and back between reps 3 x 10 x 50kg

2 arm kettlebell swing 3 x 10 x 20kg

4 August 2015

Intervals 04-Aug-2015

Not done intervals in a few weeks, it showed. I gave it all I had and realised I didn't have much. Sprints felt unbelievably hard even though I am sure they were a few metres short and recovery just left me feeling tired and increasingly ready for a mid run nap the further through I got. The only positive was consistency, I was slower and feeling it more but I was pretty consistent on pace.

Meaningless stats
3.83 miles in 22:20 average speed 6.9mph

3 August 2015

Running 03-Aug-2015

I wonder if cursing GPS app counts as exercise. Today was hot, humid and felt like there was no oxygen so I wasn't expecting a great run. I was right at 20 seconds a mile off target pace which made the app deciding to ignore me telling it to stop and going to the map again, this time it took 16 seconds to stop. Once again I had taken note of the actual details before trying to stop the annoying app.
Hoping to get some squats done this evening. Will be the first weight training in far too long. See how life goes.

7.04 mile in 55:07 speed 7.7mph pace 7:50 min mile

31 July 2015

Running 31-Jul-2015

Today was disappointing in the way only being so close to target can be. 1 second a mile off target during heat and humidity is not bad especially when still really tired but being so close still bites.
GPS app decided to ignore me saying stop and enlarge the map instead at the end, so glad I took note of the details before it did this to log. Faffing around for 15 seconds while stationary doesn't help the displayed pace.

7.05 miles in 53:01 8mph pace 7:31 min mile

30 July 2015

Running 30-Jul-2015

Temperature was a lot nicer, aka cooler, today, humidity was the highest all year and only broke when the clouds overhead decided I needed a thoroughly heavy shower. By the end of the run there was no doubt they were right. This did have the unfortunate side effect of making the off road part of my run more than a tad slippery but I stayed upright and didn't die so all's good. Overall 3 seconds off pace which I will have to accept for today, there's no choice really.

7.01 mile in 52:58 speed 7.9mph pace 7:33 min mile

29 July 2015

Running 29-Jul-2015

Despite feeling more like going to sleep than going for a run I did it anyway. One of my colleagues, the slower of the pace setters, asked if I was going and I decided what the heck. Knowing it wasn't going to be awesome I did the same as recently for the other colleague who comes along more often by simply helping him get in a good run. This meant it was slow for me but in all honesty I think anything that would have really pushed me at the moment would have been stupid.

Stuff that has been messing with my ability to do weights recently is now over so I should be able to be back to that too, which will be good. Ordinarily the situation would have been ideal as I had anger and aggression to spare but I am still on the moderate time slot I promised myself so couldn't go full on as I would have needed to and decided to do nothing rather than risk injury. I will regret this soon enough when I ache like hell doing stuff that I would still consider moderate but that's life.

6.37 miles in 56:05 speed 6.8mph pace 8:48 min mile beat doing nothing

23 July 2015

Running 23-Jul-2015

Very close today, just a second a mile off pace, which is simple code for downright annoying to have been so close and still missed it.

7.03 miles in 52:57 speed 8mph pace 7:31 min mile

22 July 2015

Speaking Ill Of the Dead

This has made me unpopular a few times and the fact others seem to have decided to idealise a person who caused me a lot of pain in my life is causing me more than a little distress at the moment.
The person concerned is my father and while some of the below is very minor in the eyes of many, the collective effect is something I spent years recovering from.

While married to my mother they found she was pregnant. She knew she wasn't ready to be a mum so wanted to abort, he pressured her into keeping me. In itself not horrendous but when you have married someone and forced them into keeping a child they knew they weren't ready for it is more than a little cowardly to run away from both of these commitments. The relationship was ended due to irreconcilable differences, aka both having affairs and in truth this was likely going on before I was born on his part. Those with high ideals regarding anti-abortion, please thank your parents for a very happy life, only people with one could be so ignorant. Also consider over 95% or 'saved' abortions attempt suicide multiple times then consider how well they have really been saved.

My mother got custody, whether this is the best thing that could have happened I will never know but he got full visitation rights and I know how much effort she put in to make him an active part of my life. Active part doesn't mean saying you will be there and not turning up so many times for so many years the zero confidence child eventually responds to 'I'll see you on Friday' with 'Which Friday?' before turning and walking away. If you aren't pretty close to 100% sure you can keep the promise, don't make it. You feel far less worthless if someone says they'll be in touch about a visit than if they continuously don't turn up when they say they will.

One of the milestone moments in most children's lives is when they first learn to ride a bike without stabilisers. Something my mother could have done but felt would be good to have my dad to to give me a positive memory I could link to him. My moment of pride and joy at managing this after trying for some time was only equaled by my disappointment when I saw he considered this was job done and could then get going back to his new family.

Knowing that for years I lived literally 5 minutes away from a junction he passed on his way to and from work, yet still couldn't be bothered to come in to see me.

My mother was no bargain either and as is not uncommon in my home town at 16 years old I was kicked out of home. I couple of months later my dad turned up to visit, not to check on my well being, just to find out how long I had been living alone as my mother hadn't notified him and was still collecting maintenance payments. Visit length was minutes which considering he would have spent over an hour travelling each way to find this out, left no doubt of it's purpose.

In order to get through stuff like this you have to let it go, so when he apologised under the influence of a lot of alcohol I gave him a clean slate. I had long accepted I was a part of his life he regretted having happened and saw no point clinging to it. There are people who will say being over things means it never effecting you again, this is wrong, that is burying it, being over it is dealing with something and moving on.

I did tend to think my life was the only one he was prepared to mess up. After all his new wife was keeping to the agreement made, looking after the house, bringing up the children and letting him be the provider. I was, as I often am, wrong. His system of viewing marriage as a casual thing hadn't changed. He was happily sleeping around and would have left his second wife and family too if my sister (half sister really) hadn't insisted he stay. He did so but I would never declare he would have done so faithfully.

When I noticed he was starting to make the same promises to my son and not keep them as he had to me I started cutting him short and telling him to give us a call when he would be available to visit us again. That was the biggest mark on his cleaned slate, damaging my life was bad enough, doing so to my son would never be allowed. My son's reaction to his death has been that it won't bother him as he never knew him, in truth I have to agree and would say neither do I.

When he died I was slightly relieved. We visited him a few weeks ago, when he was still lucid which was no small feat because he is a long way from my home. The thought of going to visit him again to spend minutes in his company then go back again for a funeral was filling me with dread, hence the relief. This feeling reminded me of the many times in my youth I wished him dead and how angry and upset he'd made me so many times. When asked by the person who will speak at his funeral for things I remembered about him I realised there is not a single happy memory in my mind associated to him. The net effect is I have been struggling a lot mentally lately and realise the lessons I have learned from my father are all how not to live and treat people.

Sorry but when someone lives there life being a total a hole then dies, they don't become perfect, they just change from being a live a hole to a dead one.

Running 22-Jul-2015

Needed this so badly. Having serious trouble removing head from rectum at the moment so a good run was very welcome.
Temperature down a bit, humidity still insane but an on target run and a happy runner.

7.03 miles in 52:47 speed 8mph pace 7:30 min mile

20 July 2015

Running 20-Jul-2015

Weekend involved getting a few tons of the back garden to the tip, made all the more interesting by adding some rain to make it a touch heavier to move.
Run wasn't great but beat doing nothing hands down.

7.02 miles in 55:17 speed 7.6mph pace 7:52 min mile

17 July 2015

Running 17-Jul-2015

Set off a bit ambitious meaning I was doing quite well the first half, then ended up not much better than yesterday by the end. Worth a try, but ended up 7 seconds a mile behind target.

7.06 miles in 53:53 speed 7.9mph pace 7:37 min mile.

16 July 2015

Running 16-Jul-2015

Heat went up speed went down. No surprises there then. 8 seconds a mile off pace will have to do for today, there was nothing left to give.
I might be getting a new pace setter soon, one who will likely be faster than me either straight away or very shortly so really give me something to aim for.

7.06 miles in 53:55 speed 7.9mph pace 7:38 min mile

14 July 2015

Intervals 14-Jul-2015

There are some marks on the road where I do intervals so I was able to monitor how regular my intervals were today which was quite something. Up until the last 2 they were all pretty consistent and they were a touch short, all round I couldn't have asked for better.

3.9 mile in 33:23 average speed 7mph

13 July 2015

Running 13-Jul-2015

Bit cooler today 17 celcuis so only just over melting point. App only seems to be showing humidity at 100% daily regardless at the moment, considering the mist and rain I would say this was understated.
Still closest to an on target run I have had in a while though, so I'll take that. 2 seconds a mile off pace.

7.04 miles in 53:05 speed 8mph pace 7:32 min mile.

10 July 2015

Running 10-Jul-2015

Another week that has been far from ideal on the training front. Life has a habit of really getting in the way sometimes. I'll pay for it when I get back into the flow and this isn't the first time life has got in the way of training, neither will it be the last.
So knowing I wasn't going to be blistering today I decided to help out one of my running buddies instead. Ended up pulling him along to his longest run by nearly half a mile and at his fastest pace even comparing to the shorter runs. So not spectacular for me but means I now have someone who will likely be really pushing me in a matter of months full distance, well worth it.

7.04 miles in 57:37 speed 7.3mph pace 8:11 min mile This guy is seriously catching me up.

7 July 2015

Intervals 07-Jul-2015

Squats got postponed when I realised some of the delightful creatures that bit or stung me over the weekend have something in them I am allergic to and my lower legs had swollen up like balloons, especially the left.
It has gone down quite a bit now, using elevation etc. to help. Not painful, just irritating and leaving my feet feeling dead on occasion.
Meant this interval session I was a bit less fatigued and able to give it more energy. I did and feel thoroughly shattered now. Sprints were very consistent, recovery felt good, end of each I felt comfortably ready to go flat out again, though the further through I got the later this was occurring and the last couple breathing leveled out just in time.

3.96 miles in 33:06 average speed 7.2mph

6 July 2015

Running 06-Jul-2015

Cooler than Friday, more humid than Friday net effect on me was a drop of pace 1 second a mile, meaning I was 6 seconds a mile off target pace. Lungs are telling me there was no more to give so I guess I will accept that, but as with any weakness I hate having pathetic lungs.

7.02 miles in 53:26 speed 7.9mph pace 7:36 min mile

3 July 2015

Running 03-July-2015

Figured out how to stop the app switching off and got a more accurate distance, which was good.
It was cooler than Wednesday which helped, still roasting but there is a huge difference between 24 and 30 centigrade. Humidity was still there of course. Water bottle is helping against heat, if not my breathing.
Pace setter worked a blinder today, 1/2 mile shorter run than mine and I could see him at a number of points on the run back making me work all the harder, got back just a few seconds ahead of him, both of us did well considering the heat. 5 seconds a mile off target pace but i'll take that over Wednesdays poor attempt any day.

7.04 miles in 53:25 speed 7.9mph pace 7:35 min mile

1 July 2015

Deadlift 01-Jul-2015

I forgot the last and only other time I did this type of sessions was in winter. I tend to leak rather than sweat and that caused metro abandon the 4th circuit, when I can't grip because the sweat is literally washing away my chalk faster than I can apply it there's no choice.

3 circuits 10 reps each no rest except swig of water at end of circuit or to chalk

Deadlift with fat gripz 90kg
Upright row low pulley 30kg
Single arm kettlebell swings change with catch at top
Narrow grip chins

Running 01-Jul-2015

Officially at my evaporating point today, 30 C or 86 F. Humidity hasn't dropped below 100% in a while now and it was right up there today.
I took along a little runners water bottle which helped a bit by enabling me to finish but I was feeling sick with the heat at a couple of points. Time was appalling but in fairness I am just happy to have made it around, as a cold weather runner this is killing me.
Latest update to running app is to automatically set the phone to power save, which is OK as I don't really need the screen on etc. but it has also meant it is less accurate on the GPS tracking by checking my position less often. I know the run is 7 miles anyway, sometimes the app says more other times less but the same route is the same distance.

6.94 miles in 56:46 speed 7.3mph pace 8:10 min mile

30 June 2015

Intervals 30-Jun-2015

Started well and strong, got to the 5th sprint and the heat started telling on me, by the end I was upright by default. Recoveries just weren't cutting it today, felt like they were shorter than the sprints.
I know our ability to sweat makes us the planets best distance runner, but my body missed that memo. Sweating rivers and still struggling with heat. I was evidently intended to chase reindeer rather than gazelle, imagine it would take a while before one of them stopped due to heat exhaustion though.
Anyway I did it, it wasn't impressive, but it beats nothing.

3.91 miles in 33:22 average speed 7mph

Squats 30-Jun-2015

Well the fact I did everything I intended to this week, apart form on last circuit when depth on jump squats and overheads was less than ideal, has to be a good sign. The fact I felt ready to drop at the end of it demonstrates how stupid it is to do no rest circuits that effect the same body parts but that's all part of the fun I guess. It is quick, intense and I do remember it making the following block pretty good last time so I will persevere with it, despite it's obvious stupidity.

4 circuits X 10 reps (a side in case of lunges), no rest except sip of water at end of each run through.

Jump squats 70kg, need more depth next time
Step forward lunges 10kg plate in each hand, needs to be 15kg a side next time
Kettlebell goblet squats 24kg, needs to be 28kg next time
Overhead squats 25kg disc, want to aim for more depth, see how I go, bit wobbly by the time I get here.

29 June 2015

Running 29-Jun-2015

Somebody moved us a lot closer to this big ball of flaming gas today and forgot to get rid of excess moisture from the air. Subsequently I was melting and even though I felt as though I had more physically at the end there was nothing in the lungs to provide much needed oxygen to the body.

6.99 miles in 54:06 speed 7.7mph pace 7:44 min mile

26 June 2015

Running 26-Jun-2015

There is no such thing as an enjoyable epileptic seizure, but last nights was as close as they get, a relieving seizure. As with many things symptomatic epilepsy is aggravated by stress, something I have been a bit overdosed on the last few weeks. Normal situation for me is either I get a fair size seizure at the height of this stress or as it's released, the change seems to be the final push. I almost always get warning, normally a day or so, but sometimes the warning is around for a week or more, this time it was over 2 weeks and it gets to the point where you just want it to get on and happen. Stress has reduced a lot and I now know a lot of what is coming up so this was just a relief, especially as the prolonged warnings are accompanied by ridiculous tiredness and really mess with my training. So next week back to abnormal and should get my first full week in around a month, going to count that as week 1 of the block.
Humidity on the run was insane. I know water vapour doesn't condense at low altitude, it freezes at high before becoming rain, but the bit I had today felt like it wasn't falling but as if I was running into it as it formed. Not far off target though and considering I will get a severe kick in the rear for pushing it after last night I will have to take what I can from that.

7.03 miles in 53:07 speed 7.9mph pace 7:33 min mile

25 June 2015

Running 25-Jun-2015

Too darned hot. tried ignoring it but there is a limit for wusses like me who suffer badly in the heat. For those of you for whom 24 centigrade is just dandy and charming, enjoy it, for me this is 1.5 times melting point and approaching evaporation point, especially with the humidity.
Actually fairly happy with the run considering and finished knowing I'd given everything, but it wouldn't be right if I didn't want more and was annoyed at it not being faster for how hard going it was.

7.03 miles in 53:47 speed 7.8mph pace 7:39 min mile.

23 June 2015

Intervals 23-Jun-2015

This wasn't expected to be wonderful. Legs, butt and back are really giving me grief from yesterday's squat session, other areas ache but not as badly. Pacesetter backed out because he trained legs last night, light weight or what? I tried running as if he was there and in fairness I think I must have done pretty well at this, especially as my legs sent a memo at the end of the 6th sprint when I wanted them to keep going for the recovery to say they had died or left with no forwarding address. First 8 were consistent sprints, last 2 were slower because I had nothing left.
I now feel totally wasted, which is perfect.

3.92 miles in 33:15 average speed 7.1mph

Squats 22-Jun-2015

Time is not being my friend of late and this will be the case for a few weeks to come so I have decided to go back to doing something I did a couple of years ago which killed me then and is doing so again now, no rest heavy circuits. The idea is to have a weight a bit below rep max to allow fatigue to become the intensity, great for endurance, but keep it heavy enough to maintain a strength focus. There is no formula for working this out, it has to be try it and adjust. Aim is to be up to 5 circuits within 2 weeks then load more weight again.
Session was last night, I ache like hell.

4 circuits X 10 reps (a side in case of lunges), no rest except sip of water at end of each run through.

Jump squats 70kg, need more depth next time
Step forward lunges 10kg plate in each hand, needs to be 15kg a side next time
Kettlebell goblet squats 24kg, needs to be 28kg next time
Overhead squats 25kg disc, want to aim for more depth, see how I go, bit wobbly by the time I get here.

22 June 2015

Running 22-Jun-2015

Not a happy bunny. Humidity was at a level where most of the oxygen I was breathing had a few hydrodgens keeping it company and I struggled just to breathe. Worked like heck but knew it was rubbish, 22 seconds a minute behind target, slowest run on this route, not a good start to the week.

7.04 miles in 55:28 speed 7.6mph pace 7:52 min mile

19 June 2015

Running 19-Jun-2015

A better run today. Pace setters were there and when I started catching them near the end still had some energy left to keep me working like heck right to the end. Of 3 starters I finished 3rd, I travelled 0.7 miles further but still finished seconds behind them ready to collapse. 2nd best time on this route.

7.03 miles in 52:06 speed 8.1mph pace 7:24 min mile

18 June 2015

Running 18-Jun-2015

Well today was strange. I was running at the limit of my lungs so expected something pretty awesome as a time. I didn't expect to be 6 seconds a mile off target pace. I could give excuses, heat humidity etc. which are all valid but in truth I was disappointed at the pace consider my RPE, but accept this was all I had today.

7.03 miles in 53:26 speed 7.9mph pace 7:36 mile

Deadlifts 17-Jun-2015

Well the after effects of doing intervals with someone who really can sprint was a very achy core. Not had lower back and obliques aching from running in a long time, may it happen again many more times.
Today I am suffering the effects of having been pulled out of the session too quickly to have stretched after training. Normally I would be aching today I am didn't stretch aching.
Want life to get back to remotely close to normal, really messing with my training at the moment. This is my worst block in some time.
Corrected some form issues including foot position that was making my legs wobbly. I know the last 3 on my set of 12 were far from perfect and doing that weight for them killed me for future sets. Next time need to try 10 with 102.5, maybe 8 with 105 so I can get the 6 rep weight up.

Deadlifts from static with fat gripz
15 x 85kg, 12 x 100kg, 6 (should have been 10) x 105kg, 8 x 100kg, 10 x 90kg, 12 x 80kg, 15 x 70kg

16 June 2015

Intervals 16-Jun-2015

Today I had a pace setter who can sprint substantially better than I can which was brilliant. Later in the session I got 1 where I finished just ahead of him and a couple where it was a close finish hard to say who was ahead or if it was a draw. However there were 4 where he was at least a second ahead of me at the end of the sprint, which on 20 second sprints is massive. In short I was thoroughly caned and worked like hell to try keeping up.
His recoveries were slower so I brought my pace down during these too. So overall distance is lower today which shows how little these stats mean, because I worked harder today than I have in some time on intervals. There is no substitute for having someone better than you to really make you work.

3.86 niles in 33:43 average speed 6.9mph

15 June 2015

Price of Pain Tolerance

I have encountered a number of pseudo disabled or just general whingers who complain because they wake up in pain, often daily. I have been doing this for decades and if anything have tried turning it to my advantage. Knowing I am going to wake up in pain anyway means I can train harder and be in pain from the day or so before rather than damage I caused decades ago. Part of my acceptance seems to derive from my knowing the pain I feel is largely from stupid things I have done so is my own fault.
Becoming accustomed to this over the years has given me quite a high pain tolerance, something until recently I have thought was a strength with few drawbacks and I felt I could deal with these. An example is when I broke 3 of my toes a number of years ago and accepted the anti-inflammatory medication but refused pain relief, not because I am too tough, but because I judge what I can do based on pain so if I don't feel the pain I would push too far and cause more damage. Basically I am too stupid to use painkillers in this type of situation but smart enough to realise this and work with it.
There is an example of where this can go horribly wrong I saw over the weekend and this has made me think a bit. My father is someone else who got used to waking up in pain daily and just dealing with it. Pre-seat belt laws he had an accident driving a van where the van ended up on its side with him going through the windscreen and landing in a pile of glass on the floor. I was passenger in the van with a seat belt, got hurt a little but I remember the blood around him making it clear his was far worse. The damage to his back wasn't enough to stop him working, he had a family to feed and got on with it. So when new bits of pain started up they were largely ignored in the same way. The latest of these was in his liver, an area close enough to his back to be ignored until it left him stranded at the roadside unable to drive due to pain. After some tests etc. they found he has inoperable advanced liver cancer and infection, considering the liver can grow back with anything up to 80% of it removed this has been an issue for some time.
This is the cost of pain tolerance. We become so used to feeling pain daily and just ignoring it that we don't report things until they are too late. In the case of my father, he will pay the ultimate price for this by dying from something that is incredibly easy to fix if caught early enough. The liver is the most resilient organ so cancer or damage here is usually fixed by simply removing the affected part and allowing the body to replace it. There are lifestyle changes during recovery and often liver diseases have a lifestyle cause, like long term excessive alcohol consumption which have to stop permanently but it's easier to fix than a heart issue.
I know the pain I wake up in is more than he grew accustomed to so even though I am less upset than many expect me to be about his upcoming demise it has had an impact on me. My father wasn't present for most of my upbringing and for various reasons his promises to see me fell through so often I remember responding to one promise of see you on Friday with 'Which Friday?' before walking away. A macho person would declare this showed how little they cared, in truth this showed how much damage it had caused. The impact his demise is having on me is very different to this. I am realising how badly damaged or close to death I could be before bothering to tell one of the thousands of overpaid and under competent GPs we have here in the UK. It's not a pleasant thought.
Everything in life has a cost. My fitness costs time and effort from training, fortunately I enjoy this but the training costs energy which I have to eat, while I like nice food much of what I eat is literally just fuel because I need it. The benefits I get from being fit and the enjoyment I have for my training make this worthwhile. Now of course I have to figure out if my life of being so used to background pain I barely seem to notice it is worth the damage that could occur without me realising. Truth is of course I am likely too far down the road to be able to do anything about it, but none the less it will take some thought.

Running 15-Jun-2015

Well the weekend was interesting. Not as much sleep as I needed, a lot more time driving than I needed. Generally mentally and physically shattered in the name of ensuring my son got to see his grandfather before he dies, which dependent on how the process of draining fluid from his liver goes will either be very soon if not well or they can't because the swelling is stopping him eating or fairly soon because regardless he is well past curable.
Run was different. My pace setter got caught up in a meeting so I started without him expecting him not to be able to join in. On my way back I saw him and decided to finish his run out and back with him. Subsequently the distance is slightly higher, I would say the pace is not much slower than I would have got without doing this, I may have got 7.8mph but no more today. Calorie burn was insane 1,012 calories in just over an hour.

7.75 miles in 01:00:52 speed 7.6mph pace 7:51 mile

12 June 2015

Running 12-Jun-2015

Well I have long maintained weight training is safe with the caveat, if you do the movements right, something only possible if you are focused and paying attention. I have sometimes wondered how much it would take to make me incapable of being able to focus in and make training so dangerous I daren't even start the session. Now I know. It required me dealing with the fact the man whose long term abuse has meant despite her greatest effort my wife has not been able to keep herself able to walk denying criminal charges and having to make statements about it, my son needing to be pulled form school for his mental health and it taking an age to do so which is damaging him, then getting a call saying my dad is dying of liver cancer and having to organise getting to be able to have my son see his grandfather before he dies. Life has been better and one at a time these things will resolve. Hopefully I will extract my head from my rectum in time for weights next week.
Run was slower than normal as I decided to simply help the pace setter improve his pace by going along with him on his distance, still good therapy.

6.5 miles in 53:28 speed 7.3mph

11 June 2015

Running 11-Jun-2015

Heat up, speed down, pace setters absent. Not best pleased. 21 celcius, 100% humidity and negligible wind I couldn't even feel.
Feel absolutely shattered and ready to flake out asleep, which just makes it worse.

7.05 miles in 54:58 speed 7.7mph pace 7:47 min mile

9 June 2015

Intervals 09-Jun-2015

Intervals are all about feel. The distance I covered this week was less, as was the overall pace because I brought someone else along who is not at my level at this time. this meant the recovery stages were at a slower pace than normal, but the trade off was I had loads to give the sprints.
The guy I was with had never done intervals before so every sprint he was watching me disappear, but for a first time out he was frankly pretty awesome. I feel like I have had my lungs panel beaten from the inside, so i'm happy too.

3.93 miles in 33:55 average speed 7mph

Squats 08-Jun-2015

Well after 2 weeks without doing squats it was a bit much to expect this to be a good session.
Life is currently doing a good job of getting in the way of my training at the moment as well meaning I was rushing a bit and not allowing enough rest time. Net result I got to the set of 10 on the way back up the reps and felt ready to pass out, then decided it had to be time to stop.
I will get fully back into it again but at the moment there are other things more important. Aggression I can use and some stresses give me plenty of this, however when the stress involves things I can't control that are affecting those I care about it's more upsetting then aggression generating, that I can run off but not blast out in weights. Hopefully this situation will soon be sorted. Life never runs out of stress, not if you're doing it right, it's just a case of keeping the right sort of stress in your life.

Squats with knee sleeves
15 x 90kg, 12 x 105kg, 10 x 120kg, 8 x 130kg, 2 (should have been 6) x 140kg, 8 x 120kg, lift off with 105kg

8 June 2015

Running 08-May-2015

Oh I do love the inaccuracy of GPS. I start at the same place, finish at the same place, the mid point and route all identical. Somehow today it was 0.2 miles less than on Friday of last week, there was me thinking plat tectonics was a slow inches a year process, but obviously not.
In a classic case of do as I say not as I do, I was just telling someone this morning that when it's hot and humid time becomes irrelevant, today was misty drizzle, not as hot as last week. But more importantly my pace setter brought his midway point forward a bit making his route a couple of hundred metres shorter overall, something I only found out when I could see the so and so and kept pushing ever harder to catch him. I failed to do so but knocked almost a minute of my time for this route, think it may be a PB on this one.

7.03 miles in 52:09 speed 8.1mph pace 7:25 min mile

Deadlift 06-May-2015

I knew last week was unlikely to be a complete one for training, life is not always good for your routine.
I managed to get in the start of the deadlift session and got pulled away after my set of 6 to get on with other more important things.
In terms of the session it went well, increased weight and even though my set of 8 was missing the latter half, I can't complain too much when the set of 10 was a pretty good one, up until the last rep, with my previous 6 rep weight. Not sure how fatigued I would have been on the way back up the reps but hopefully this week will go to normal plan.
Fairly sure I could nail 107.5kg for 6 if I went for 105 for 8, maybe even 110. Will find out this week.

15 x 85kg, 12 x 95kg, 10 x 102.5kg, 4 (should have been 8) x 110kg, 6 x 105kg.

5 June 2015

Running 05-Jun-2015

For those living in countries where 24 celcius is mid winter, you have my sympathies. For me this is 1.5 x melting point and with 100% humidity I was suffering. There was a massive 3.8mph wind which in terms of cooling was the equivalent of someone wave a sheet of paper from the other side of the room.
Fortunately I did get a pace setter today and he took a half mile shortcut meaning when I got to the halfway point I knew he would have got to his and turned back already and I had to give it all I had to get back roughly a minute after him.
Net result was actually a good run 4 seconds a mile above summer target on my hottest day of the year so far.

7.23 miles in 53:49 speed 8.1mph

4 June 2015

Bench 03-Jun-2015

Definitely a session where I got to a point and energy left the building. 7 or the 8 on 75kg where good clean reps, the 8th worked it's way up with a bit of seesawing, definitely red light worthy.
Happy even though set of 6 was actually a 4 as I did better on weight than I expected overall.

Bench press
15 x 50kg, 12 x 60kg, 10 x 70kg, 8 x 75kg, 4 (should have been 6) x 77.5kg, 1 x 70kg + 7 x 60kg when it became clear there would be no 2nd with 70, 10 x 50kg, 12 x 40kg, 15 x 30kg felt so much harder than such a light weight should.

Fast standing shoulder press with 30kg target 60 reps
18, 13, 11, 11, 8 which at the time I worked out should be 60 and as typing up realised was 61

2 June 2015

Intervals 02-Jun-2015

Well that was fun. I do tend to suck at intervals, being a less than spectacular sprinter, so they normally fit into the category of do them because it improves my ability at stuff I do actually enjoy. Today somehow I managed to enjoy doing them, which is unusual for me.
Started strong, first sprints felt really good and the recoveries were good. Next few the sprints were OK but I started feeling ready to die during recovery, all good so far. By the end the sprints were becoming really hard work and recovery wasn't feeling long enough, the perfect interval session. I will improve these pathetic lungs if it kills me.

Overall stats mean nothing on intervals but I post them anyway.
3.99 miles in 32:46 average speed 7.3mph

1 June 2015

Running 01-Jun-2015

Not too bad if fair. After a week off, which included a couple of all you can eats this was pleasingly acceptable. Won't be acceptable for long of course but today I will be kind to myself.

6.21 miles in 48:03 speed 7.8mph

Deadlifts 25-May-2015

Writing this up a bit late, a week late in fact. Session was a couple of days late as it was. Forearms ached like heck for a few days after this but my grip is definitely improving with the fat gripz.
This was the only training I did last week and it was a leftover from the week before. Took a break and spent time with family so I don't regret it at all. come lunchtime when I struggle to run a decent pace, this evening when squats suffer and tomorrow when I ache like heck I may have some regrets, but that's fine.

Deadlifts with hold from stop with fat gripz
15 x 80kg, 12 x 90kg, 10 x 100kg, 8 x 105kg, 6 x 110kg (last couple less than tidy), 12 x 100kg, 10 x 90kg, 12 x 80kg, 15 x 70kg

Want to start at 82,5 or 85kg next time to increase all round. Was supposed to have chins after this but my limited time window shut and I stopped there.

22 May 2015

Running 21/22 May 2015

Yesterday's run got cut short by a phone call at just before the 5 mile mark, was sayign around 42:36 at the time so I was a bit behind pace. I forgot to stop the tracking after so it recorded my journey home in the car too at the end of my work day, record pace for me on foot.
Today the guys in my dept. who have started running with me decided to do a mixed terrain run which was interesting. I took some time adapting from off road to road running and the cost is I am not as good at off road as I used to be. Still fun, and it does me good to do things I am not good at. Actually really pleased as I was only 3 seconds a mile off target pace overall today, pace setters are great.

7.03 miles in 53:07 speed 7.9mph

20 May 2015

Bench 20-May-2015

Well I went sensible and did 72.5 for 6. Realistically that was my limit, but I will try more on earlier sets next time.

Bench press
15 x 45kg, 12 x 55kg, 10 x 65kg, 8 x 70kg,6 x 72.5kg

Shoulder press 30kg fast target 60 reps
18, 12, 12, 10, 8

19 May 2015

Intervals 19-May-2015

Legs took some persuading to move, but the intervals taxed my lungs a treat, all good fun.

The usual meaningless stats on intervals
3.99 miles in 32:45 average speed 7.3mph

Squats 19-May-2015

Not sure if to be happy or not on last night's squat session. Top weight was down slightly, I am not sure if I could have done more or not, certainly felt like 6 was enough at 130 by the time I had done working sets before it. Need to decide if to start at 95 or 100kg next time as the 5 a side steps up seem good. Was certainly toast at the end of the squats. Think might need to increase the tuck jump target again, full on shocked myself with the first set, wasn't expecting to have recovered that well. Because last set wasn't too many final rest was short again.

Squats with neoprene knee sleeves
15 x 90kg, 12 x 100kg, 10 x 110kg, 8 x 120kg, 6 x 130kg, 8 x 110kg, 10 x 100kg, 12 x 90kg, 15 x 80kg

Tuck jumps target 150
50, 42, 38, 20

18 May 2015

Running 18-May-2015

Hot (my version of hot anyway), humid with enough rain to keep the humidity up but not cool down. Not my favourite but if I waited for perfect conditions I would hardly ever run.
Run wasn't at all bad considering, so that'll do for today.
Deadlifts last week didn't happen, not best pleased. Shifted a couple of ton of the back garden to the local tip, which anyone doing likewise in the UK will tell you gets you treated as if you are dumping toxic waste. Physical but prefer deadlifts any day.

6.22 miles in 47:21 speed 7.9mph

15 May 2015

Running 15-May-2015

I would love to say I was sensible today because I had a seizure a couple of nights ago and that yesterday was a day off because I am smart and took it easy.
Yesterday wasn't really my choice. Work priorities removed my lunch time so there was no lunch time run. By the evening I was too tired and my wife noticed meaning I would have had more than a bit of a hard time trying to do deadlifts. Either I'm not insured well enough or she loves me, but apparently risking death is not allowed. I know which it is obviously and as stated in a previous blog post it's fortunately mutual.
Today I was running with a new colleague who is used to running 10km as his standard distance and wanted to know the route. I used this as an opportunity to take it a bit easy running my normal route while being useful. So no blistering times today, unusually I don't actually care.
Still have deadlifts to do this week and fully intend to do them. If I don't want my wife's boot print on my posterior this may have to wait until tomorrow morning but that's OK.

6.4 miles (Don't you just love GPS, really just over 6.2) in 52:42 speed 7.3mph